
Total Results: 991 records

Showing results for "reasons".

    January 01, 2012 - Understanding Development Methods from Other Industries to Improve the Design of Consumer Health Information Technology - 2012 Project Name Understanding Development Methods from Other Industries to Improve the Design of Consumer Health Information Technology Principal Investigator Monta…
    January 01, 2011 - The Medication Metronome Project 1 | The MedicaTion MeTronoMe ProjecT Utilizing HealtH information tecHnology (it) to improve HealtH care QUality (r18) The Medication Metronome Project Principal Investigator: Atlas, Steven J., M.D. Organization: Massachusetts General Hospital Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utili…
  3. Welcome Letter (pdf file)
    April 09, 2009 - Welcome Letter Date: Dear (Mr. / Ms.) _________, WELCOME to the San Francisco Health Plan Diabetes Telephone Support Project! We are very excited that you will be participating. In this letter you will find important information about the Diabetes Project including how to reach us. Participati…
    September 21, 2009 - Industrial and Systems Engineering and Health Care: Critical Areas of Research Workshop - Information Technology, Finance and Quantitative Decision Making Group Report Industrial and Systems Engineering and Health Care: Critical Areas of Research Workshop Monday, September 21, 2009 Information Technology/Finance and…
    April 10, 2007 - A National Web Conference on the Massachusetts E-Health Collaborative: A National Web Conference on the Massachusetts E-Health Collaborative: Index of Questions and Comments Presented by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) April 10, 2007 Panelists David Bates, MD, Partners HealthCare Sys…
    January 01, 2013 - One of the most common reasons for this preference revolved around the fact that a human being responds … The reasons provided were “computers are faster” and “it would be more accurate.” … alerts admitted that they probably would not have done anything about these alerts for the following reasons … As the following table shows, a variety of reasons were offered by patients to account for non-utilization … behavior and exercise has shown positive results and impressive utilization rates.3-8 Understanding the reasons
    January 01, 2011 - There are many reasons why a VPA should provide an effective medium for patients transitioning from … The remaining 840 were excluded for the following reasons: not meeting inclusion criteria (n=415), declined … to participate (n=169), were not approached or were unavailable (n=231) or other reasons (n=24) (e.g … Reasons: discharged during un-staffed hours, medication reconciliation unable to be completed. †† † … Delayed access to health care: risk factors, reasons and consequences.
    January 01, 2014 - The reasons for this widespread problem include a clinical work- force that is generally unprepared … PWebvideoquality Percent Excellent 28 Good 72 Poor 1 We also examined components the most common reasons
    January 01, 2009 - developing those standards panels, some of which are accepted but they're not in wide use for a variety of reasons
    January 01, 2019 - attendings • Encourage patients to request attendings to use this feature for clearly defined reasons … Though we did not detect improvement in patient activation, there were several methodological reasons
    March 01, 2011 - .; the reasons for each issue or change; and the impact of each issue or change, including how you plan
    January 01, 2012 - Five of the six interviewees primarily went to the web only when they had specific reasons (e.g., to … Among the reasons for her distaste included the narrator’s “grating voice” and the site’s lack of interactivity … online searches Once a week or more 5 13.9 8 26.7 0.19 Online is for self 19 52.8 19 63.3 0.38 Reasons … Among the reasons that older adults see their physicians relatively frequently is that they often have
    January 01, 2024 - AHRQ-Funded Research at #AMIA2024 Annual Symposium 20 Y E A R S Digital Healthcare Research Advancing Today’s Discoveries, Transforming Tomorrow’s Care AHRQ-Funded Research at #AMIA2024 Annual Symposium LEA RN MORE ONL INE AT www.ahrq.govNovember 9 - 13, 2024 San Francisco, CA FEATURED SESSION: 20 Yea…
    August 06, 2024 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Chronic Pain Management Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management Patient-Facing TAPR-CPM* Application Orientation and Training *TAPR-CPM (Tapering And Patient Reported Outcomes for Chronic Pain Management) application (app) * Agenda Our practice workflow for opio…
    August 06, 2024 - Clinical Decision Support (CDS) for Chronic Pain Management Clinical Decision Support for Chronic Pain Management Patient-Facing TAPR-CPM* Application Orientation and Training *TAPR-CPM (Tapering And Patient Reported Outcomes for Chronic Pain Management) application (app) * Agenda Our practice workflow for opio…
    January 01, 2008 - 6 Barriers to MII Diffusion Despite the potential benefits of MII, there are many reasons … These reasons may also explain why some institutions have elected to defer implementation. … There are several reasons for the shift in focus to cost and potential financial returns.
    January 01, 2014 - Reasons for discontinuing breastfeeding Insufficient milk production and poor latching of babies were … some of the common reasons for discontinued breastfeeding. … Practices Breastfeeding Discomforts Breast milk Supplementation Breastfeeding support groups Reasons
    January 01, 2011 - modifiable risk factor for cardiovascular disease among US adults and it is among the most common reasons … usefulness”, which is widely used in IT research23 , broadens an assessment of satisfaction to include reasons … The systematic qualitative process evaluation illuminated the reasons why the intervention improved
    January 01, 2023 - who will be more patient and cooperative as problems are identified, as opposed to users looking for reasons
    January 01, 2023 - Workflow Transitions in Care The demand for home healthcare (HHC) has grown for a variety of reasons

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