
Total Results: 991 records

Showing results for "reasons".

    January 01, 2023 - Brownbridge G et al. 1986 "An interactive computerized protocol for the management of hypertension: effects on the general-practitioner's clinical behavior." Reference Brownbridge G, Evans A, Fitter M, et al. An interactive computerized protocol for the management of hypertension: effects on the gener…
    January 01, 2023 - USA, UT, Salt Lake City An Age-Friendly Learning Healthcare System: A Transformative Digital Solution for Geriatrics Clinics Description The study will create and implement digital tools using the SMART on FHIR framework to support Age-Friendly care in clinical practice and in…
    June 14, 2021 - (for example, for additional meds when only one drug from a medication cocktail is selected or for reasons
    January 01, 2019 - Story   Adhering to a prescribed medication schedule is difficult for some individuals for reasons
    January 01, 2010 - Possible reasons include the small number of events, the outcomes being far removed from the application
    January 01, 2017 - Rather than an experimental design, we seeked to understand reasons for use or non-use of the LCIM … providers’ familiarity with the LCIM; 2) providers’ use routines (i.e. when and how they use it); and 3) reasons … that providers’ style of use as well as use characteristics of this novel HIT may vary for several reasons
    October 14, 2020 - AHRQ National Web Conference on Applying Advanced Analytics in Clinical Care - Q&As AHRQ National Web Conference on Applying Advanced Analytics in Clinical Care Q&A Responses …
    July 25, 2012 - included. 27 Technology Used for Remote Monitoring of CHF We chose Cardiocom for several reasons … Rate Dis-enrolled*:3 / 15 20% Graduated: 5 / 65 7.8% Overall: 10% 8 / 80 * Disenrollment reasons
    January 01, 2018 - Interviews with 21 patients suggested that key reasons for continued engagement was that the app was … Interviews with 21 patients suggested that key reasons for continued engagement was that the app was
    January 01, 2021 - A Feasibility Study of Cloud-Based Care Plans for Children with Medical Complexity Project Description The use of a cloud-based, multidisciplinary care plan--Cloud Care--may improve care coordination for children with medical comp…
    January 01, 2023 - Blecker, Saul B. Seasonal variation in readmission risk for patients hospitalized with cardiopulmonary conditions. Citation Blecker S, Kwon JY, Herrin J, Grady JN, Horwitz LI. Seasonal variation in readmission risk for patients hospitalized with cardiopulmonary conditions. J G…
  12. E_Glossary (pdf file)
    April 13, 2012 - E_Glossary Appendix E: Glossary Privacy and Security Assessment of Variation Toolkit E-1 APPENDIX E: GLOSSARY Like any technical topic, discussions of privacy and security can use jargon that makes them difficult to understand. This glossary is provided to help ensure that other documents i…
  13. E_Glossary (pdf file)
    April 26, 2013 - E_Glossary Appendix E: Glossary APPENDIX E: GLOSSARY Like any technical topic, discussions of privacy and security can use jargon that makes them difficult to understand. This glossary is provided to help ensure that other documents included in the toolkit can be clearly understood, even by those not …
    March 15, 2009 - The Excellence Report: Quality Measures for Colonoscopy Provider All CORI 1753843741 Providers Total number of ambulatory procedures performed 162 43751 Patient age documented in 100% 100 % Average patient age 61 years 59 years Patient gender documented in 100% 100 % …
    December 29, 2006 - quite limited interorganizational exchanges of clinical information being done electronically for 3 reasons … Typically, states raised interstate issues for one of two reasons: (1) either there is considerable
    January 01, 2011 - CDSC In-person Meeting Slides - Accomplishments, Challenges, and Questions Clinical Decision Support Consortium: Legal Aspects of CDS: IP & Liability Blackford Middleton, MD Tonya Hongsermeier, MD, MBA Lana Tsurikova, MSc, MA Agenda • Legal issues as part of Clinical Decision Support (CDS). • Knowledge Managem…
    January 01, 2012 - Insights for Community Health - 2012 Project Name Insights for Community Health Principal Investigator Schoenthaler, Antoinette Organization New York University School of Medicine Funding Mechanism PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health…
    January 01, 2010 - Understanding Development Methods from Other Industries to Improve the Design of Consumer Health IT - 2010 Project Name Understanding Development Methods from Other Industries to Improve the Design of Consumer Health Information Technology Principal Investigator Montague, Enid Or…
    September 19, 2008 - a lot of great opportunities to improve the quality of care that gets delivered in our country for reasons … actually achieve the promise or achieve the value of HIT, and I think there are two fundamental reasons
    October 01, 2009 - you to think about evaluation of your HIT activities in the context of CMS funding as well for three reasons … and again, this kind of sounds silly and like a no-brainer, but everybody tends to have different reasons … because they think it’s going to save them money and increase efficiencies so there’s a variety of reasons … So, again, many, many different reasons why do evaluations. … develop those relationships and meet one another and talk about your concerns and really emphasize the reasons

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