
Total Results: 991 records

Showing results for "reasons".

    January 01, 2009 - imperative that every step taken built on the trust that was slowly growing and provided additional reasons … Data exchange could not be established with LabCorp for reasons beyond the project team’s control. … can see the great potential of the HIE but had not yet been able to realize this potential for the reasons … The reasons for the low utilization rates are not clear, but it is believed to be a factor of the “
    February 01, 2012 - One of the primary reasons that this device did not have a significant impact is the … Care Pharmacy JMCP January/February 2012 Vol. 18, No. 1 use of it.43 The most common reasons … In a study of the reasons providers commonly override DDI alerts, one of the most commonly cited … reasons was “patient being monitored.”41 Furthermore, the present study involved a retrospective … Reasons provided by pre- scribers when overriding drug-drug interaction alerts.
    January 01, 2011 - There were several reasons for this. … There are several reasons for this. … all patients admitted between Feb 1 and Jul 31, 2008, with the exception of oncology patients, for reasons … Of the 24 ADEs that the automated system missed, below is a table that summarizes the reasons. … Summary Reasons Automated System missed Chart Review ADEs Count % Allergy Lists and search term of
    January 01, 2008 - the Joint Commission, clinicians rarely find the POC useful in day to day practice for a variety of reasons … conceptualized for this study, a collective mind cannot be assessed directly or by a single measure for two reasonsReasons for not meeting the expected ratings were gathered at discharge to help understand the variance … There were mixed results on the reasons for not meeting expected ratings. .
    January 01, 2003 - Babbitt N 2003 "In record time: diary of an EMR installation." Reference Babbitt N. In record time: diary of an EMR installation. Health Manag Technol 2003;24(2):28-30. Abstract "For years, the physicians, nurses, and staff at Roswell Pediatric Center, PC, in Alpharetta, GA, wanted an electron…
    March 28, 2007 - A National Web Conference on the Socio-technical Aspects of Health IT: A National Web Conference on the Socio-technical Aspects of Health IT: Index of Questions and Comments Presented by the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) and its National Resource Center for Health IT March 28, 2007 Pan…
    May 23, 2011 - Context and Overview of the Model Multilateral Participation Agreement Context and Overview of the Model Multilateral Participation Agreement Davis Wright Tremaine LLP Davis Wright Tremaine LLPDavis Wright Tremaine LLP 2 Overview Model Contract Introduction Structure overview Definitions Purpose of Mod…
    January 01, 2023 - Veteran Affairs Medical Center A Longitudinal Machine Learning Approach Providing Clinicians Timely Detection to Prevent Military Suicide Description This research will develop and validate a clinician-facing longitudinal risk-prediction tool using self-reported data from US m…
    January 01, 2023 - Critical Path Method Acronym CPM Also Known As Activity Network Diagram Critical Path Analysis Description The critical path method (CPM) allows you to calculate the "critical path" of a project by showing the necessary order of tasks, the ideal project schedule, and possible pro…
    January 01, 2017 - Health Insurance Exchange Basics AlAn Weil, Adi ShAfir, And SArAbeth Zemel State-based health insurance exchanges play a central role in implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Exchanges are intended to simplify and structure health insurance choices for individuals, families, and sma…
    August 26, 2014 - medications • Med recon was performed; who did it; what sources were used • Medications prescribed • Reasons … for not continuing a medication • Med recon at outpatient follow-up visits 74 Examples of Reasons … Adaptation for Med Recon New EHR Module for Med Recon Examples of Variables to Consider Examples of Reasons
    January 01, 2008 - Ou MH et al. 2008 "Evaluation of TELEDERM for dermatological services in rural and remote areas." Reference Ou MH, West GA, Lazarescu M, et al. Evaluation of TELEDERM for dermatological services in rural and remote areas. Artif Intell Med 2008;44(1):27-40. Abstract "Objective: This paper descr…
    January 01, 2010 - However, anecdotal reports suggest that some providers may not be using the EPCS system for several reasons
    June 14, 2021 - (for example, for additional meds when only one drug from a medication cocktail is selected or for reasons
    January 01, 2019 - Story   Adhering to a prescribed medication schedule is difficult for some individuals for reasons
    May 23, 2011 - HIPAA 101: HIPAA Privacy for Health Information Exchange Davis Wright Tremaine LLP HIPAA 101: HIPAA Privacy for Health Information Exchange Becky Williams, R.N., J.D. Partner, Co-Chair, HIT/HIPAA Practice Group Davis Wright Tremaine LLP 206-628-7769 mailto:beckywilliams@dwt.…
    December 29, 2006 - quite limited interorganizational exchanges of clinical information being done electronically for 3 reasons … Typically, states raised interstate issues for one of two reasons: (1) either there is considerable
    July 25, 2012 - included. 27 Technology Used for Remote Monitoring of CHF We chose Cardiocom for several reasons … Rate Dis-enrolled*:3 / 15 20% Graduated: 5 / 65 7.8% Overall: 10% 8 / 80 * Disenrollment reasons
    January 01, 2023 - A true randomized allocation to the intervention or control groups was not possible due to logistic reasons
    January 01, 2010 - Possible reasons include the small number of events, the outcomes being far removed from the application

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