
Total Results: 991 records

Showing results for "reasons".

    January 01, 2023 - New York University School of Medicine iMatter2: An AI-Driven Approach to Supercharge a Novel Digital Patient-Reported Outcomes Tool for Diabetes Management Description This research will enhance, refine, and evaluate an artificial intelligence-supported tool that collects pat…
    January 01, 2023 - Medication Reconciliation Using Social Knowledge Networking (SKN) Technology To Enable Meaningful Use of EHR Technology Description This pilot project implemented a Social Knowledge Networking system and concluded that it supported progress toward meaningful use of medication …
    January 01, 2023 - Cause-and-Effect Diagram Also Known As Ishikawa Diagram Fishbone Diagram Examples Roberts L, Johnson C, Shanmugam R, et al. Computer simulation and six-sigma tools applied to process improvement in an emergency department. 17th Annual Society for Health Systems Management Engineering F…
    January 01, 2023 - Risk Assessment Cause-and-Effect Diagram Description Cause-and-effect diagrams provide a visual means of conveying all suspected and possible causes and consequences of a specific problem. Contingency Diagram Description The contingency diagram …
    January 01, 2023 - Task Analysis Tabular Task Analysis Description A tabular task analysis (TTA) is conducted to evaluate a task or scenario with regard to the necessary task steps and the interface used. The analysis evaluates specific elements of the bottom-level task steps within a hierarch…
    January 01, 2018 - Some of the reasons that an order was considered inappropriate included an incorrect route, frequency … They cited reasons such as improving the ease of counseling patients, insuring no medication errors … Discussion Although there are numerous compelling reasons to incorporate indications into computerized … both patients and pharmacists also support this idea of inclusion of indications for a variety of reasons
    January 01, 2022 - For knowledge base development, we processed MGB’s EHR data to identify alert override reasons. … Clinicians also expressed that they entered reactions as free text for several reasons including 1) … Possible reasons for the persistence of free text reaction entries include the enhanced picklist being
    January 01, 2010 - Possible reasons include the small number of events, the outcomes being far removed from the application
    January 01, 2023 - The researchers identified several reasons for low engagement: the study occurred during the COVID-19
    January 01, 2019 - groups (physicians and nurses) had similar complaints about technology, but not always for the same reasons … There are many reasons why communication between physicians and nurses is fraught and has been the … Two of the most common reasons cited in the literature are that first, physicians and nurses, representing
    May 20, 2008 - and topics • Current adoption of advanced clinical decision support is limited due to a variety of reasons
    April 18, 2010 - Limitations Current adoption of advanced clinical decision support is limited due to a variety of reasons
    January 01, 2010 - Electronic Health Record Did not Measure Up to the Demands of Our Medical Home Practice “One of our primary reasons
    May 15, 2008 - this is a goal that needs to be pursued and I agree with it, but for practical and logistical reasons … ve been into the mushrooms- again… be pursued and I agree with it, but for practical and logistical reasons
    March 20, 1997 - The policy needs to be adhered to, and actions taken need to be documented for HR reasons, for compliance … reasons, and to demonstrate that sanctions are applied equally across the organization for violations … There are many reasons that passwords typically are a weak link in the security chain. … Some of these reasons include: passwords are often created by the user, and can be easily guessed ( … For both of these reasons, PINs alone should not be used for authentication, but PINs can be effectively
    March 20, 1997 - The policy needs to be adhered to, and actions taken need to be documented for HR reasons, for compliance … reasons, and to demonstrate that sanctions are applied equally across the organization for violations … There are many reasons that passwords typically are a weak link in the security chain. … Some of these reasons include: passwords are often created by the user, and can be easily guessed ( … For both of these reasons, PINs alone should not be used for authentication, but PINs can be effectively
    September 30, 2009 - AmbulDATAFORM 4 ADE Incident Identification Formatory Pedi Med Study DATAFORM 4 ADE Incident Identification Form 1. Study ID Number: ___ ___-___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 2. Case Number: ___ ___ ___ ____ 3. Reviewer ID Number: ___ ___ 4. Brief description of ADE: ____________________________…
    January 01, 2023 - ACTS COVID-19 Evidence to Guidance to Action Collaborative Goals Cross-fertilize and accelerate efforts to develop and deliver to care teams the latest COVID-19 evidence-based guidance; Improve care and outcomes for COVID-19 patients and care teams in limited settings f…
    October 31, 2013 - IF YES: What are the biggest reasons for you to acquire an EHR? … IF NO: What are the biggest reasons for not getting an EHR? PROMPT: Are they too expensive?
    January 01, 2018 - About one-third of the alert override reasons pointed to irrelevant alerts (i.e." … Those findings warrant further investigation into providers' reasons for high override rate. … The authors aimed to explore the common drug a llergy alerts over the last 10 years and the reasons … Finally, more than half of the overrides’ reasons pointed to irrelevant alerts (i.e., patient has tolerated

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