January 01, 2023 - Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in … Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in
January 01, 2023 - Quality measure exceptions are defined by the Physician Consortium for Performance Improvement® (PCPI) as reasons … overall objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of exception reporting, document specific reasons … measures and 13,985 HF patients for three HF drug therapy performance measures, including exception reasons
January 01, 2011 - This project created systems that allowed clinicians to capture reasons for not providing care as part … Specific Aims:
Integrate simple, standard ways for clinicians to document patient reasons or medical … reasons for why quality measures are not met and assess the use of these exception codes, the impact … (Achieved)
Use the exception codes (patient reasons and medical reasons) that clinicians enter to target … three forms of quality improvement, including: 1) peer review of all medical reasons for not adhering
January 01, 2010 - This project creates systems that allow clinicians to capture reasons for not providing care as part … Specific Aims:
Integrate simple, standard ways for clinicians to document patient reasons or medical … reasons for why quality measures are not met and assess the use of these exception codes, the impact … and medical reasons) that clinicians enter to target three forms of quality improvement, including: … 1) peer review of all medical reasons for not adhering to guidelines followed by academic detailing if
August 01, 2011 - This project creates systems that allow clinicians to capture reasons for not providing care as part … Grant Summary
Specific Aims:
• Integrate simple, standard ways for clinicians to document patient reasons … or medical reasons for why
quality measures are not met and assess the use of these exception codes … (Ongoing)
• Use the exception codes (patient reasons and medical reasons) that clinicians enter to … target three
forms of quality improvement, including: 1) peer review of all medical reasons for not
January 01, 2023 - fail a quality measure they have met because data satisfying the measure was not captured; or have reasons … The specific aims were to:
Create simple, standard ways for clinicians to document patient reasons … or medical reasons for why quality measures are not met. … Use the exception codes that clinicians enter (i.e., patient reasons and medical reasons for not providing … preventive service) to target three strategies for quality improvement:
Peer review of all medical reasons
May 31, 2021 - of Study: To evaluate the disruptiveness of the alerts system, the acceptance rates of alerts and reasons … interactions only was deployed at all sites and types of alerts triggered, level of interruption and reasons
January 01, 2011 - This project created systems that allowed clinicians to capture reasons for not providing care as part … Specific Aims:
• Integrate simple, standard ways for clinicians to document patient reasons or medical … reasons for
why quality measures are not met and assess the use of these exception codes, the impact … (Achieved)
• Use the exception codes (patient reasons and medical reasons) that clinicians enter to … target three
forms of quality improvement, including: 1) peer review of all medical reasons for
Reasons at multiple levels account for the breach, including the architecture of the information system … None of these reasons could be classified, strictly speaking, as "security violations."
January 01, 2023 - Adherence by class
Patient self-reported adherence
Another area of investigation is determining reasons … interactive "character" to the patient to collect information about patient adherence
Determining Reasons … Reasons for non-adherence discovered by the grantees includes: cost, side effects, incorrect self-administration
January 01, 2013 - EHR, coded reasons at the point of
level 2 alert override are required. … The number of
overrides and coded reasons were collected.
• In the U.K. … No override reasons are
required. The number of overrides were collected.
January 01, 2009 - These exception criteria use broad categories; namely, exception
for medical, patient or system reasons … • Majority of true exceptions, 98.6%, were medical reasons. … • In the case of true exceptions, across the four measures, there were specific medical
reasons … • In the case of true exceptions, across the three measures, there were specific medical
reasons … The specific
reasons for a medical exception suggest standard categories of medical exceptions (eg,
January 01, 2023 - Joanne
Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons … Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in
January 01, 2000 - was almost the same after teledermatology (24%) as after a hospital appointment (26%) and for similar reasons … was almost the same after teledermatology (24%) as after hospital appointment (26%) and for similar reasons
March 15, 2011 - Center Healthcare Informatics and
Policy at Weill Cornell Medical
Research Model
Reasons … changes in vendor product to accommodate
research requirements
– Formative versus summative study
Reasons … Relationships
Shared Value
Reasons for collaboration
vendor perspective
Increase client satisfaction … Honour
Center Healthcare Informatics and Policy at Weill Cornell Medical College
Research Model
Reasons … Reasons for collaboration vendor perspective
Power in numbers !
January 01, 2023 - overall objectives of this study were to assess the prevalence of exception reporting, document specific reasons
January 01, 2023 - Decision Support
Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons … Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in
January 01, 2023 - Centeredness
Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons … Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in
August 16, 2021 - Purpose of Study: evaluate the types of hospitals that have implemented CPOE and potential reasons for
January 01, 2011 - or medical
reasons for why quality measures are not met. … Aim 2: Use the exception codes that clinicians enter (i.e., patient reasons and medical reasons
for … and patient reasons for not following
recommendations. … † Exceptions that are medical reasons, patient reasons, erroneous diagnoses, or LVEF >40% are entered … We added standardized ways to capture
patient reasons (e.g., refusals) or medical reasons that were