June 01, 2021 - PowerPoint Presentation
Identifying Targets To
Improve Antibiotic Use
Long-Term Care
AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
AHRQ Pub. No. 17(21)-0029
June 2021
Identifying Targets
Identify opportunities to improve antibiotic prescribing
Recognize how to leverage frontline staff to guide saf…
March 01, 2006 - When facilities were asked about their reasons for participating in the project, they were able to
indicate … multiple reasons, as shown in Table 1. … Reasons for participation in the Falls Data Collection Project
Reason for participation
N (%)
( … Reasons for participating in the Falls Data Collection Project Participation Questionnaire (n=42).
December 27, 2021 - This can lead to interventions that
do not address the real reasons for the problem, and to unsuccessful … trends and
patterns, conduct observations of care processes, and review medical charts for clues for reasons … List reasons that you identify and discuss these with staff and clinicians for additional
December 01, 2017 - Applied to CAUTI Prevention:
Improves patient understanding of catheters:
Appropriate reasons for
April 01, 2015 - Measure: Overuse of Imaging for Headache and Seizure, Policy for ALARA Specific to Imaging Children
Measure: Overuse of Imaging for Headache
and Seizure, Policy for ALARA Specific to
Imaging Children
Measure Developer: Quality Measurement, Evaluation, Testing, Review, and
Implementation Consortium (Q-METRIC), Uni…
October 01, 2015 - Measure: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) - Measure of Chronic Care Followup
Measure Fact Sheet – The AHRQ-CMS Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP)
Measure: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) --- Measure of Chronic
Care Followup
August 01, 2018 - Collection of demographic data, data pertaining to reasons for disenrollment,
and eligibility decisions … close gaps in coverage is inherently
more complex because such strategies require determination of the reasons … individuals exiting public insurance programs and entering private/commercial
insurance programs because the reasons
March 22, 2008 - review, many observers assert that outcomes of peer review fall short of
expectations for a variety of reasons … caught in and
decide to leave unsupportive or unsafe environments, we make no judgments about their reasons … The reasons for doctors’ practice patterns
and ways to change them.
August 12, 2014 - I always ask is are we giving the providers or the people who are inserting them for inappropriate reasons … is not only whether we’re putting into place a nurse-directed protocol, or automatic stop order, or reasons … Linda Greene:
Yes, and probably for the reasons I mentioned, so thank you. … Debra Cioffi:
Yeah, we tried to keep it very simple and only a few reasons, long anesthesia or something
September 25, 2015 - tweak it and guide it with a little bit more of the HICPAC guidelines versus we had some pretty general reasons … And I'll get my reasons, and they can give me legitimate reasons. … Several reasons, first, is that organizations likely have different goals and incentives from physicians … Strategies to identify defects include finding themes among event reporting, or common reasons for root
August 25, 2015 - Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) Toolkit Module 3: Preparing for Implementation: Change Readiness and Gap Analysis
Communication and Optimal Resolution
Module 3 – Preparing for Implementation:
Change Readiness and Gap Analysis
Module 3 of the CANDOR Toolkit describes the critical ste…
February 10, 2014 - C
Surface Area
Assessment Tool At Risk for Delayed Healing Reasons … assessment
documentation (Pressure Ulcer Assessment) will be displayed on the report as will the reasons … Summary Report; and
Intervention History for Nutrition Risk Reports
may be used to analyze reasons
September 01, 2017 - definition also includes:
All unassisted and assisted falls, whether they result from physiological reasons … (fainting) or environmental reasons (slippery floor). … Post-fall huddles are useful techniques for understanding reasons for failures in the system.
October 01, 2014 - Help reduce resistance to change by ensuring that staff understand the reasons for change and agree that … Tools are provided in section 1.2 to assess staff understanding of the reasons for change and in 2.2.3 … factors, including the stage of implementation, the positions of and number of people resisting, and the reasons
April 01, 2008 - responses included time, day, and location of the call; who initiated the
call; primary and secondary reasons … delay in calling for
assistance, and a delay in arrival of assistance have been described as perceived reasons … and the proactive Rover component was received
positively by medical and nursing staff for several reasons
December 01, 2017 - I always ask is are we giving the providers or the people who are inserting them for inappropriate reasons … is not only whether we're putting into place a nurse-directed protocol, or automatic stop order, or reasons … Linda Greene: Yes, and probably for the reasons I mentioned, so thank you. … Debra Cioffi: Yeah, we tried to keep it very simple and only a few reasons, long anesthesia or something
Topics include reasons for emergency room visits among adults and children and transfers to other health
April 01, 2015 - transformation to occur: 1) practice leaders possessing a vision of change and understanding the "big picture" reasons
December 14, 2011 - Technical Specifications and Chart Abstraction Tool
Age upon
Age upon admission
Patient ID Race Ethnicity Gender Payer
admission (YEARS)
[e.g. for 12.5 year
e.g. for 12.5
old, years = 12) year old,
months = 6]
1 White Non-Hispanic Female Medicaid English 12 3
2 Black Non-his…
May 01, 2014 - Comprehensive Antibiogram Toolkit: Phase 1- Checklist for Discussion With Local Hospitals and
Providers Including Emergency Departments – Page 2 of 2
Comprehensive Antibiogram Toolkit: Phase 1
Checklist for Discussion With Local Hospitals and
Providers Including Emergency Departments
This checklist is designed to …