
Total Results: 2,101 records

Showing results for "reasons".

    October 01, 2016 - Question: What are some reasons that a person may have dark urine? … Possible reasons for dark-colored urine: The color of urine comes from a pigment called urochrome. … Question: What are some reasons that a person may have foul-smelling urine? … Question: What are some reasons that people may have positive results with a urinalysis? … Possible reasons for positive results of a urinalysis: It’s not easy to get a clean catch or midstream
    August 10, 2012 - establish guidelines They agree on a list of acceptable indications for UC use that are clearly identified Reasons … The 3 R’s: Recheck, Revise, Review Recheck: reasons for guideline noncompliance; identify opportunities
    January 29, 2021 - phone call) to schedule clinic appointment • Reminders include educational materials that explain reasons … phone call) depending on patient preference • Reminders include educational materials that explain reasons
    October 01, 2016 - — Question: What are some reasons that a person without an indwelling catheter may have a change … — Possible reasons for a change in mental status: Dehydration; being tired; medication side effects … — Question: What are some reasons that a person may have dark urine? … — Question: What are some reasons that a person may have foul-smelling urine? … — Question: What are some reasons that people may have positive results with a urinalysis?
    May 18, 2021 - Use a “last 10 patients” chart audit to:  Identify "missed opportunities" for care and possible reasons …  You can conduct one-on-one interviews about the reasons the care was missed or pose your questions
    Title Population Survey Topics C-SD6 Provider talked about reasons … Shared decision making C-SD7 Provider talked to patient about reasons … Group Shared decision making C-SD7 Provider talked about reasons
    Plan Shared decision making P-SD2 Provider talked about reasons … Shared decision making P-SD2 Provider talked to patient about reasons … Plan Shared decision making P-SD3 Provider talked about reasons
    January 01, 2012 - Exceptions (EXCEP) Definition: The valid reasons why patients who are included in the denominator … Patients may have Exceptions for medical reasons (e.g., patient has an egg allergy so they did not … receive flu vaccine); patient reasons (e.g., patient declined flu vaccine); or system reasons (e.g
    October 01, 2014 - Number of full denials based on reasons other than exemptions: (Total): … Number of appeals closed for other reasons: 0 C. (1) Reasons for denial on appeal—Number of … 0 Exemption 8: 0 Exemption 9: 0 C. (2) Reasons … for denial on Appeal—Reasons other than exemptions: a. … Appeal based solely on denial of request for expedited processing C. (3) Reasons for denial on Appeal—Other
    October 01, 2014 - Number of full denials based on reasons other than exemptions: (Total): … Number of appeals closed for other reasons: 0 C. (1) Reasons for denial on Appeal—Number of … 0 Exemption 8: 0 Exemption 9: 0 C. (2) Reasons … for denial on Appeal—Reasons other than exemptions: a. … Appeal based solely on denial of request for expedited processing C. (3) Reasons for denial on Appeal—Other
    July 01, 2023 - What were the reasons for or causes of the failure? … In the first table below, identify all the reasons you think your project could have failed on your unit … In the second table below, identify all the reasons you think your project succeeded.
    January 29, 2021 - to discuss scheduling a clinic visit • Care manager provides educational materials which explain reasons … mail, phone call) to schedule TCD screening • Reminders include educational materials which explain reasons
  13. Clinical Topic (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - Exceptions (EXCEP) Definition: The valid reasons why patients who are included in the denominator … Patients may have Exceptions for medical reasons (e.g., patient has an egg allergy so they did not … receive flu vaccine); patient reasons (e.g., patient declined flu vaccine); or system reasons (e.g
    Child Health Plan Coordination of care P-AS1 Reasons … Care Shared decision making N-SDM6 Doctor talked about reasons … Care Shared decision making N-SDM5 Doctor talked about reasons
    Care Shared decision making N-SDM5 Doctor talked about reasons … Care Shared decision making N-SDM6 Doctor talked about reasons … Adult Cancer Care Shared decision making P-AS1 Reasons
    August 27, 2021 - Hospitals, 2018.
    January 01, 2023 - Panel (TEP) Pilot test Conduct psychometric analyses Consult with TEP to finalize items 20 5 Reasons … Offices Diagnostic Safety Supplemental Item Set for Medical Offices Survey Development Process 5 Reasons
    November 01, 2020 - Grants/ Partial Denials Number of Full Denials Based on Exemptions Number of Full Denials Based on Reasons … Total                           (2) Disposition of FOIA Requests—Other Reasons … for "Full Denials Based on Reasons Other than Exemptions" from Section V, B (1): Component Description … of "Other" Reasons for Denials from Chart B (1) & Number of Times Those Reasons Were Relied upon Total
    April 24, 2024 - Number Title Population Survey Topics N-SDM5 Doctor talked about reasons … Care Shared decision making N-SDM6 Doctor talked about reasons
    March 07, 2017 - diagnosed, did a doctor or other health care professional at this cancer center talk with you about the reasons … diagnosed, did a doctor or other health care professional at this cancer center talk with you about the reasons

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