March 01, 2020 - 140 mg/dL).8,9
Thus, the ranges for acceptable BGL have eased over time.10,11
There are numerous reasons
December 01, 2017 - We don't have time to get patients up to ambulate, all those terrible reasons that we've used that were
April 09, 2013 - We don't have time to get patients up to ambulate, all those terrible reasons that we've used that were
March 01, 2004 - health care
organizations and externally.2 Interviews in 19 States, including Utah, indicated
numerous reasons
January 01, 2013 - .”
The Physician Champion & Physician Supporters
CAUTI Physician Champion: Reasons for … inappropriately
Urinary catheters increase immobility and deconditioning
CAUTI Physician Champion: Reasons
January 01, 2022 - SOPS® Value and Efficiency Supplemental Items for the SOPS Hospital Survey - English
SOPS® Value and Efficiency Supplemental Item Set for the SOPS Hospital Survey
Language: English
Purpose: This supplemental item set was designed for use with the core SOPS® Hospital Survey Version 2.0 to help hospitals assess the e…
November 01, 2019 - PowerPoint Presentation: Best Practices in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
Best Practices in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia
AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
Acute Care
AHRQ Pub. No. 17(20)-0028-EF
November 2019
AHRQ Safety Program for Improv…
September 01, 2022 - The “Sometimes Antibiotics” Diagnoses: Acute Otitis Media in Children – Facilitator Guide
AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use
The “Sometimes Antibiotics” Diagnoses: Acute Otitis Media in Children
Ambulatory Care
Slide Title and Commentary
Slide Number and Slide
The “Sometimes Antibiotics” Diagno…
May 01, 2017 - You should ask and follow up the specific circumstances to get at reasons, which often will suggest a
April 01, 2016 - Aspirin and Antiplatelet Drugs in
Ischemic Vascular Disease (2)
Address how to record medical or other reasons
March 01, 2017 - SAY:
Communication between staff and residents and their family members is challenging for many reasons
August 01, 2012 - NCINQ Measure Submission: Tobacco Use and Help with Quitting Among Adolescents
Attachment A: CHIPRA Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) Candidate
Measure Submission Form (CPCF)
Italics indicate instructions for how to complete a specific field. << >> indicates the name of a text field in the
online version o…
March 01, 2018 - chapter, keep in mind that survey scores might change, or not
change, over time for a number of complex reasons
January 29, 2013 - 5A: Information To Include in Incident Reports
Background: The purpose of this tool is to audit incident reports of falls to see if the reports provide adequate information for root cause analysis. Alternatively, the information below may be used in conjunction with Tool 3O, “Postfall Assessment for Root Cause Analysis…
January 01, 2006 - SOPS Nursing Home Survey: What You Need To Know - Nicholas Castle, Ph.D., M.H.A., FGSA
The Importance of Safety Culture in
Nursing Homes
Nicholas Castle, Ph.D., M.H.A., FGSA
The Importance of Safety Culture
• The 1999 Institute of Medicine (IOM) rep…
January 01, 2017 - Presentation: Program Overview
Engaging Senior Executives in Care of Mechanically Ventilated Patients
AHRQ Safety Program for Mechanically Ventilated Patients
AHRQ Pub. No 16(17)-0018-33-EF
January 2017
Engaging Senior Executives ‹#›
AHRQ Safety Program for Mechanically Ventilated Patients
Learning Objectiv…
January 01, 2024 - Final report: To Quantify the Impact of the Existing vs. Enhanced Work Configuration of Radiation Therapy Technicians on Workload, Situation Awareness, and Performance during Pretreatment QA Tasks
To Quantify the Impact of the Existing vs. Enhanced Work Configuration of
Radiation Therapy Technicians on Workload, Sit…
January 01, 2024 - Final Progress Report: Improving Patient Safety in Orthopedic Trauma Surgical Training
Title: Improving Patient Safety in Orthopedic Trauma Surgical Training
Principal Investigator: Donald D. Anderson, PhD
Team Members: Geb W. Thomas, PhD
J. Lawrence Marsh, MD
Matthew D. Karam, MD
Clarence Kreiter, PhD
September 01, 2015 - Introducing the AHRQ Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture: Webcast Transcript
Introducing the AHRQ Ambulatory Surgery Center Survey on Patient Safety Culture
July 15, 2015 – Webcast Transcript
Jim Battles, PhD, AHRQ Center for Quality Improvement and Patient Safety, Rockville, …
April 01, 2004 - The Brighton Collaboration: Creating a Global Standard for Case Definitions (and Guidelines) for Adverse Events Following Immunization
The Brighton Collaboration: Creating a
Global Standard for Case Definitions
(and Guidelines) for Adverse Events
Following Immunization
Katrin S. Kohl, Jan Bonhoeffer, M…