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Showing results for "reason".

    November 01, 2018 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    November 01, 2018 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    March 01, 2014 - List of Tools Clinician Instructions Patients often use "not enough time" as a reason … They may decide that their time is well spent on the activities they are doing and see no reason to change
    November 30, 2013 - Transfer Note Displays the following: Transfer date and time Transfer to location (hospital or ED) Reason … of 2) Resident Name:   Transfer Date: Transfer Time: Transfer to: Emergency Department Hospital Reason … name of the provider authorizing the transfer The location the patient is being transferred to The reason … for Transfer Reason for Transfer: Treatment Unavailable at Facility Authorized by: … for Transfer Reason for Transfer: Treatment Not Available at Facility Authorized by (primary care
    January 27, 2025 - Whatever the reason for your visit, it is important to be prepared.
  6. Section2 4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - Diabetes with Chronic Complications Comorbidities 5 are chronic disorders that are not the primary reason … different from secondary conditions, as secondary conditions may be directly related to the principal reason
    April 01, 2014 - Acute bronchitis was the most common reason for admission to the same hospital after an ED visit for … among adults aged 85 years and older and the second most common reason among adults aged 65–84 years … Other cardiac conditions also were common: nonspecific chest pain was the second most common reason … A mood disorders diagnosis was the most common reason for admission to the same hospital after an ED … Nonspecific chest pain was the most common reason for ED visits that resulted in discharge for adults
    September 01, 2009 - entire medical record, information from your record, such as how often you visited the doctor and the reason … to the data, name sponsor here]. [ Note to researcher: If the information is being shared for any reason … longer use or share your information. [ Note to researcher : If the information is being shared for any reason
    March 01, 2020 - GOING TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM Thinking about this visit, what was the main reason you went to the emergency … When you first arrived at the emergency room, how long was it before someone talked to you about the reason
    November 16, 2023 - E-Referral You can check “Non-Intuit MD” if you are referring to urology for a non-urinary incontinence reason … search bar APP Co-Manager Accessing APP Co-manager Option #1: SmartSet (recommended) Indication, reason … Jennifer Anger)” E-Referral Accessing E-Referral Option #1: SmartSet (recommended) Indication, reason
    November 16, 2023 - E-Referral You can check “Non-Intuit MD” if you are referring to urology for a non-urinary incontinence reason … search bar APP Co-Manager Accessing APP Co-manager Option #1: SmartSet (recommended) Indication, reason … Jennifer Anger)” E-Referral Accessing E-Referral Option #1: SmartSet (recommended) Indication, reason
  12. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    June 01, 2016 - scenario described above, the referring ED physician did not appropriately communicate the specific reason … referring physician must communicate clearly with the consultant so that the consultant understands the reason … The central reason for the consultation request needs to be clearly stated and understood in order for … One study showed that the referring physician and the consultant disagreed about the primary reason … Take-Home Points The referring physician is responsible for clearly stating the reason for the consultation
    June 01, 2018 - time from 2002 to 2013: People without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason … For the measure people without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason for … Growing For the measure people without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason … Identified For the measure people without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason
    June 01, 2018 - time from 2002 to 2013: People without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason … For the measure people without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason for … Growing For the measure people without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason … Identified For the measure people without a usual source of care who indicate a financial or insurance reason
    January 01, 2016 - ...........................................................................................2 Reason … Not Volume .......................................................................................2 ReasonReason #1: To Catalyze the Goals of Health Care Reform The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act … Reason #2: To Pay for Value, Not Volume Communities that are ready to work toward an accountable system … Reason #1: To Catalyze the Goals of Health Care Reform Reason #2: To Pay for Value, Not Volume Reason
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    October 01, 2003 - Parents were advised the reason for the referral was so that he could get a "blood test" performed. … The third error was due to a failure of the ED to adequately question the family’s reason for arrival … Health care providers should establish a system to provide patients with a written description of the reason … Designated ED staff (perhaps triage nurses) should confirm the reason for referral of all patients sent … Reason JT. Human error. New York: Cambridge University Press; 1990. 6. Leape LL.
    February 14, 2013 - List the hospital, date of arrival, and reason for each hospitalization. … Hospital Date You Arrived Reason 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. … List the hospital, date of arrival, and reason for each visit. … Hospital Date You Arrived Reason 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. … Ask for the hospital, date of arrival, and reason for each visit.
    March 01, 2021 - for the intervention (e.g., adverse reaction to opioid is apnea; reason for intervention is apnea); … 2) association is based on the stated reason for the intervention having a dueTo relationship to a … drug (e.g., reason for hospitalization = GI Bleed; GI Bleed is due to adverse reaction to NSAID); and … 3) association is based on the stated reason for the intervention having a dueTo relationship to an … “Adverse Reaction Caused by Drug” code (e.g., reason for hospitalization is ‘oral hypoglycemic adverse
    March 01, 2021 - for the intervention (e.g., adverse reaction to opioid is apnea; reason for intervention is apnea); … 2) association is based on the stated reason for the intervention having a dueTo relationship to a … drug (e.g., reason for hospitalization = GI Bleed; GI Bleed is due to adverse reaction to NSAID); and … 3) association is based on the stated reason for the intervention having a dueTo relationship to an … “Adverse Reaction Caused by Drug” code (e.g., reason for hospitalization is ‘oral hypoglycemic adverse
    March 01, 2021 - for the intervention (e.g., adverse reaction to opioid is apnea; reason for intervention is apnea); … 2) association is based on the stated reason for the intervention having a dueTo relationship to a … drug (e.g., reason for hospitalization = GI Bleed; GI Bleed is due to adverse reaction to NSAID); and … 3) association is based on the stated reason for the intervention having a dueTo relationship to an … “Adverse Reaction Caused by Drug” code (e.g., reason for hospitalization is ‘oral hypoglycemic adverse