
Total Results: 584 records

Showing results for "reason".

    January 07, 2022 - Sort the list in descending order, so that the reason that appeared most frequently is on top and calculate … the percentage for each reason. … Create a bar chart where each bar shows the frequency of each reason for fall-out, from most frequent
    February 02, 2017 - , or medication history Follow-up report about behavioral therapy 11 Documentation of medical reason … themselves or others) Note Prescription documentation or medication list 12 Documentation of system reason
    February 02, 2017 - others who were diagnosed outside of these ages Step 3 Exclude any records that indicate a medical reason … prescribing behavior therapy as first-line treatment Step 4 Exclude any records that indicate a system reason
    October 01, 2014 - are exempt in their entireties under one or more of the FOIA exemptions, or because of a procedural reason … Fee-related reason: 0 e. … Improper FOIA request for some other reason: 1 g. … Fee-related reason e. Records not reasonably described f. … Improper request for other reason g. Not an agency record h. Duplicate request i.
    October 01, 2014 - are exempt in their entireties under one or more of the FOIA exemptions, or because of a procedural reason … Fee-related reason: 0 e. … Improper FOIA request for some other reason: 0 g. … Fee-related reason e. Records not reasonably described f. … Improper request for other reason g. Not an agency record h. Duplicate request i.
    June 01, 2012 - prior to medication prescription (Yes - 1/No - 2) ADHD Measure 2 Exclusion - Documentation of medical reason … harming themselves or others) (Yes - 1/No - 2) ADHD Measure 2 Exclusion - Documentation of system reason
    June 01, 2012 - prior to medication prescription (Yes - 1/No - 2) ADHD Measure 2 Exclusion - Documentation of medical reason … harming themselves or others) (Yes - 1/No - 2) ADHD Measure 2 Exclusion - Documentation of system reason
    November 01, 2018 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    November 01, 2018 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    December 01, 2022 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    December 01, 2022 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    November 01, 2018 - Explain and Motivate Use Limits of Numbers and Graphs Key Information Upfront Reason … Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    November 01, 2020 - are exempt in their entireties under one or more of the FOIA exemptions, or because of a procedural reason … portions that are exempt under the FOIA, or to otherwise deny a portion of the request for a procedural reason … No Records All Records Referred to another Component or Agency Request Withdrawn Fee-Related Reason … Records not Reasonably Described Improper FOIA Request for Other Reason Not Agency Record Duplicate
    December 16, 2010 - Denominator exclusions: Documentation of medical reason(s) for prescribing systemic antimicrobials
    April 21, 2014 - The reason why I say this is I like to say that the team members all should have fundamental knowledge … The reason why you want to include all the different roles is that, if you skip a role and you leave … If for some reason you're leaving certain cases out of the equation, you want to make that clear here … The reason you want to keep it small is you want to keep the scope of the project small enough so that … The reason you want to do that is you want to test small.
    July 01, 2013 - That is the only reason. It does better with 0.95 and 0.05. Lee Green can explain why, I think. … This may be the reason why this issue arises with this software. … Marcus's Answer: One reason to identify necessary conditions is that they don't need to be included
    November 20, 2017 - admission and discharge times N/A 4 Appropriateness of Red Cell Transfusions Documentation of reason … for transfusion (Occurrence D) The reason the provider believed an Hgb test was required Many be … A 4 Appropriateness of Red Cell Transfusions Date of Occurrence D The recorded date on which the reason … 4 How is the reason for an Hgb test documented in your EMR system?
    October 01, 2015 - (1) Documentation of medical reason(s) for not providing followup care (e.g., patient with multiple … psychiatric conditions referred to other provider), (2) Documentation of system reason(s) for not
    December 14, 2011 - Low hemoglobin was the most common reason provided for transfusion, with the median hemoglobin for transfusion … occurred at hemoglobin values that were higher than recommended guidelines. (5) Another frequently stated reason … (start datetime)" Intersection of: "Laboratory Test, Performed: Hgb (Hemoglobin) Laboratory Test (reason
    May 01, 2017 - The reason why I say this is I like to say that the team members all should have fundamental knowledge … The reason why you want to include all the different roles is that, if you skip a role and you leave … If for some reason you're leaving certain cases out of the equation, you want to make that clear here … The reason you want to keep it small is you want to keep the scope of the project small enough so that … The reason you want to do that is you want to test small.

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