
Total Results: 3,508 records

Showing results for "reason".

    September 01, 2009 - entire medical record, information from your record, such as how often you visited the doctor and the reason … to the data, name sponsor here]. [ Note to researcher: If the information is being shared for any reason … information after the study is done. [ Note to researcher : If the information is being shared for any reason
    February 01, 2007 - widespread among primary care physicians (PCPs) and their consultants.2, 3, 4 About half the time, the reason … completed by PCPs; a practice referral manager usually completes the remaining information. 2 o Reason … For the patient survey, the primary outcomes of interest were specialist awareness of the reason for … There were also trends toward intervention patients reporting that the specialist was aware of the reason … Received conflicting information from specialist and PCP 7 (6) 6 (20) 0.02 Specialist aware of reason
    September 01, 2009 - entire medical record, information from your record, such as how often you visited the doctor and the reason … to the data, name sponsor here]. [ Note to researcher: If the information is being shared for any reason … longer use or share your information. [ Note to researcher : If the information is being shared for any reason
    May 01, 2021 - Select 1st Dose Reason for Refusal. … Select 2nd Dose Reason for Refusal. … In the cell under Select 2nd Dose Reason for Refusal (dropdown), click on the arrow to the right to … Select 1st Dose Reason for Refusal. … Select 2nd Dose Reason for Refusal.
    May 01, 2017 - The reason why I say this is I like to say that the team members all should have fundamental knowledge … The reason why you want to include all the different roles is that, if you skip a role and you leave … If for some reason you're leaving certain cases out of the equation, you want to make that clear here … The reason you want to keep it small is you want to keep the scope of the project small enough so that … The reason you want to do that is you want to test small.
    April 21, 2014 - The reason why I say this is I like to say that the team members all should have fundamental knowledge … The reason why you want to include all the different roles is that, if you skip a role and you leave … If for some reason you're leaving certain cases out of the equation, you want to make that clear here … The reason you want to keep it small is you want to keep the scope of the project small enough so that … The reason you want to do that is you want to test small.
    November 01, 2018 - Also in "Communicating Key Information Upfront" Give People a Reason To Look at the Report Provide
    March 01, 2022 - If more than one cloth set (six cloths) was used, provide reason. ___________________________________
    May 01, 2024 - This Community Referral Form is also available as a Word document (13 KB) [Practice Name] Reason
    December 01, 2017 - It should not be a reason to place a catheter in. … There's no reason when they come to a hospital to have a catheter in. … , true reason, for use. … And then ask about that reason for use. … What's the reason for use?
  11. Paul Tedrick (doc file)
    April 08, 2014 - It should not be a reason to place a catheter in. … There’s no reason when they come to a hospital to have a catheter in. … , true reason, for use. … And then ask about that reason for use. … What’s the reason for use?
    April 25, 2017 - admission and discharge times N/A 4 Appropriateness of Red Cell Transfusions Documentation of reason … for transfusion (Occurrence D) The reason the provider believed an Hgb test was required Many be … A 4 Appropriateness of Red Cell Transfusions Date of Occurrence D The recorded date on which the reason … 4 How is the reason for an Hgb test documented in your EMR system?
    November 20, 2017 - admission and discharge times N/A 4 Appropriateness of Red Cell Transfusions Documentation of reason … for transfusion (Occurrence D) The reason the provider believed an Hgb test was required Many be … A 4 Appropriateness of Red Cell Transfusions Date of Occurrence D The recorded date on which the reason … 4 How is the reason for an Hgb test documented in your EMR system?
    January 22, 2016 - ■ Share important information directly with the other office, such as the reason for the referral … Make sure the patient understands the reason for the referral.
    December 01, 2018 - For that reason, these supplemental items ask about starting or stopping a medication and talking about
    June 01, 2021 - If you chose “no,” you are also incorrect, for the same reason. … Bear in mind that urinary tract infections are not the only reason for dysuria.   … There is no reason to doubt the microbiological results. Send her to a urologist. … An important take-home message from this case is that UTIs are not the only reason for dysuria, in women
    January 01, 2013 - Article Exclusion List with Reason for Exclusion Appendix D.
    January 01, 2013 - Article Exclusion List with Reason for Exclusion Appendix D.
    December 01, 2018 - For that reason, these supplemental items ask about starting or stopping a medication and talking about
    January 01, 2020 - 80201011 Measure Title People without a usual source of care who indicated a financial or insurance reason … usual source of care Numerator Subset of the Denominator who indicated a financial or insurance reason

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