
Total Results: 667 records

Showing results for "reason".

    January 01, 2006 - by more than half of the children who experienced barriers to dental care (55.7 percent) as the main reason … The variable for the reason for the inability to obtain the necessary dental care due to inability to … Reason unable to receive necessary dental care: Respondents were asked, "Which of these (situations) … best describes the main reason (person) (were/was) unable to get dental care, tests, or treatments (he … For this analysis, we looked further at those who said the main reason they were unable to get dental
    January 01, 2011 - Some other reason?  Go to Question 36, page 4. 13. … Some other reason?  Go to Question 36, page 4. 14. … Yes, a reason No, not a reason   a. Couldn’t afford care   b. … Other reason If you answered “Yes” to only one reason in Question 79, GO TO Section 8 on … It became a reason to make positive changes in my life   d.
    January 01, 2007 - New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii
  4. Reason … for event
    Reason for event was based on a household respondent's stated reason for visit.
    January 01, 2006 - by more than half of the children who experienced barriers to dental care (55.7 percent) as the main reason … The variable for the reason for the inability to obtain the necessary dental care due to inability to …

    Reason unable to receive necessary dental care: Respondents were asked, "Which of these … (situations) best describes the main reason (person) (were/was) unable to get dental care, tests, or … For this analysis, we looked further at those who said the main reason they were
    January 01, 2007 - Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii Reason … for event Reason for event was based on a household respondent’s stated reason for visit.
    January 01, 2007 - Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii Reason … for event Reason for event was based on a household respondent's stated reason for visit.
    January 01, 2007 - Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, California, Alaska, and Hawaii Reason … for event Reason for event was based on a household respondent's stated reason for visit.
    April 01, 2005 - Data, 2002 MEPS Characteristics Sample Size Percent of Sample Distribution of Part-Year by Reason … 17.1%  Institutionalized 1 94 0.3% 9.3%  Military 35 0.1% 3.5%  Unknown reason … Return To Table Of Contents   Table 2: Selected Characteristics by Time In-Scope and Reason for Part-Year … For the small number of persons who had more than one reason they were out of scope during the year … , we classified reason based on the following hierarchy: “died,” “new born,” “institutionalized,” “
    October 07, 2011 - For this reason, estimates in this Brief are presented separately for small firms (less than 50 employees
    July 01, 2001 - - Frequency of Visits - Visit Setting t - Reason … ^top Reason for Visit The percent of ambulatory care visits that were for … Reason for visit Table 1. … Ambulatory services a - Total number of visits and percent distribution by reason … main reason for visiting their health care provider.
  • Cnf-Nffq (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - The second UPDATE screen captures the reason for change: REASON FOR NAME UPDATE: CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The ADDRESS UPDATE screen collects the reason for change. 21 REASON FOR ADDRESS UPDATE: ( ) CORRECTING … The UPDATE screen captures the reason for the change: REASON FOR ADMINISTRATOR NAME UPDATE: ( ) CORRECTING … The second UPDATE screen captures the reason for change: REASON FOR NAME UPDATE: CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The UPDATE screen captures the reason for the change: REASON FOR ADMINISTRATOR NAME UPDATE ( ) CORRECTING
  • New-Fac (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - The second UPDATE screen captures the reason for change: REASON FOR NAME UPDATE: CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The UPDATE screen captures the reason for the change: REASON FOR ADMINISTRATOR NAME UPDATE: ( ) CORRECTING … The second UPDATE screen collects the reason for the change: REASON FOR UPDATE: ( ) CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The second UPDATE screen captures the reason for change: REASON FOR NAME UPDATE: CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The UPDATE screen captures the reason for the change: REASON FOR ADMINISTRATOR NAME UPDATE ( ) CORRECTING
    October 01, 1997 - million families) experienced barriers to receiving needed health care services.When asked the main reason … families experiencing barriers to care cited affordability or health insurance problems as the main reason
    January 01, 2002 - event, type of provider seen, if the visit was due to an accident, reason … inpatient stay event, such as the date of the hospital inpatient stay, reason … for home health visits, type of provider, type of services received, length of the visit, reason
    January 01, 2002 - event, type of provider seen, if the visit was due to an accident, reason … inpatient stay event, such as the date of the hospital inpatient stay, reason … for home health visits, type of provider, type of services received, length of the visit, reason
    October 01, 2005 - majority of families with an unmet need during 2002 reported a financial cause as the sole or partial reason … an unmet need for prescription drugs during 2002 reported a financial cause as the sole or partial reason
  • Other cause: No family member reported a financial cause for unmet need, but reported another reason
    October 01, 2005 - majority of families with an unmet need during 2002 reported a financial cause as the sole or partial reason … an unmet need for prescription drugs during 2002 reported a financial cause as the sole or partial reason … Other cause: No family member reported a financial cause for unmet need, but reported another reason
    October 01, 2005 - majority of families with an unmet need during 2002 reported a financial cause as the sole or partial reason … an unmet need for prescription drugs during 2002 reported a financial cause as the sole or partial reason … Other cause: No family member reported a financial cause for unmet need, but reported another reason
  • Fac-Lvl (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - The second UPDATE screen captures the reason for change: REASON FOR NAME UPDATE: CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The UPDATE screen captures the reason for the change: REASON FOR ADMINISTRATOR NAME UPDATE: ( ) CORRECTING … FOR NAME CHANGE: {DISPLAY TEXT FOR REASON ENTERED AFTER FAVER1F1} REASON FOR ADDRESS CHANGE: {DISPLAY … The second UPDATE screen captures the reason for change: REASON FOR NAME UPDATE: CORRECTING A TYPOGRAPHICAL … The UPDATE screen captures the reason for the change: REASON FOR ADMINISTRATOR NAME UPDATE ( ) CORRECTING
    September 16, 2004 - The cost of the employee contribution is a major reason for declining enrollment, and low-wage workers
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