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Showing results for "reason".

    August 09, 2010 - ■ Diabetes was the most common principal diagnosis, or reason for hospital admission among patients … for hospitalization of patients with diabetes Table 2 shows diabetes as the most common principal reason … or coexisting reason for hospitalization. … or coexisting reason for hospitalization. … or coexisting reason for hospitalization.
  2. Section1 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - e r o f D is ch ar ge s in M ill io n s Hospital Stays for Males and Females by Major Reason …  Pregnancy and childbirth was the reason for 1 out of every 5 female hospitalizations (4.7 million
  3. Section1 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - e r o f D is ch ar ge s in M ill io n s Hospital Stays for Males and Females by Major Reason …  Pregnancy and childbirth was the reason for more than 1 out of every 5 female hospitalizations (
    June 01, 2014 - For adults aged 45-84 years, septicemia (infection in the bloodstream) was the most frequent reason for … Acute bronchitis was the most common reason for admission to the same hospital after an ED visit for … among adults aged 85 years and older and the second most common reason among adults aged 65-84 years … A mood disorders diagnosis was the most common reason for admission to the same hospital after an ED … Nonspecific chest pain was the most common reason for ED visits that resulted in discharge for adults
    January 01, 2021 - These stays include hospitalizations in which sepsis was the reason for the stay (i.e., principal diagnosis … stay, average hospital cost, and in-hospital mortality rates) are reported only when sepsis was the reason … complication of the stay, other conditions such as cancer, pneumonia, or heart failure may be the reason … total hospital cost, and in-hospital mortality rate were based only on hospitalizations in which the reason … The proportion of inpatient stays in which sepsis was the reason for the inpatient stay varies by patient
    January 01, 2021 - cost, in- hospital mortality rate, and discharge disposition) are reported only when sepsis was the reason … complication of the stay, other conditions, such as cancer, pneumonia, or heart failure, may be the reason … Notes: Average length of sepsis stay was based on stays in which sepsis was the reason for the stay ( … Notes: Average total hospital cost for sepsis stays were based on stays in which sepsis was the reason … Sepsis as the reason for the inpatient stay For this Statistical Brief, outcomes (average length of
    January 01, 2007 - Comorbidities PDF HIGHLIGHTS Conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth were the reason … Asthma, the most common reason for hospital admission among children 1–17, declined by 28 percent between … Appendicitis, another common reason for hospital stays for children 1-17, accounted for 5 percent of
    March 01, 2013 - ■ Congestive heart failure was the most common reason for hospitalization for adults aged 85 years … and older in 2011 and the second most common reason for adults aged 65–84 years. … ■ A diagnosis of mood disorders was the most common reason for hospitalization among children aged … ■ Asthma was the third most common reason for hospitalization among children aged 1–17 years in … Septicemia was a common reason for hospitalization among adults aged 45 years and older.
    January 01, 2021 - in the medical record by the presence of secondary diagnoses of infections (i.e., not the principal reason … For this reason, only differences of 10 percent or more are discussed in the text. … in 2019 and 2021 by major diagnostic category (MDC) to account for outcomes based primarily on the reason … examined infections (CLABSI, CAUTI, VAP, MRSA infection, C. difficile infection) that were not the reason … Length of stay is primarily based on the reason for the hospital stay (i.e., principal diagnosis) and
    January 01, 2021 - identified by any diagnosis of sepsis on the medical record, i.e., principal diagnosis of sepsis (the reason … complication of the stay, other conditions such as cancer, pneumonia, or heart failure may be the reason … diagnosis, 2021 Notes: In-hospital mortality rates were based on stays in which sepsis was the reason … Sepsis as the reason for the inpatient stay For this Statistical Brief, outcomes (in-hospital mortality … and percentage of hospital costs) are reported only when sepsis was the reason for the inpatient stay
  11. Section2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - .................... 27 HIGHLIGHTS  Conditions related to pregnancy and childbirth were the reason …  Asthma, the most common reason for hospital admission among children 1–17, declined by 28 percent …  Appendicitis, another common reason for hospital stays for children 1-17, accounted for 5 percent … Chronic conditions:  Chronic conditions were the main reason for 40 percent of all hospitalizations …  Appendicitis, also a common reason for hospital stays for children 1-17 in 2007, accounted for 5
    September 01, 2013 - Highlights Liveborn (newborn infant) remained the most common reason for hospitalization in … Congestive heart failure was the most common reason for hospitalization for adults aged 85 years and … older in 2011 and the second most common reason for adults aged 65–84 years. … A diagnosis of mood disorders was the most common reason for hospitalization among children aged 1–17 … Septicemia was a common reason for hospitalization among adults aged 45 years and older.
    January 01, 2006 - for the Most Frequent Principal Diagnoses by Body System Distribution of Costs by Major Reason
  14. 2012-03 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - ............................................................... 3 Primary Hip Replacement for Any Reason … Primary hip replacement for any reason involves replacing a natural hip joint with an artificial … from 10 States, different outcomes for inpatient discharges with primary hip replacement for any reason … income communities had about 5,000 more quarterly discharges with primary hip replacement for any reason … Key Findings: • The average hospital cost for discharges with primary hip replacement for any reason
    August 01, 2023 - Recipient agrees that NORC shall not be liable to Recipient for any reason whatsoever arising out … Recipient agrees that FedPoint shall not be liable to Recipient for any reason whatsoever arising
    January 01, 2008 - Reasons for MHSA Inpatient Hospital Stays (PDF) Distribution of MHSA discharges by major reason … for 44 percent of discharges, mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorders) was the most common reason
  17. Section5 1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - condition—1.3 million discharges with a MH diagnosis and 0.5 million with a SA disorder as the major reason … When the main reason for the stay was a SA disorder, the average length of stay (4.7 days) was similar
    January 01, 2019 - Comorbidities are secondary diagnoses and distinct from the reason for the hospitalization (i.e., the … The percentage of stays with comorbidities is examined by patient characteristics and the reason for … Comorbidities are secondary diagnoses and distinct from the reason for the inpatient stay (i.e., the … Comorbidities are secondary diagnoses and distinct from the reason for the inpatient stay (i.e., the … Comorbidities are secondary diagnoses and distinct from the reason for the inpatient stay (i.e., the
    January 01, 2008 - PDF EXHIBIT 1.3 Reasons for Hospital Stays Hospital stays for males and females by major reason … Pregnancy and childbirth was the reason for 1 out of every 5 female hospitalizations (4.7 million stays
    January 01, 2007 - PDF EXHIBIT 1.3 Reasons for Hospital Stays Hospital stays for males and females by major reason … Pregnancy and childbirth was the reason for more than 1 out of every 5 female hospitalizations (5 million

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