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    February 01, 2021 - Heart Failure: Most Common and Expensive Reason for Preventable Hospital Stays … VISUALIZATIONS DATA QUERY TOOLS Heart Failure: Most Common and Expensive Reason … for Preventable Hospital Stays   Heart Failure: Most Common and Expensive Reason for Preventable … Internet Citation: Heart Failure: Most Common and Expensive Reason for Preventable Hospital Stays
    January 01, 2009 - Hospital Stays per 10,000 Population by Most Frequent Major Reason, 1997-2009 Hospital Stays … per 10,000 Population by Most Frequent Major Reason, 1997-2009 Major Diagnostic Category Stays … 95 94 95 100 101 103 105 108 106 107 111 110 Note: Most frequent major reason
    August 01, 2012 - But the average cost of the readmission varied according to the reason for readmission. … Readmissions within 30 days among adult AMI admissions by reason for readmission, 2009   Index … AMI admissions All reasons Reason for readmission New AMI Scheduled PTCA or CABG surgery … The pattern varied by reason for readmission. … Most frequent reasons for 30-day readmission following an index AMI admission, 2009 Reason for
    February 09, 2021 - Heart Failure: Most Common and Expensive Reason for Preventable Hospital Stays, 2017
  5. MAINTAIN AND EXPAND (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - Reason for Visit Field Some states provide Reason for Visit fields (DX_Visit_Reasonn, where “n” refers … Among these states, 17 states (53%) provided a Reason for Visit field. … • Seventeen states provided at least one Reason for Visit field in their SEDD data. … • By contrast, only nine states provided a Reason for Visit in their SASD data. … the reason for the outpatient surgery as the principal diagnosis.
    January 01, 2005 - Reasons for Hospital Stays Hospital Stays for Males and Females by Major Reason*, 2005   Male … and Female** Male Female Reason for Hospital Stay According to Principal Diagnosis Number
    January 01, 2006 - Reasons for Hospital Stays Hospital Stays for Males and Females by Major Reason,* 2006
    January 01, 2006 - Reasons for Hospital Stays Distribution of Discharges by Major Reason* for Hospital Stay,
    January 01, 2005 - Reasons for Hospital Stays Hospital Stays for Males and Females by Major Reason*, 2005   Male … and Female** Male Female Reason for Hospital Stay According to Principal Diagnosis Number
    January 01, 2021 - The number of inpatient stays related to sepsis includes hospitalizations in which sepsis was the reason … rates, hospital costs, length of stay, and discharge disposition) are reported when sepsis was the reason … complication of the stay, other conditions, such as cancer, pneumonia, or heart failure, may be the reason … Aggregate total hospital costs were based on stays in which sepsis was the reason for the stay (i.e. … costs, length of stay, and discharge disposition) are reported only when sepsis was the reason for
    August 01, 2011 - But the average cost of the readmission varied according to the reason for readmission. … Readmissions within 30 days among adult AMI admissions by reason for readmission, 2009 Index … AMI admissions All reasons Reason for readmission New AMI Scheduled PTCA or CABG … The pattern varied by reason for readmission. … among AMI admissions, 2009 Patient characteristic All reasons Reason for readmission New
    March 10, 2016 - Top Five Reasons for Hospital Admission News & Information Data & Surveys AHRQ Home Page Department of Health and Human Services
    January 01, 2003 - coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason
    January 01, 2002 - coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason
    January 01, 2003 - coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason
    January 01, 2004 - coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason … coexisting medical conditions that are not directly related to the principal diagnosis, or the main reason
  17. Section5 2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - Adjustment Disorders 2% Anxiety Disorders 2% All Other† 5% Distribution of MHSA Discharges by Major Reason … for 44 percent of discharges, mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorders) was the most common reason
    August 01, 2023 - Recipient agrees that NORC shall not be liable to Recipient for any reason whatsoever arising out of … Recipient agrees that FedPoint shall not be liable to Recipient for any reason whatsoever arising out
    April 01, 2014 - Acute bronchitis was the most common reason for admission to the same hospital after an ED visit for … among adults aged 85 years and older and the second most common reason among adults aged 65–84 years … Other cardiac conditions also were common: nonspecific chest pain was the second most common reason … A mood disorders diagnosis was the most common reason for admission to the same hospital after an ED … Nonspecific chest pain was the most common reason for ED visits that resulted in discharge for adults
  20. Section2 4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - Diabetes with Chronic Complications Comorbidities 5 are chronic disorders that are not the primary reason … different from secondary conditions, as secondary conditions may be directly related to the principal reason

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