
Total Results: 1,625 records

Showing results for "reason".

    January 01, 2020 - An episode of sepsis was confirmed if it was considered the main reason for hospitalization and the diagnosis … failure (identified by codes listed in any diagnosis field) had congestive heart failure as the main reason … congestive heart failure was deemed as confirmed if congestive heart failure was considered the main reason … Episodes of opportunistic mycoses were deemed as confirmed if they were considered the main reason for … disease of interest, that is, medical records in which the computerized definitions missed the actual reason
    October 01, 2008 - An episode of sepsis was confirmed if it was considered the main reason for hospitalization and the … failure (identified by codes listed in any diagnosis field) had congestive heart failure as the main reason … congestive heart failure was deemed as confirmed if congestive heart failure was considered the main reason … Episodes of opportunistic mycoses were deemed as confirmed if they were considered the main reason for … disease of interest, that is, medical records in which the computerized definitions missed the actual reason
    See your health care provider if you seem to bruise for no reason, or if the bruise appears to be infected
    June 01, 2011 - However, there may often be more than one main reason why a research gap exists. … The reason(s) selected should be those that most preclude conclusions from being made. … However, there may often be more than one main reason why a research gap exists. … For this reason, there was no typical " Future Research" section in this report. … That reason selected should be the reason(s) that most precludes conclusions from being made.
    It is the most common reason for liver transplants in children in the United States.
    Sometimes the bones break for no known reason.
    breathing Pain under the rib cage Pain, swelling, or lumps in the abdomen Weight loss for no known reason
    Sometimes doctors find it when they remove the gallbladder for another reason.
    September 18, 2024 - It's a major reason people miss days at work or school or visit the doctor.
    August 20, 2024 - One reason that the cancer cells can keep growing and spreading is that they are able to hide from your
    However, if a person has the early symptoms of Ebola and there is reason to suspect Ebola, the patient
    Shortness of breath A dry, hacking cough that doesn't get better Fatigue Weight loss for no known reason
    April 25, 2013 - One runs in families or appears for no known reason.
    December 01, 2019 - Topic Abstract Hypertension is common in older persons (2 in 3 have the condition) and a major reason
  15. McCullough (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - McCullough Slide  1: An Ethical Framework for Supporting  Shared Decision Making  When Clinical Evidence is Low Laurence B. McCullough, Ph.D. Dalton Tomlin Chair in Medical Ethics and Health Policy Associate Director for Education Center for Medical Ethics and …
    July 18, 2017 - health care provider if you notice Blood in your urine A lump in your abdomen Weight loss for no reason
    April 01, 2021 - Review authors can also consider qualifying the term “insufficient” by stating the main reason that … review of systematic reviews Report Title (43 articles) Key Question End-user Decisional Dilemma Reason … C-4 Report Title (43 articles) Key Question End-user Decisional Dilemma Reason for Insufficient … C-9 Report Title (43 articles) Key Question End-user Decisional Dilemma Reason for Insufficient … C-15 Report Title (43 articles) Key Question End-user Decisional Dilemma Reason for Insufficient
    January 01, 2011 - However, the mean number of hospitalizations for any reason was 1.43 in 2006, 1.42 in 2007, and 1.41 … amputations • #3 • Data Points 3 Interestingly, after a DFU admission, the rate of readmission for any reason … prevalent LEA (see Definitions and Methodol- ogy section), the mean number of office visits for any reason … However, among beneficia- ries who had a prevalent LEA, the mean number of hospital- izations for any reason … However, after an admission for an LEA, the rate of readmission for any reason (i.e., a second hospitalization
  19. TND-0543_05-24-2013 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2013 - ACI is the most frequent reason for medical care sought in emergency and non-emergency settings.
    June 01, 2021 - If there is a delay in completion, what is the reason given? … Reason for discontinuation. Ongoing trial Any delays? … If there is a delay in completion, what is the reason given?"

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