January 01, 2010 - Overreliance on
Randomized Controlled Trials
Danger of Overreliance on Randomized Controlled Trials
A key reason … Keep in mind that the reason for assessing suitability is to determine whether or not the relevant OSs … Controlled
Trials To Assess Harms (II)
Using Randomized Controlled Trials To Assess Harms (II)
Another reason
December 01, 2019 - Many therapies are not covered by insurance, and a primary reason for insurance denial from private insurers … The abstractor will note the reason for exclusion on the article cover page. … abstraction process, the results of the review (e.g., whether it was selected for a full review or the reason
September 13, 2024 - Without ADHD diagnosis
Psychiatric co-morbidities
Racial / ethnic and gender composition
• Reason
May 01, 2012 - Proton beam radiotherapy is a form of external beam radiation
that offers better precision for localized dosage than other types
of external beam radiotherapy. Because proton beams deposit
most of their energy during the final portion of their trajectory,
they diminish the risk of damage to tissue surrounding the t…
October 12, 2020 - We
presume the reason for the age 50
cutpoint (used by 5 studies) is to match
general population guidance
April 01, 2015 - Unfortunately, the reason for the patient’s decision to
discontinue remained largely unexplored.
January 01, 2010 - For this
reason we included pumps using rapid-acting
analogs rather than regular insulin. … Despite its aim in the
methods guide cited above, until now AHRQ
does not given any reason for choosing … A reason for looking at subgroups is because they
may have higher rates of complications or adverse … Roche diagnostics Adults T1DM Could AHRQ please explain the “Other
reason” why the paper by Berthe et … J Pediatr. 2002
Oct;141(4):490-5, which for some reason is
not listed in the excluded papers - it was
December 30, 2015 - Peer Reviewer 1 Methods Since the review often found data concerning benefits
inadequate, there is no reason … The very reason for developing this intervention was to
Thank you for bringing this to our attention … Perhaps there
is a reason but this issue requires checking throughout. … We chose to prioritize global
and sleep outcomes for this reason. … to zolpidem but don't see it included here - not
sure if perhaps it met exclusion criteria for some reason
September 01, 2024 - 1.1 Reason 1.2 Did any funders with conflicts of interest have an important involvement in the trial? … 1.2 Reason 1.3 How sufficient was the information that concern about conflicts of interest of funders … 1.3 Reason 2.1 Did any of the primary academic researchers have important conflicts of interest? … 2.1 Reason 2.2 How sufficient was the information that concern about conflicts of interest of primary … 1.3 Reason 2.1 Did any of the primary academic researchers have important conflicts of interest?
December 23, 2023 - Monoclonal antibodies
• Tocilizumab
• Bamlanivimab / Etesevimab
Use of intervention for
August 01, 2019 - More specifically, if there is good reason for the clinician to believe that treatment A is superior … Another reason for conducting an n-of-1 trial might be to satisfy a payer regarding treatment effectiveness … Guidance
Key Considerations
Clarify intent for n-of-1 trial
Is the primary reason
January 01, 2018 - I believe
this is ethically and clinically a most compelling reason to move
into assessing outcomes … pass full-text review and listed the
reasons for their exclusion with
corresponding Ns for each reason … For this
reason, I believe it would be helpful for the authors to do further
qualitative synthesis
November 11, 2015 - of the reasons that we know is that access to care
has been a problem in our country Another reason … One reason might be because patients have different
experiences with discrimination, real or perceived
February 01, 2012 - Is this serious complication a reason to
want to screen or treat? … thyroid disease; the question then
is to treat or "wait watchfully" -- our review
finds no compelling reason … This line makes me think that, but wouldn't recommend that unless
there is a good reason that is explained … Prevention of heart failure is also a potential reason
for treatment.
February 01, 2009 - For this reason, we controlled for
sociodemographic, clinical, and health care utilization factors which … For the same reason, we limited our examination to data
from essentially before the first warnings regarding … For this reason, circumspect interpretation of these findings is required.
January 01, 2022 - For that reason, perhaps you should
consider dropping any mention that you updated a subset
and just … Peer Reviewer
Introduction The reason for including the PTSD/SUD group (as opposed
to PTSD with
November 11, 2015 - The Institute of
Medicine has stressed
the importance of cross-‐cultural training for this reason … One
patient said, “I don't know if the reason
why I was so poorly informed
was because I didn’
December 09, 2009 - Many therapies are not covered by
insurance, and a primary reason for insurance denial from private … The abstractor will note the reason for
exclusion on the article cover page. … abstraction process, the results of the review
(e.g., whether it was selected for a full review or the reason
January 01, 2010 - Many therapies are not covered by
insurance, and a primary reason for insurance denial from private … The abstractor will note the reason for
exclusion on the article cover page. … abstraction process, the results of the review
(e.g., whether it was selected for a full review or the reason
May 18, 2012 - Slide 1
Goal Setting
Jyoti Gupta, MPH,
Senior Public Engagement Associate
Public Agenda
Purposes of Goal Setting
• To choose the right strategies and
methodologies for engagement
• To be clear and honest about what one
can reasonably expect to be the outcomes
Goals of Del…