January 01, 2010 - for not adhering to guidelines followed by academic detailing if a clinician enters an unjustified reason
January 01, 2023 - allergy to drug), patient (preference), or system (shortage of influenza vaccine or inability to pay) reason
January 01, 2011 - for not adhering to guidelines followed by academic detailing if a clinician enters an unjustified reason
January 01, 2011 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
1 | ImprovIng outpatIent medIcatIon LIsts usIng temporaL reasonIng and
cLInIcaL texts
Small ReSeaRch GRant to ImpRove health caRe QualIty thRouGh health
InfoRmatIon technoloGy (It) (R03)
Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using T…
February 23, 2021 - Functional status,
Demographic information, Care plan field, including goals and instructions, Care team, Reason … …send the specialist notification of the
patient’s history and reason for the consultation
when referring
August 01, 2011 - for not adhering to
guidelines followed by academic detailing if a clinician enters an unjustified reason
May 17, 2011 - It is not used for any other reason. … are all represented by rectangles: collect weight and height data, place patient in exam are, note reason
January 01, 2023 - support the delivery of recommended care to hospitalized patients with heart failure, regardless of the reason
April 09, 2009 - incomplete by either choosing an option from the menu for
"Incomplete Due to: " or by entering the reason … for incomplete procedure after "Other Reason
• Document if the bowel prep was poor by … to complete the procedure (stricture) or preclude the need to (removal of known large
polyp), this reason … • Incomplete procedure ("Incomplete due to" or "Other reason incomplete") and depth of
insertion … on the Exam Info screen either by choosing from the
"Incomplete Due to:" menu or by indicating a reason
January 01, 2023 - Clinical reasoning in the context of active decision support during medication prescribing.
Horsky J, Aarts J, Verheul L, et al. Clinical reasoning in the context of active decision support during medication prescribing. Int J Med Inform 2017 Jan;97:1-11. PMID: 27919368.
January 01, 2003 - "We customized more than 90 visit templates, each with a reason for visit as well as links to suggested
January 01, 2012 - Poor blood pressure (BP) control is a major reason for this disproportionate burden.
January 01, 2009 - with a measure regarding the prescription of a medication, a clinical
contraindication and medical reason … from a medical
chart to: (1) determine the existence of physician chart documentation of reason … (s) for exception;
(2) the specific reason for exception; and 3) to determine the sensitivity and specificity … When
disagreement occurred between the auditors or when a documented reason in the record was not
included … and 10% did not receive the drug with no reason provided.
January 01, 2023 - Understanding complex clinical reasoning in infectious diseases for improving clinical decision support design.
Islam R, Weir CR, Jones M, et al. Understanding complex clinical reasoning in infectious diseases for improving clinical decision support design. BMC Med Inform Decis Mak 2015;15:1…
January 01, 2023 - Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in United States Veterans with chronic hepatitis C.
LaFleur J, Hoop R, Korner E, et al. Predictors of early discontinuation of pegylated interferon for reasons other than lack of efficacy in Un…
March 28, 2007 - A hospital in Vancouver only a few years ago had hundreds of medical
errors for the same reason, according … A hospital in Vancouver only a few years ago had hundreds of medical
errors for the same reason, according
January 01, 2011 - not adhering
to guidelines followed by academic detailing if a clinician enters an unjustified reason
January 01, 1999 - both studies with negative evaluations of user satisfaction, arduous data entry was suggested as a reason
January 01, 2007 - Two studies showed that "clinical irrelevance" was the main reported reason for overriding alerts."
January 01, 2023 - details of when the patient was asked to come in, whether the patient came in on time, and if there was a reason