January 01, 2006 - With Level 2 alerts, clinicians could proceed if they provided any override reason... … "Of the 1,707 overridden alerts, 245 had no override reason because the clinician chose "Other" from
January 01, 2009 - allergy to drug), patient (preference), or system (shortage of influenza
vaccine or inability to pay) reason … particular drug, the data can show that 30 percent did not receive the drug
for a reported medical reason … , and 10 percent did not receive the drug with no reason provided.
The reason for over-rides was most commonly due to outdated allergy lists.
February 01, 2012 - Referring provider screening questions window with reason ....................................... 9 … There was an 8.5”
by 1.5” area to write in the reason for consultation, including pertinent history, … As a result, specialists sometimes spent the first visit trying to
elucidate the reason for consultation … The reason for referral is entered as free text. … The reason for referral was difficult to identify in 19
percent and 39 percent of medical and surgical
January 01, 2012 - In cases when the vaccine was declined, the reason for declining the vaccine was documented 93 percent … When vaccination did not occur, clinicians recorded a reason 98 percent of the time.
Barriers: Biggest reason for overriding was "alert fatigue" caused by poor signal-to-noise ratio, because
January 01, 2011 - One reason for this was the difficulty of identifying practices at an appropriately early stage of planning … One potential reason may be that frequency of visits from the
support personnel and their power to affect
January 01, 2023 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
Project Final Report ( PDF , 178.13 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily …
January 01, 2004 - instant access to medical history information, patients can securely enter their medical history and reason … Patients provide the reason for the visit and complete a customized template questionnaire designed by
January 01, 2023 - Using Medical Text Extraction, Reasoning and Mapping System (MTERMS) to process medication information in outpatient clinical notes.
Zhou L, Plasek JM, Mahoney LM, et al. Using Medical Text Extraction, Reasoning and Mapping System (MTERMS) to process medication information in outpatient clini…
January 01, 2012 - In cases when the vaccine was declined, the reason for declining the vaccine was documented 93 percent … When
vaccination did not occur, clinicians recorded a reason 98 percent of the time.
May 19, 2014 - their hospital providers on their medications after
being hospitalized, including information on the
reason … patient’s hospitalization and discharge,
including information such as admission and dis
charge date, reason
January 01, 2023 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts - Final Report
Zhou L. Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts - Final Report. (Prepared by Brigham and Women's Hospital under Grant No. R03 HS018288). Rockville, MD: Ag…
January 01, 1998 - MEASUREMENTS: The type of work performed by pharmacists (activity), the reason for their work (function … results in major changes in the type of work done by hospital-based outpatient pharmacists and in the reason
June 11, 2009 - Provide
some background explanation concerning the importance of the process and the current problem, or reason
January 01, 2023 - support the delivery of recommended care to hospitalized patients with heart failure, regardless of the reason
September 30, 2009 - Category of reason (multiples may be checked; circle primary reason):
____ 1.
March 01, 2009 - the computer
may not recognize or categorize it as an appropriate
action.16 18 Often an override reason … If
an appropriate reason is not available to choose or
enter in free text, or if the system does not … require an
override reason, then the data will not reflect
appropriate overrides by the clinicians
January 01, 2010 - Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
1 | ImprovIng outpatIent medIcatIon LIsts usIng
temporaL reasonIng and cLInIcaL texts
2010 Grant Summary
Improving Outpatient Medication Lists Using
Temporal Reasoning and Clinical Texts
Principal Investigator: Zhou, Li, M.D., …
January 01, 2023 - This allows the analyst or analyzing team to identify the exact issue, identify the reason for the problem