
Total Results: 991 records

Showing results for "reason".

    January 01, 2023 - Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason. … Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason.
    January 01, 2011 - on active medication list Medical reason, patient reason, LDL <100 mg/dl within the last 365 days … and diabetes diagnosis ACE inhibitor/ARB on active medication list Medical reason, patient reasonreason, patient reason LDL control (1595) ‡ Diabetes diagnosis, ≥ 50 years and female, or male … LDL-C < 100 mg/dL Medical reason, patient reason , prescribed high potency statin§ 6 Aspirin … Cervical cytology in past 3 years Medical reason, patient reason Colorectal cancer screening (7067
    January 01, 2005 - of clinician workflow," "no need for additional clinician data entry," "request documentation of the reason … " " that prompted clinicians to record a reason when not following the advised course of … more likely to succeed than systems that allowed the system advice to be bypassed without recording a reason … decision support systems should also provide periodic performance feedback, request documentation of the reason
    January 01, 2023 - Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason … Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason.
    January 01, 2023 - Electronic Prescribing Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason … Incorporating indications into medication ordering--time to enter the age of reason. … Historically, doctors wrote prescriptions in Latin so that patients could not read the reason the medication … In medicine, an “indication” is a condition or reason for prescribing a medication or performing a test
    January 01, 2018 - Historically, doctors wrote prescriptions in Latin so that patients could not read the reason the medication … In medicine, an “indication” is a condition or reason for prescribing a medication or performing a test
    January 01, 2023 - This allows the analyst or analyzing team to identify the exact issue, identify the reason for the problem
    January 01, 2002 - One reason for this may be that general practitioners (GPs) are overriding these alerts without properly … The most likely [reason] comes from the fact that alerts on [this] system are not graded in terms of
    April 09, 2009 - to face meeting, conference call, phone request) Who present Initiated by Length Key agenda/reason
    August 30, 2021 - A key reason for slow adoption is lack of efficiency and usability of EMRs currently available.
    January 01, 2023 - A common reason for inappropriate ED use by Medicaid patients is a lack of regular access to primary … providing the patient’s name, medical record number, date and time of the scheduled appointment, and the reason
    September 14, 2016 - When I talked with the doctor or nurse/counselor about the reason for my visit, they had all the information … information and not ask all of it again: 8: When I talked with the doctor or nurse/counselor about the reason
    November 05, 2009 - If you have difficulty taking your medication as prescribed for any reason, please contact our office
    June 23, 2010 - and/or each • Plan/Orders visit (1) 16 Exclusions Exclusion Reasons # measures Medical Reason … 28 Patient Reason 13 System Reason Other “Documented” Reason 9 12 #Exclusion Reasons … None 21 1 reason 29 2 reasons 3 3 reasons 9 17 Data Mapping Measure name # Drugs, tests … 19.53% Preliminary data – please do not cite Cardio-HIT • Exceptions – Rx measures • Medical Reason
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    December 16, 2004 - Process� RN needs a replacement dose� RN accesses EMR, selects med, modifies order adding dose replace reason … Verifies Replace Dose order in EMR� Pharmacist modifies same order in EMR again to remove replace dose reason … r s e RN needs a replacement dose RN accesses EMR, selects med, modifies order adding dose replace reason … Verifies Replace Dose order in EMR Pharmacist modifies same order in EMR again to remove replace dose reason
  16. Click to add title (ppt file)
    December 16, 2004 - Process� RN needs a replacement dose� RN accesses EMR, selects med, modifies order adding dose replace reason … Verifies Replace Dose order in EMR� Pharmacist modifies same order in EMR again to remove replace dose reason … r s e RN needs a replacement dose RN accesses EMR, selects med, modifies order adding dose replace reason … Verifies Replace Dose order in EMR Pharmacist modifies same order in EMR again to remove replace dose reason
    September 30, 2010 - Part of the challenge for making such data exchanges successful -- and much of the reason they've failed … Another reason for the project's success?
    January 01, 2023 - support the delivery of recommended care to hospitalized patients with heart failure, regardless of the reason
    January 01, 2009 - allergy to drug), patient (preference), or system (shortage of influenza vaccine or inability to pay) reason … particular drug, the data can show that 30 percent did not receive the drug for a reported medical reason … , and 10 percent did not receive the drug with no reason provided.
    January 01, 2011 - One reason for this was the difficulty of identifying practices at an appropriately early stage of planning … One potential reason may be that frequency of visits from the support personnel and their power to affect

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