June 01, 2021 - Reason … consideration by health care practitioners, not as guidelines.
Identifying Targets
January 01, 2017 - Step 2: Debrief Responses
· After 10 minutes, go around the room asking everyone to share one reason
February 01, 2007 - widespread among primary care physicians (PCPs) and their consultants.2, 3, 4 About
half the time, the reason … completed by PCPs; a practice referral manager usually completes the
remaining information.
o Reason … For the
patient survey, the primary outcomes of interest were specialist awareness of the reason for … There were also trends toward intervention
patients reporting that the specialist was aware of the reason … Received conflicting information from specialist and PCP 7 (6) 6 (20) 0.02
Specialist aware of reason
April 21, 2014 - The reason why I say this is I like to say that the team members all should have fundamental knowledge … The reason why you want to include all the different roles is that, if you skip a role and you leave … If for some reason you're leaving certain cases out of the equation, you want to make that clear here … The reason you want to keep it small is you want to keep the scope of the project small enough so that … The reason you want to do that is you want to test small.
March 01, 2014 - List of Tools
Clinician Instructions
Patients often use "not enough time" as a reason … They may decide that their time is well spent on the activities they are doing and see no reason to change
July 01, 2013 - That is the only reason. It does better with 0.95 and 0.05. Lee Green can explain why, I think. … This may be the reason why this issue arises with this software. … Marcus's Answer: One reason to identify necessary conditions is that they don't need to be included
April 08, 2014 - It should not be a reason to place a catheter in. … There’s no reason when they come to a hospital to have a catheter in. … , true reason, for use. … And then ask about that reason for use. … What’s the reason for use?
Shared decision making
Provider talked with patient about reason
June 01, 2021 - If you chose “no,” you are also incorrect, for the same reason. … Bear in mind that urinary tract infections are not the only reason for dysuria.
… There is no reason to doubt the microbiological results.
Send her to a urologist. … An important take-home message from this case is that UTIs are not the only reason for dysuria, in women
April 25, 2017 - admission and
discharge times
4 Appropriateness of Red Cell
Documentation of reason … for transfusion (Occurrence
The reason the provider believed an
Hgb test was required
Many be … A
4 Appropriateness of Red Cell
Date of Occurrence D The recorded date on which the reason … 4 How is the reason for an Hgb test documented in your EMR system?
November 20, 2017 - admission and
discharge times
4 Appropriateness of Red Cell
Documentation of reason … for transfusion (Occurrence
The reason the provider believed an
Hgb test was required
Many be … A
4 Appropriateness of Red Cell
Date of Occurrence D The recorded date on which the reason … 4 How is the reason for an Hgb test documented in your EMR system?
June 01, 2018 - Note: Patients receiving hospice care and those who had "maternity" as the primary reason for receiving … Note: Patients receiving hospice care and those who had "maternity" as the primary reason for receiving
March 01, 2024 - Make sure the patient understands the reason for the referral.
Offer help with the referral. … for Talk About Costs: Tool #23
Screening and Implementation Tools
Tools for Linking to Resources
Reason … for Referral_________________________________
Community Referral Form: City Medical Care
Reason for
March 01, 2022 - Skip to main content
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October 01, 2015 - (1) Documentation of medical reason(s)
for not providing followup care (e.g.,
patient with multiple … psychiatric
conditions referred to other provider),
(2) Documentation of system reason(s)
for not
March 31, 2008 - Reason for hospitalization.
2. Significant findings.
3. Procedures and treatment provided.
4. … “Reason for hospitalization” was defined as chief complaint and/or history of present illness.
2. … orders (orders for physical or occupational therapy
are present within the discharge summary or a reason … These included “reason for
hospitalization,” “significant findings,” “procedures and treatment provided … Reason for hospitalization 99 99 100
2. Significant findings 99 99 100
December 14, 2011 - Low
hemoglobin was the most common reason provided for transfusion, with the median hemoglobin for transfusion … occurred at hemoglobin values that were higher than
recommended guidelines. (5) Another frequently stated reason … (start
Intersection of:
"Laboratory Test, Performed: Hgb (Hemoglobin) Laboratory Test (reason
Shared decision making
Provider talked with patient about reason
December 01, 2017 - 8
Premortem Exercise
Step 3
Identify the level of concern for each reason
Use a scale of 1 to 5
Lowest … Consider the concerns that you identified for each reason.
January 01, 2012 - The algorithm is NOT intended for patients whose primary reason for admission is mobility related; such