
Total Results: 127 records

Showing results for "radiation therapy".

    November 01, 2014 - surgeries and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
  2. 2016-06 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2016 - and also may include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2006 - intensive care unit, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), open heart surgery, organ transplant services, radiationtherapy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, coronary angioplasty, and positron emission tomography … 66.28 81.24 MRIs 40.47 57.45 Open Heart Surgeries 15.83 22.05 Transplant Services 5.44 7.94 X-Ray RadiationTherapy 16.86 27.43 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy 16.04 22.89 Coronary Angioplasty 18.65 … 42 (1) 51 (5) 2.45 (0.02) 2.251 (c) 0.02 (0.00) 0.001 (c) 45: Maintenance chemotherapy, radiotherapy
    October 01, 2014 - W CC 165 0.01 848: CHEMOTHERAPY W/O ACUTE LEUKEMIA AS SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS W/O CC/MCC 14 0.00 849: RADIOTHERAPY … W CC 165 0.01 848: CHEMOTHERAPY W/O ACUTE LEUKEMIA AS SECONDARY DIAGNOSIS W/O CC/MCC 14 0.00 849: RADIOTHERAPY … 44: Neoplasms of unspecified nature or uncertain behavior 3,002 0.09 45: Maintenance chemotherapy; radiotherapy … Non-imaging nuclear medicine probe or assay 930 0.03 210: Other nuclear medicine imaging 58 0.00 211: Radiationtherapy 1,958 0.06 212: Diagnostic physical therapy 755 0.02 213: Physical therapy exercises; manipulation
  5. MAINTAIN AND EXPAND (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - exception to this rule is that when the primary reason for the admission/encounter is chemotherapy, radiationtherapy, or rehabilitation, the appropriate V code for the service is listed first, and the diagnosis
    January 01, 2016 - and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    June 01, 2016 - and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2016 - surgeries and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2009 - 0.06% 690: ACUTE LEUKEMIA 5,525 0.07% 691: LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & NON-ACUTE LEUKEMIA 9,551 0.12% 692: RADIOTHERAPY … 8461: CHEMO WO AC LEUK SDX W CC 20,376 0.26% 8462: CHEMO WO AC LEUK SDX W MCC 2,222 0.03% 8490: RADIOTHERAPY … WO CC/MC 383 0.00% 8491: RADIOTHERAPY W CC 787 0.01% 8492: RADIOTHERAPY W MCC 68 0.00% 8530: INF … Reasons 1,466 0.02% OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 1,538 0.02% OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 1,304 0.02% OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 105,581 1.35% OTH88: Factors Influencing
    November 01, 2016 - surgeries and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    October 01, 2017 - surgeries and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2010 - Microsoft Word - deliverable45_2.doc HCUP Methods Series kbr33831 Contact Information: Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 For Technical Assistance with HCUP Products: Email: h…
    May 01, 2016 - pct) 20.42 20.02 Transplant Services 2 (pct) 7.17 7.28 Intensity Modulated Ray RadiationTherapy 2 (pct) 15.24 15.37 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy 2 (pct) 21.41 20.02
    January 01, 2014 - and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2002 - 5310 0.07 690: ACUTE LEUKEMIA 5344 0.07 691: LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & NON-ACUTE LEUKEMIA 10861 0.14 692: RADIOTHERAPY … PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W CC 511 0.01 4082: MYEL DIS,PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W MCC 209 0.00 4090: RADIOTHERAPY … W/O CC 629 0.01 4091: RADIOTHERAPY W CC 658 0.01 4092: RADIOTHERAPY W MCC 80 0.00 4100: CHEMOTHER … Reasons 1671 0.02 OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 4636 0.06 OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 1496 0.02 OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 121980 1.55 OTH88: Factors Influencing
    January 01, 2003 - 769 0.03 690: ACUTE LEUKEMIA 3630 0.12 691: LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & NON-ACUTE LEUKEMIA 974 0.03 692: RADIOTHERAPY … PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W CC 79 0.00 4082: MYEL DIS,PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W MCC 39 0.00 4090: RADIOTHERAPY … W/O CC 68 0.00 4091: RADIOTHERAPY W CC 40 0.00 4092: RADIOTHERAPY W MCC <= 10 **.** please refer … Administrative Reasons 512 0.02 OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 5076 0.17 OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 114 0.00 OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 10007 0.34 OTH88: Factors Influencing
    January 01, 2014 - surgeries and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2005 - 5630 0.07 690: ACUTE LEUKEMIA 5719 0.07 691: LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & NON-ACUTE LEUKEMIA 11278 0.14 692: RADIOTHERAPY … PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W CC 472 0.01 4082: MYEL DIS,PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W MCC 206 0.00 4090: RADIOTHERAPY … WO CC 441 0.01 4091: RADIOTHERAPY W CC 477 0.01 4092: RADIOTHERAPY W MCC 73 0.00 4100: CHEMO WO ACUTE … Reasons 1536 0.02 OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 2881 0.04 OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 1102 0.01 OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 132221 1.65 OTH88: Factors Influencing
    January 01, 2006 - 5296 0.07 690: ACUTE LEUKEMIA 5134 0.06 691: LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & NON-ACUTE LEUKEMIA 10514 0.13 692: RADIOTHERAPY … PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W CC 513 0.01 4082: MYEL DIS,PRLY DIF NEO&OTH OR PROC W MCC 261 0.00 4090: RADIOTHERAPY … WO CC 377 0.00 4091: RADIOTHERAPY W CC 516 0.01 4092: RADIOTHERAPY W MCC 94 0.00 4100: CHEMO WO ACUTE … Reasons 1366 0.02 OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 2346 0.03 OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 1065 0.01 OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 117679 1.46 OTH88: Factors Influencing
    January 01, 2009 - 0.03% 690: ACUTE LEUKEMIA 4,203 0.12% 691: LYMPHOMA, MYELOMA & NON-ACUTE LEUKEMIA 960 0.03% 692: RADIOTHERAPY … 0.04% 8461: CHEMO WO AC LEUK SDX W CC 18,209 0.53% 8462: CHEMO WO AC LEUK SDX W MCC 697 0.02% 8490: RADIOTHERAPY … WO CC/MC 38 0.00% 8491: RADIOTHERAPY W CC 69 0.00% 8492: RADIOTHERAPY W MCC <= 10 *.**% please … Reasons 569 0.02% OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 1,030 0.03% OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 119 0.00% OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 10,613 0.31% OTH88: Factors Influencing

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