
Total Results: 127 records

Showing results for "radiation therapy".

    January 01, 2025 - and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery. … and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    June 01, 2022 - may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy and labor and delivery. … and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2005 - Parkinson's disease 14.7 0.674 4.7 0.145253 20,800 1,115 45 Chemotherapy and radiationtherapy 175.9 13.794 4.8 0.126732 27,700 1,301 62 Coagulation and hemorrhagic
    March 01, 2016 - specification of site 44 Neoplasms of unspecified nature or uncertain behavior 45 Maintenance chemotherapy; radiotherapy … pulmonary 209 Non-imaging nuclear medicine probe or assay 210 Other nuclear medicine imaging 211 Radiationtherapy 212 Diagnostic physical therapy 213 Physical therapy exercises; manipulation; and other procedures … 43] 2.14 Neoplasms of unspecified nature or uncertain behavior [44] 2.15 Maintenance chemotherapy; radiotherapy … [45] 2.15.1 Radiotherapy 2.15.2 Chemotherapy 2.16 Benign neoplasms 2.16.1 Benign neoplasm of uterus
    July 25, 2012 - Statistical Brief #139: Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions for Kidney Stone Diseases, 2009 1 July 2012 Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions for Kidney Stone Disease, 2009 Gregory Foster, MPH, MA; Carol Stocks, M.H.S.A., R.N; Michael S. Borofsky, MD Introducti…
    July 01, 2012 - Statistical Brief #139 An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol FAQs Email Updates …
    January 01, 2012 - 1=minor diagnostic / 2=minor therapeutic / 3=major diagnostic / 4=major therapeutic NOTE: New codes are introduced in October and old codes are phased out in September. 'ICD-9-CM CODE' 'ICD-9-CM CODE DESCRIPTION' 'CATEGORY ASSIGNMENT' '0001' THERAP ULTRASOUND OF HEAD AN (Begin 2002) 2 '0002' THERAPEUTIC ULTRASOUND …
    April 07, 2017 - data also may include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2010 - 0.07% 690: Acute leukemia 5,619 0.07% 691: Lymphoma, myeloma & non-acute leukemia 9,854 0.13% 692: Radiotherapy … Reasons 1,624 0.02% OTH85: Encounter for Preventive Health Services 2,624 0.03% OTH86: Encounter for RadiationTherapy 1,110 0.01% OTH87: Encounter Related to Other Treatment 104,942 1.35% OTH88: Factors Influencing
    January 01, 2010 - Additional facilities included rehabilitation and osteopathic hospitals, radiation therapy centers, … lithotripsy centers, cardiac catheterization laboratories, and providers of radiation therapy.
    January 01, 2009 - Additional facilities included rehabilitation and osteopathic hospitals, radiation therapy centers, … lithotripsy centers, cardiac catheterization laboratories, and providers of radiation therapy.
    January 01, 2007 - Statistical Brief #25 An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol FAQs Email Updates …
    January 01, 2011 - may also include records from facilities that can include rehabilitation and osteopathic hospitals, radiationtherapy centers, lithotripsy centers, cardiac catheterization laboratories, and providers of radiationtherapy.
    January 01, 2011 - Additional facilities can include (but are not limited to) rehabilitation and osteopathic hospitals, radiationtherapy centers, lithotripsy centers, cardiac catheterization laboratories, and providers of radiationtherapy.
    January 01, 2007 - HCUP Statistical Brief #160: Hospital Stays for Burns, 2004 HEALTHCARE COST AND UTILIZATION PROJECT Agen Res January 2007 In 200 were p ment $573 Betwe pital s decre since burns 22 pe Comp other births, nearly and m young to res Nearly pitaliz amon years than 1 perce while ac…
    January 01, 2013 - and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    January 01, 2020 - The SASD in some States include information on lithotripsy, radiation therapy, and imaging. … contain information on various types of outpatient services, such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery. … including diagnostic procedures) and may also include data for various types of outpatient services (e.g., radiationtherapy and imaging).
    October 01, 2014 - Challenges and Opportunities with ICD-10-CM/PCS: Implications for Surgical Research Involving Administrative Data Disclosure Information: Nothing to disclose. This article was supported by contract #HHSA29020120 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. The views article are those of the authors and do not necessa…
    October 01, 2016 - surgeries and may also include various types of outpatient services such as observation stays, lithotripsy, radiationtherapy, imaging, chemotherapy, and labor and delivery.
    June 01, 2016 - therapy, extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, coronary angioplasty, and positron emission tomography … Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) Open heart surgery Organ transplant services X-Ray radiationtherapy Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy Coronary angioplasty Positron emission tomography … Open Heart Surgery Unit 1 19.10 19.77 Transplant Service 1 7.64 8.10 X-Ray RadiationTherapy Unit 1 24.02 23.54 Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy 1 20.00 18.49 Coronary

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