March 15, 2016 - Strategies for Improving CAHPS Clinician & Group (CG-CAHPS) Survey Scores
Improving CG-CAHPS in an
Academic Medical Center
Rick Evans, MA
Senior Vice President &
Chief Experience Officer
“Strategies for Improving CAHPS Clinician & Group (CG-CAHPS) Survey Scores”
A Webcast Presented by the AH…
January 01, 2016 - Questions or comments regarding this Chartbook or
any aspect of the CAHPS Health Plan Survey Database … For questions and composites based on 4-point response scales (i.e., "always",
"usually", "sometimes … version, changes to individual question items were very minor, and there were no changes
in the rating questions
January 20, 2006 - need focused coaching to achieve a lasting result
Require team members to stand up to others, ask hard questions … influential
Have strong interpersonal skills
Provide effective feedback
Listen actively
Ask powerful questions
January 01, 2019 - Questions or comments regarding this Chartbook or the CAHPS Health Plan Database may be directed
to … the CAHPS Database by email CAHPSDatabase@westat.com or questions may be directed to the toll-
free help … For questions and composite measures based on 4-point response scales (i.e.,
"always," "usually," "sometimes … version, changes to individual question items were very minor, and there were no
changes to the rating questions
December 02, 2015 - Agree Neutral Disagree
Please respond to the following questions regarding disclosure of commercial … Implementation Planning
Rate the following about the overall course:
Please respond to the following questions
August 23, 2018 - EvidenceNow Practice Survey Codebook: EHR
Variable Name/ Core-
optional Status Item
These questions … Please consult with
the lead clinician at your practice to answer these questions.