July 01, 2006 - we consider the issues
surrounding the delivery of oxygen to the patient in this case, a number of questions … psnet.ahrq.gov//#references
Hospitals will have variable answers to the questions … Questions in Assessing Transport Policies and Procedures
Which patients are being transported?
October 26, 2022 - Study
Clinician factors associated with delayed diagnosis of appendicitis.
Citation Text:
Michelson KA, McGarghan FLE, Patterson EE, et al. Clinician factors associated with delayed diagnosis of appendicitis. Diagnosis (Berl). 2023;10(2):183-186. doi:10.1515/dx-2022-0119.
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July 16, 2014 - department, a practice administrator sent a letter to each provider with a copy of the report
and a set of questions
June 16, 2010 - The authors recommend that hospitals consider adding
questions about adverse events to existing patient
January 07, 2015 - medication
list, indicate whether they had discontinued any prescribed medications, and report any questions
November 20, 2013 - hospitalists' signouts found that most hospitalists
relied primarily on the signout to respond to overnight questions
October 01, 2016 - I had expected that extracting data to answer these questions would be
similar to the process of examining … clinical and data science realms, clinician data scientists are best positioned to determine which
November 01, 2005 - DB: Well, at first there were a few key questions. … accessible in often-confusing clinical situations helps create a safe environment in which problems and questions … However, like most intuitively obvious solutions, barriers, questions, and new adaptations will color … system of care delivery for hospitalized patients, I will answer a series of frequently encountered questions … This is, in fact, two questions. The first is—how can we afford an RRT program?
September 01, 2007 - Using short-answer, essay-type questions, the moderator designs an examination that assesses the efficacy … Each of the questions is followed by the date of the Matrix Conference discussion. … For example questions, see the Table . … Example Questions (Go to table citation in perspective)
Question #1 A 58-year-old man undergoes … We shifted from that to looking at larger bore questions, something like the 100,000 Lives Campaign.
March 13, 2013 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Misdiagnosis is more common than drug errors or wrong-site surgery.
Citation Text:
Misdiagnosis is more common than drug errors or wrong-site surgery. Boodman SG. Washington Post. May 6, 2013.
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February 01, 2013 - If we're not able to answer all your
questions or for you to share all your observations at that time … need to help both attending clinicians and trainees understand
that we are not there just to answer questions—we … RW: Let's assume that surveys eventually ask the right questions. … When she goes to the doctor, my daughter
sends an e-mail with questions or observations.
July 01, 2018 - ultrasound machine, typically used when a health care provider seeks to answer a focused
question or set of questions … A point-of-care ultrasound examination enables the provider to answer a focused question or set of
February 18, 2011 - This study adds to a growing body of research that questions the relationship between work
hours and
August 20, 2018 - surviving-sepsis-campaign-international-guidelines-management-sepsis-and-septic-shock-2016
February 15, 2017 - studies, postoperative complications did not decrease, but postoperative mortality
improved, raising questions
November 28, 2016 - were not
adequately prepared for disclosure meetings, did not feel they had the opportunity to ask questions
April 19, 2017 - This
perspective questions the accuracy of this estimate.
May 01, 2007 - SPOTLIGHT CASE
The Other Side
Citation Text:
Vincent CA. The Other Side. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2003.
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September 23, 2020 - Study
Differential diagnosis checklists reduce diagnostic error differentially: a randomised experiment.
Citation Text:
Kämmer JE, Schauber SK, Hautz SC, et al. Differential diagnosis checklists reduce diagnostic error differentially: a randomised experiment. Med Educ. 2021;55(10):1172-1…
January 01, 2006 - Or did he raise ambiguous questions like, "Has anyone seen the catheter tip?" … Perspective
Aviation Safety Methods: Quickly Adopted but Questions