August 01, 2007 - of patient safety without the board being on the case, by being interested, watching, caring, asking questions … Because when the board is paying attention, listening, and asking questions, the natural pressure that … leadership support, choose a few key system level measures and track those, asking two key improvement questions … The risk adjustment questions are challenging.
August 01, 2007 - of patient safety without the board being on the case, by being interested, watching, caring, asking questions … Because when the board is paying attention, listening, and asking questions, the natural pressure that … leadership support, choose a few key system level measures and track those, asking two key improvement questions … The risk adjustment questions are challenging.
May 01, 2019 - The other night I had a patient that I had some questions about. … of receiving the patient, I had their patient care report and was able to look it over and answer my questions … Evidence-based guidelines for fatigue risk management in EMS: formulating research questions
February 01, 2016 - frontline physicians at length and ask tough
questions … When the answers to these questions
suggest that problems are present in patient care delivery, the
February 26, 2025 - There are some questions that we may not have enough data to answer individually, but by coming together … A well-trained analyst will know the right place to go to get the right data for the questions you are … We came together as the High Value Healthcare Collaborative to say we can’t answer all the questions … we want to alone, but we can agree to share learning by sharing the results of the questions that we
February 26, 2025 - There are some questions that we may not have enough data to answer individually, but by coming together … A well-trained analyst will know the right place to go to get the right data for the questions you are … We came together as the High Value Healthcare Collaborative to say we can’t answer all the questions … we want to alone, but we can agree to share learning by sharing the results of the questions that we
June 11, 2014 - error-management-lessons-aviation
November 18, 2016 - This raises questions about the benefits of patient-centered bedside rounds as a way to improve
September 18, 2013 - in their care and provides tactics to
help patients prevent diagnostic errors, including a list of questions
February 18, 2011 - effectively during weekend hours, a notion supported by the Sunday
night death of Libby Zion that raised questions
April 27, 2010 - Questions about adequate
pharmacist staffing, similar to research published in nursing, could provide
June 16, 2011 - The authors grouped the survey questions
into nine dimensions of safety, including organizational factors
October 19, 2022 - Study
To think is good: querying an initial hypothesis reduces diagnostic error in medical students.
Citation Text:
Coderre S, Wright B, McLaughlin K. To think is good: querying an initial hypothesis reduces diagnostic error in medical students. Acad Med. 2010;85(7):1125-9. doi:10.1097/A…
August 07, 2024 - August 13, 2014
Organ donor's surgery death sparks questions.
July 10, 2024 - In Conversation With… Paul McGann, MD
March 1, 2016
Citation Text:
In Conversation With… Paul McGann, MD. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2016.
Copy Citation
September 01, 2004 - diagnosis he has already given himself, and the
treating physician might forget to ask all necessary questions … Physicians caring for physician–patients must remember
to ask all routine questions anyway. … If you answer "Yes" to at least one of these questions, you should make a formal appointment with your
January 01, 2021 - us-department-veterans-affairs-medical-center-houston-tx-and-baylor-
The Revised Safer Dx Instrument provides a standardized list of questions … The instrument consists of a series of questions that address five aspects of the diagnostic process: … time; (4) subspecialty and referral-specific factors; and (5) patient-related factors.1 To answer the
questions … For more information or questions, please email psnetsupport@ahrq.hhs.gov.
February 02, 2011 - piece-my-mind-copy-and-paste
While the impact on time efficiency and quality of ambulatory care has raised questions
August 14, 2013 - for the safety movement, spurred by data demonstrating
that patients often feel uncomfortable asking questions
March 21, 2017 - awareness and closed-loop
communication, the intervention focused on encouraging patients to ask specific questions