March 28, 2006 - question to the TeamSTEPPS experts, or select the FAQ button to get help and view frequently asked questions … form the class into teams of two to three individuals and assign each group three to four discussion questions … Leaders must create a compelling vision, one that answers the questions, what do we want to achieve? … Take five minutes for yourselves now, and think through and write down your answers to the following questions … When you teach, use these questions as well as those found on Page 14 of the Instructor Guide to facilitate
March 01, 2017 - The team's discussion during a Debrief can be facilitated by using a checklist using the following questions … Pay attention to the questions the team addresses. … The staff member can clarify any questions the resident/family may have and repeat the most important … Encouraging the residents and family to ask questions, and offering positive reinforcement when they … do, will ensure that they will continue to be engaged and not afraid to ask questions or provide input