January 01, 2010 - This process will include at least one meeting to discuss concerns and questions with the patient, family
January 01, 2010 - This process will include at least one meeting to discuss
concerns and questions with the patient, family
March 01, 2021 - Mold et al., 2018 )
In addition to organization and infrastructure, the surveys included questions … practices used EHRs to extract ABCS clinical quality measures data to answer the initiative’s research questions
January 01, 2022 - Pressure and Pace
Optional Supplemental Item Sets
• All SOPS surveys are composed of standardized questions
January 01, 2012 - STRATIFY Risk Assessment Tool
Answer all five questions below and count the number of “Yes” answers. … 3 = Independent
Combined score (transfer + mobility): ____________
Total score from questions
August 07, 2012 - used at a staff or faculty meeting to structure one or a series of meetings by using specific survey questions
January 01, 2022 - the end of the SOPS Hospital Survey 2.0, after
Section F: Your Hospital, just before the Background Questions … Add the SOPS Hospital 2.0 Background Questions after these Value and Efficiency items.
November 02, 2018 - Briefly, you will ask participants the following questions. … Then complete step two in the implementation guide handout by answering these questions. … If you are participating as a team, share your thoughts and complete as a team answering these questions … Then answer the questions on your worksheet. … Spend time listening to each group's discussion and ask questions that will help them think through their
February 25, 2014 - Be sure to allow participants to ask the person
sharing the story any questions. … You should also ask
questions or highlight key points, if appropriate.
STEP 2. … Leaders must create a compelling vision―one that answers the
questions “What do we want to achieve?”