January 01, 2020 - This is a question we get all of the time. … so for that question asker, there you go. … Paul, I have a followup question for you. … In other words, you
administer one question at a time. … I think we have time for maybe just one more question so let me go ahead and ask one
more question about
May 01, 2017 - The measurement of CPCQ was described in the RFA as: “The 32-item question-
naire based on the work … We used the Strategies scale of the Change Process Capability Question-
naire (CPCQ) of Solberg et al … Methods: 1580 participants, 20 question scale with values from 1-4 for each. … This may differ from not
wanting to respond to a question. … Dealing With Missing Data in a Multi-Question Depression Scale: a Comparison of Imputation Methods.
January 01, 2014 - Here is a question for Juanita. … This is a question for both. … So, this is a question for Juanita. … Here’s a question for both of you, and I think this is really a very good
question. … This is a
question for Bev.
January 01, 2012 - Instructions for Raw Score/Scale Score Look-up Tables
Each question has between two and five response … the total raw score for a form with all questions answered, sum the values of the response to
each question … A score can be approximated if a participant skips a question.
July 19, 2018 - [Check only one]
Yes [if Yes, explain in question 8 and explain next steps in question 14]
No … [if No, continue to question 9]
8. … ]
No [IF “NO” STOP.]
March 15, 2016 - • Use Q&A feature to ask for help.
5 www.cahps.ahrq.gov
To Ask a Question
6 www.cahps.ahrq.gov … To Ask a Question
Accessing Presentations
Accessing Event Materials
CAHPS Ambulatory Care Improvement
September 01, 2015 - And it looks like our first question here is actually for Terry. … We actually have another question, and this one is for Erin. … Next question is can you put more than one ASC in the Data Entry and Analysis Tool? … And here’s a question about how long does it take to complete the survey. … I think we’ll try to get one more
question in. Let’s see.
December 09, 2015 - Please
answer every question, and select only one response for each question.
October 29, 2018 - Cerully.
5-Question Elicitation Protocol
1. … Applying Goals for Narrative Elicitation
Applying Goals for Narrative Elicitation
5-Question Elicitation
August 01, 2011 - My Questions for This Visit
AHRQ Pub. No. 10(11)-0094-1
August 2011
My Questions for This Visit
You might have questions about:
n Your medicines
n A medical test you need
n A surgery you need
What are the top three questions you want to
be sure to ask during your appointment? List
them here:
1. ________________…
January 01, 2014 - Added-role: maintains other roles
► Evidence: missing
A Central Question
What is the impact of … • Did you get an answer to your medical question that same day? … Implementation And
Contextual Factors
• Implementation: Office visit frequency
► CG-CAHPS survey question … Of Coordinated Care:The Theoretical Model
Potential Solution: Nurse Care Coordination
A Central Question
October 01, 2016 - Consequences of Overuse of Antibiotics in Nursing Homes
Question for discussion: What are some of the … Signs and Symptoms of a UTI
Question: What are the signs and symptoms of a UTI? … Question: What are some reasons that a person may have dark urine? … Question: What are some reasons that a person may have foul-smelling urine? … Question: What are some reasons that people may have positive results with a urinalysis?
June 01, 2023 - Question Builder
The Question Builder helps patients create a list of questions they can take to appointments … Other Resources
Question Builder
20 Tips To Help Prevent Medical Errors
Patients and Providers
June 01, 2022 - webcast, you can find the Q&A icon
with a question mark in the menu. … Yount, Slide 54
As a reminder, you can type a question in the Q&A box. … Be sure to send your question to all panelists. … I've got one more question on supplemental items for you. So let me ask that now. … And then the next question, Theresa, I'm going to send back to you as well.
July 01, 2023 - E: "When you question my judgment in front of others, it embarrasses me and makes me very uncomfortable … S: "If you are concerned or have a question regarding my performance, I would appreciate it if you would
January 01, 2019 - What can I say to clinicians who question the value of patient experience data? … Why does CAHPS repeat the reference period in every question? … For example, typically less than five percent of respondents pick "never" in response to the question … Some also ask a similar question about perceived mental health. … A question about global mental health does contribute to explaining between-unit variations and thus
May 01, 2021 - 1 __ Yes → If Yes, go to C-MH3 2 __ No
After core question 22 (before the “About You” section) … 1 __ Yes
2 __ No → If No, go to core question 23
After C-MH4
December 02, 2015 - each of the following questions, please circle the letter next to the response that
best answers the question … Office-Based Care
Knowledge Assessment – Answer Key
The table below presents the best answer to each question … and links each question to information in the
TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care curriculum.
June 01, 2017 - Theresa Famolaro
Okay, let's start with the first question. … So, I think this is a question for you, Celeste. … Celeste Mayer
Yes, that's a good question. … Okay, so let's go to the next question here. … And then here's another question.
January 01, 2023 - Communication with Parent
Child HCAHPS Survey Question Text Response Options
Communication … Communication with Parent (cont’d)
Child HCAHPS Survey Question Text Response Options
Measures (cont … Communication with Child
Child HCAHPS Survey Question Text Response Options
How Well Nurses … Communication with Child (cont’d)
Child HCAHPS Survey Question Text Response Options
Measures (cont … A complete
record has response to 50 percent or more of the key question items and a response for one