
Total Results: 1,446 records

Showing results for "question".

    August 22, 2017 - -- 95% Confidence Interval 0.63-0.84 -- *Parent response to National Health Interview Survey question
    April 01, 2018 - Question Builder The Question Builder helps patients create a list of questions they can take to appointments … Other Resources Question Builder 20 Tips To Help Prevent Medical Errors Patients and Providers
    January 31, 2020 - Classify by answer yes or no to the following question: Does this facility always have 24/7 in-house … a) Yes b) No c) Unsure d) Refuse This is Question 2 of the four question HROB questionnaire included … Step 5 Identify which of those health care facilities answered “Yes” to above question
    October 18, 2019 - Classify by answer yes or no to the following question: Does this facility offer level 3 or higher … a) Yes b) No c) Unsure d) Refuse This is Question 4 of the four question HROB questionnaire … or Denominator 2 Step 5 Identify which of those health care facilities answered “Yes” to above question
    December 01, 2020 - No → If No, go to #28 on page 5 The questions in this survey will refer to the provider named in Question … In the last 6 months, did you contact this provider’s office with a medical question about your child … this provider’s office during regular office hours, how often did you get an answer to your medical question
    April 01, 2017 - The basic question answered here is whether the TeamSTEPPS intervention produces desirable attitude changes … To answer this question, the T-TAQ should be administered immediately prior to and after TeamSTEPPS training … Please select only one response for each question.  … Please answer every question and select only one response for each question. … Please provide your responses to each question in the space provided.
    October 07, 2016 - Care Survey Drug Therapy Drug_Eng_Cancer_552a.docx 10/7/2016 Survey Instructions Answer each question … When this happens you will see an arrow with a note that tells you what question to answer next, like … on page 6 The remaining questions in this survey will refer to the hospital or clinic named in Question … In the last 6 months, did you contact this cancer center with a medical question during regular office … this cancer center during regular office hours, how often did you get an answer to your medical question
  8. FECC Surveys (pdf file)
    March 09, 2018 - Survey Instructions Answer each question by marking the box to the left of your answer. … When this happens you will see an arrow with a note that tells you what question to answer next, like … to contact the person who helped you with managing your child’s care when you needed help or had a question … to contact the person who helped you with managing your child’s care when you needed help or had a question … 1 Question 11 Question 17 Question 26 Question 35 Question 38 Telephone Survey Script
    December 27, 2017 - single-item measures, it is important to indicate that the measure reflects performance on just one survey question … Options • Definitely Yes • Somewhat Yes • Somewhat No • Definitely No 4 Response option for question … appointment with a specialist dentist for myself in the last 12 months. 5 Response option for question … 15 minutes in the waiting room before seeing someone for an appointment. 6 Response option for question
    April 01, 2021 - (Not included) This question is not included in 4.0. … This question is in 4.0 only. (Not included) (Not included) 8. … This question is in 4.0 only. (Not included) (Not included) 10. … This question is in 4.0 only. Access to care 6. … (Not included) This question is not included in 4.0.
    December 01, 2015 - In this spirit, we strongly encourage you to read the notes that accompany each question before you answer … Instructions Answer "Yes" or "No" to each question. … As noted with regard to the general timing of implementation (see Question 3), a practical strategy for … Review the notes accompanying each question and identify any steps the practice might take to improve … Consider postponing the implementation process for a few months and review the notes accompanying each question
    November 15, 2019 - If you do not wish to answer a question, or if a question does not apply to you, you may leave your answer … Staff feel free to question the decisions or actions of those with more authority (1 (2 (3 (4 (
    October 01, 2008 - The basic question answered here is whether the TeamSTEPPS intervention produces desirable attitude … To answer this question, the T-TAQ should be administered immediately prior to and after TeamSTEPPS … Please select only one response for each question. … Please answer every question and select only one response for each question. … Please provide your responses to each question in the space provided.
    October 01, 2021 - The Question Builder —lets people create a list of questions that they can take to medical appointments … This month HHS and AHRQ announced that the Question Builder App is now also available as a Spanish
    January 01, 2024 - Question Builder The Question Builder helps patients create a list of questions they can take to appointments
    February 05, 2020 - Classify by answer yes or no to the following question: Does this facility provide 24/7 on-site blood … a) Yes b) No c) Unsure or unable to answer d) Refuse This is Question 3 of the four question HROB … or Denominator 2 Step 5 Identify which of those health care facilities answered “Yes” to above question
    May 30, 2018 - Classify by answer yes or no to the following question: Does this facility always have 24/7 in house … a) Yes b) No c) Unsure d) Refuse This is Question 1 of the four question HROB questionnaire … Step 5 Identify which of those health care facilities answered “Yes” to above question
    August 01, 2005 - In this spirit, we strongly encourage you to read the notes that accompany each question before you … Instructions Answer “Yes” or “No” to each question. … As noted with regard to the general timing of implementation (see Question 3), a practical strategy … Review the notes accompanying each question and identify any steps the practice might take to improve … Consider postponing the implementation process for a few months and review the notes accompanying each question
    May 01, 2017 - Staff should provide as much detail as possible when completing the assessment, especially the second questionQuestion 1. Did you create a policy or procedure (rate strong or weak)? Question 2. … Question 3. Are staff members using the procedure as intended? Question 4.
    September 01, 2020 - Return to Contents Slide 7: Group discussion Slide Content: Question: How do you keep up … Return to Contents Slide 10: Group discussion Slide Content: Question: What are some outcomes … Slide Content: Question: Which of these broad topics may be relevant to your patients? … Slide Content: Question: Can you think of other ways that you might use these resources with your … Slide Content: Question: Have any of you ever visited this Web site?

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