October 01, 2013 - Second Version
For families involved in a care team receiving wrap-around services, the question … Question 2 of the 48-item Wrap-Around Observation Form-2, which elicits information from a trained observer … (Question 1)
Number of “yes” responses noted by observer during family meeting with … (Question 1)
Development & testing:
Reliability of the WOF-2 was assessed during 30 family planning
October 01, 2013 - Second Version
For families involved in a care team receiving wrap-around services, the question … Question 1 of the 48-item Wrap-Around Observation Form-2, which elicits information from a trained observer … (Question 1)
Number of “yes” responses noted by observer during family meeting with … (Question 1)
Development & testing:
Reliability of the WOF-2 was assessed during 30 family planning
March 01, 2022 - Please read each question and respond by checking yes or no in the boxes provide. … Questions: Please check either Yes (Y) or No (N) for each question.
October 31, 2014 - Key Takeaways
• Teamwork
• Empowerment
• Support mission
To Ask a Question … of CGCAHPS
Overcoming Barriers
Plans for Sustainability
Key Takeaways
To Ask a Question
January 01, 2011 - It's the question we all struggle with. … You can send us a question at any time by selecting “ask a question”
from the navigation bar at the … Patrick McCabe
That's a good question. … Lise Rybowski
I'm going to ask a question, another question of you, Jeff, sort of that I've seen come … That's a good question.
May 24, 2011 - It's the question we all struggle with. … You can send us a question at any time by selecting “ask a question”
from the navigation bar at the … Patrick McCabe
That's a good question. … Lise Rybowski
I'm going to ask a question, another question of you, Jeff, sort of that I've seen come … That's a good question.
January 01, 2017 - To Ask a Question
Image: Webinar console with arrows showing how to submit a question.
December 01, 2017 - So, Paul, you want to do the next question to vote on? … So it's kind of stacked question, right? … Once again, to ask a question, you may press “star one” on your Touchtone phone to ask a question. … Susan Hohenhaus: Great question. A couple of things. … Our next question will come from Barbara Edson, HRET.
Barbara Edson: It's not a question.
December 10, 2013 - So, Paul, you want to do the next question to vote on? … So it’s kind of stacked question, right? … Once again, to ask a question, you may press “star one” on your Touchtone phone to ask a question. … Susan Hohenhaus:
Great question. A couple of things. … Our next question will come from Barbara Edson, HRET.
Barbara Edson:
It’s not a question.
November 01, 2017 - The vendor has the option to display the question format or the field name or both. … The correct answer to question #1 is False. … The correct answer to question #2 is “False.” … 7
The correct answer to question #3 is “c,” 30 days. … The correct answer to question #3 is False.
January 01, 2017 - To Ask a Question
Image: Webinar console with arrows showing how to submit a question.
February 11, 2015 - Introducing the CAHPS Child Hospital Survey
To Ask a Question
www.cahps.ahrq.gov 57
www.cahps.ahrq.gov … : https://www.cahps.ahrq.gov
To Ask a Question
March 01, 2022 - Questions: Please check either Yes (Y) or No (N) for each question.
1. … Patient Self-Bathing Skills Assessment
Questions: Please check either Yes (Y) or No (N) for each question
February 14, 2013 - 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 17
16. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 19
18. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 24
23. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 17
16. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 19
February 14, 2013 - 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 17
16. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 19
18. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 24
23. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 17
16. … 1
Yes 2 No If No, Go to Question 19
February 01, 2023 - Slide 3
What did you notice that could lead to the development of a CAUTI? … catheter bag placement
No securement device
Urine drainage bag was not emptied
Slide 5
May 01, 2017 - Arrows pointing downward lead from one question to the next:
Question 1: What happened? … Question 2: Why did it happen?
Question 3: What will you do to reduce the risk of reoccurrence? … Question 4: How will you know it worked?
January 01, 2017 - And then finally, in Question 5, we had this somewhat oddly worded question for those of you who are … So, we looked at the response rate between Question 1 and Question 5. … Mark Schlesinger
Excellent question. … How would you answer that question?
Mark Schlesinger
That's a good question. … So, that last question,
which sounds like it ought to be a really awkward question for people, literally
January 01, 2021 - ■ In CFER-H V1.1 and V1.2, the EVENT TYPE is found in the HERF DE21 in response to
the question: … The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question:
“What is being reported?” … The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question:
“What is being reported?” … Technical Notes
■ In CFER-H V1.2, the EXTENT OF HARM in the PIF is DE55 in response to the question … EVENT TYPE is found in the HERF
DE21 in response to the question: “Which of the following categories
May 17, 2021 - These answer the question:
"Is the system functioning as planned?" … These address the question: "What are the
results of the improved process?" … These answer the
question: "Are there any negative consequences as
a result of the change?"