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Showing results for "question".

    July 01, 2023 - E: "When you question my judgment in front of others, it embarrasses me and makes me very uncomfortable … S: "If you are concerned or have a question regarding my performance, I would appreciate it if you would
    January 01, 2019 - What can I say to clinicians who question the value of patient experience data? … Why does CAHPS repeat the reference period in every question? … For example, typically less than five percent of respondents pick "never" in response to the question … Some also ask a similar question about perceived mental health. … A question about global mental health does contribute to explaining between-unit variations and thus
    January 01, 2013 - SELECT “NEXT” TO MOVE FORWARD. 27 Teach-back Interactive Module 1.22 Question: Rationale … patient understood what you told him or her. 29 Teach-back Interactive Module 1.23 Question … Please try again. 31 Teach-back Interactive Module 1.24 Question: Expectations for Teach-back … : Rationale for using teach-back 1.23 Question: Using Plain Language 1.24 Question: Expectations for … Teach-back 1.25 Question: Effective Teach-back Phrases?
    April 01, 2013 - Our next question comes from Mary Holmes. Your line is open. Mary Holmes: Yes. … Christine Goeschel: That's a great question. … Then I've got a question for Allison, if we can get her back on. … We have a question from Allison Hong. Allison Hong: Sorry. Okay. … And then your second question about sharing with medical staff.
    April 01, 2018 - Question Builder The Question Builder helps patients create a list of questions they can take to appointments … Other Resources Question Builder 20 Tips To Help Prevent Medical Errors Patients and Providers
    April 01, 2021 - (Not included) This question is not included in 4.0. … This question is in 4.0 only. (Not included) (Not included) 8. … This question is in 4.0 only. (Not included) (Not included) 10. … This question is in 4.0 only. Access to care 6. … (Not included) This question is not included in 4.0.
    November 01, 2016 - We will move to the question-and-answer session for the presenters and for everyone who is attending … Operator, are there any folks in the queue who have a question? … Chris Queram: It is—that's a great question, first of all. … I just wanted to follow up real quickly on the question. … Thanks for that question.
    May 31, 2023 - For the real-life situation in question 4 above, a nurse in the same circumstances, but NOT confident … If the doctor, in fact, is correct in his dosage (question 4) and the nurse was incorrect in her memory … 7 TeamSTEPPS Learning Benchmarks—Answer Key This matrix presents the best answer and relates the question … Acknowledgement • Respect for team input • Focus on the patient and safety 7 D • Proper response to the question
    January 01, 2024 - Question Builder The Question Builder helps patients create a list of questions they can take to appointments
    November 01, 2020 - Patient and Clinician Videos A simple question, such as "Is it okay to take this over-the-counter medicine
    November 01, 2016 - Nancy Wilson: Yes, that's a really good question. I guess that's mine. … Heather Plochman: Okay, another question here. … Heather Plochman: This question is both for Nancy and Ernie. … Nancy, the next question is for you. … Heather Plochman: So this next question is for Ernie.
    November 01, 2016 - If you have a question, dial 14 on your phone to enter the operator-assisted queue line. … If your question is answered before you get to the front of the queue, you can dial 13 to exit. … Questions and Answers [Slide 39] With that, I'd like to begin the question-and-answer session. … Question 4: What are some examples of next steps for quality improvement and implementation? … Question 5: Can the panel share how home health providers can engage on these issues?
    September 01, 2020 - Return to Contents Slide 7: Group discussion Slide Content: Question: How do you keep up … Return to Contents Slide 10: Group discussion Slide Content: Question: What are some outcomes … Slide Content: Question: Which of these broad topics may be relevant to your patients? … Slide Content: Question: Can you think of other ways that you might use these resources with your … Slide Content: Question: Have any of you ever visited this Web site?
    April 01, 2023 - Patient Question Lists (a.k.a. Doc Talk Cards)    6.H.2.c. Feed Forward    6.H.2.d. … Patient Question Lists (a.k.a. Doc Talk Cards). Feed Forward. Coached Care. 6.H.2.a. … Patient Question Lists (a.k.a.
    November 01, 2016 - Discussion/Question and Answer [Slide 29] Nancy Wilson:  Thanks so much, Dr. Venza. … Her question is for Dr. … It's a good question, for future work. Heather Plochman:  The next question is for Dr. Moy. … We have one final question. … Ernest Moy:  I appreciate this question, because it emphasizes the value of information and context.
    April 01, 2013 - Sometimes I ask myself the same question. … If you would like to ask a question, simply press the star key followed by the one key. … Again to pose a question, that’s star, one on your touchtone phone now. … I do have a question for you. … My question has to do with the Team Checkup Tool.
    October 01, 2023 - follow each dashboard to provide additional details such as the text of the specific Common Formats question … based, any constraints on the eligible population of reports for the data element (such as whether the question
    QuestionBuilder App As easy as 1-2-3, learn about AHRQ’s Question Builder App to
    November 01, 2020 - McGregor: Always Ask Questions (2 minutes 42 seconds) PATIENT QUOTE "This is not a question
    July 01, 2023 - narrative accounts can be considerably enhanced by careful attention to elicitation techniques (e.g., question … For each question, we offer some concrete, feasible responses to these challenges. … The impact of this scaffolding approach on question design was most pronounced for respondents with … ■ To encourage the most complete and representative reports about diagnostic problems, elicitation question … a perfectly reasonable way of “testing” a diagnosis, thereby learning more about the condition in question

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