October 01, 1999 - The exact
wording of the question is: “In general, compared to
other people of (PERSON)’s age, would … Limitations in the ability to perform ADLs are
assessed with the following question: “Does anyone in … The third question asks,
“Does anyone in the family require supervision for their
own safety?” … (emphasis in the question as indicated). … The data
from the followup question were not available for this
July 28, 2006 - Note: The diabetes population for Table 1 is based on answering “yes” to a question in the Priority
December 01, 2009 - If the response to the question above was yes, then respondents were also asked the following:
2. … For each of the conditions listed, the following
question was asked: (Have/Has) PERSON ever been told … Statistical Brief, only those with active asthma (those who answered affirmatively to the follow-up question
February 01, 2019 - Data are for persons that had a visit to their USC
provider in 2016, and the USC question was asked in … This estimate assumes that the 1.9 percent of persons with missing data for the USC
question did not … Missing Values
Missing values include the responses to a question of refused (-7), don't know (-8),
September 01, 1998 - For example, when a question referred to the larger
entity, the question shown on the … When
a question referred to only the eligible nursing home/unit within … For the next question--"In what form
and strength was ALLOPURINOL?" … QxQ
Question-by-question specifications; QxQ's
provide item-specific information … to interviewers on the intent
of question wording.
November 01, 2006 - For each child, current smoking status was determined for all related co-residing adults based on a question … condition
Information on whether the child has asthma was obtained from responses to the following question … responses to both questions are classified as having asthma and those with negative responses to the first question
November 01, 2006 - For each child, current smoking status was determined for all related co-residing adults based on a question …
Information on whether the child has asthma was obtained from responses to the following question … responses to both questions are classified as having asthma and those with negative responses to the first question
November 01, 2006 - For each child, current smoking status was determined for all related co-residing adults based on a question … condition
Information on whether the child has asthma was obtained from responses to the following question … responses to both questions are classified as having asthma and those with negative responses to the first question
December 01, 2004 - Definitions/Methodology
The following question was used to identify persons with hypertension … The household respondent
was asked this question about himself or herself and the other adults living … 30.0 and 39.9 inclusive
– Morbidly obese: BMI greater than or equal to 40.0
The following question
December 31, 1996 - There are three potential elements to any question: display instructions before the question, the question … " following the question box.
2. … after the question categories. … As cursor moves through entry fields, question text varies. … CQ1
December 08, 2017 - discussion of successes and challenges of the linked survey approach and will present response rates by question
January 01, 2009 - Note: The diabetes population for Table 1 is based on answering "yes" to a question in the Priority
Conditions … Note: The diabetes population for Table 1 is based on answering "yes" to a question in the Priority
Conditions … Note: The diabetes population for Table 1 is based on answering "yes" to a question in the Priority
Conditions … Note: The diabetes population for Table 1 is based on answering "yes" to a question in the Priority
March 01, 2009 - The first question asks about whether the person has ever been told by a doctor or other health professional … Of persons identified with current asthma a question is asked about whether the person has ever taken … Of those answering yes, a second question is asked about whether the person is now taking this medication
March 01, 2009 - The first question
asks about whether the person has ever been told by a doctor or other health professional … Of persons identified with current
asthma a question is asked about whether the person has ever taken … Of those answering
yes, a second question is asked about whether the person is now taking this medication
March 01, 2009 - The first question asks about whether the person has ever been told by a doctor or other health professional … Of persons identified with current asthma a question is asked about whether the person has ever taken … Of those answering yes, a second question is asked about whether the person is now taking this medication
September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … (including answer categories), and instructions following the question. … after the question categories. … Column 1: on the first row, use the question text for EX11, and on subsequent rows use the question text … This billing period number is displayed just after the question text.
December 01, 2009 - If the response to the question above was yes, then respondents were also asked the following:
2. … For each of the conditions listed, the following question was asked: (Have/Has) PERSON ever been told … Statistical Brief, only those with active asthma (those who answered affirmatively to the follow-up question
December 01, 2009 - If the response to the question above was yes, then respondents were also asked the following:
2. … For each of the conditions listed, the following question was asked: (Have/Has) PERSON ever been told … Statistical Brief, only those with active asthma (those who answered affirmatively to the follow-up question
December 01, 2009 - If the response to the question above was yes, then respondents were also asked the following:
2. … For each of the conditions listed, the following question was asked: (Have/Has) PERSON ever been told … Statistical Brief, only those with active asthma (those who answered affirmatively to the follow-up question
December 01, 2009 -
If the response to the question above was yes, then respondents were also asked the following … For each of the conditions listed, the following question was asked: (Have/Has) PERSON ever been told … Statistical Brief, only those with active asthma (those who answered affirmatively to the follow-up question