
Total Results: 1,869 records

Showing results for "question".

    August 01, 2006 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of
    August 01, 2007 -
  3. Health status
    In every round, the respondent was asked the following question
    August 01, 2007 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health
    December 01, 2014 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of every
    March 01, 2006 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of
    August 01, 2006 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of
    August 01, 2007 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health
    December 01, 2010 -
    Health status
    In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to
    December 01, 2014 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of
    March 01, 2006 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of
    August 01, 2007 - Health status In every round, the respondent was asked the following question to rate the health of
    February 01, 2023 - Insurance Status of Mothers at the Time of Birth, by Demographic Characteristics, 2008-19 February 2023 Insurance Status of Mothers at the Time of Birth, by Demographic Characteristics, 2008–19 Jessica Monnet, PhD, and Julie Hudson, PhD Highlights  The percentage of mothers who were uninsured at the…
  • Sb8
    June 08, 2021 - STATISTICAL BRIEF #8 2002 Access to Urgent Medical Care: 2001 By: Janet Greenblatt, MPH
    The quality of the health care received by Americans is an issue of public policy concern for several reasons. First, the level of quality of the health care delivery system affects the capacity to pro…
    April 30, 2019 - Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Publication Details   Skip to main content An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services More Back Search Menu Search All AHRQ Sites Careers Contact Us Español FAQs Email Updates Font Size:   Search MEPS S M L XL   Publication Detail…
    September 01, 2005 - rules are applied to these families using the appropriate definition of family for the program in question
    September 01, 2005 - Eligibility rules are applied to these families using the appropriate definition of family for the program in question
    September 01, 2005 - Eligibility rules are applied to these families using the appropriate definition of family for the program in question
    September 01, 2005 - Eligibility rules are applied to these families using the appropriate definition of family for the program in question
    December 01, 2010 - The exact wording of the question is: "In general, compared to other people of (PERSON)'s age, would
    December 01, 2010 - The exact wording of the question is: "In general, compared to other people of (PERSON)'s age, would
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