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  1. Cnf-Nffq (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … after the question categories. … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK or RF are entered in root question, flag FAVERIF4 root question for retrieval … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK is entered in root question, flag FAVERIF4 root question as still MISSING … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK is entered in root question, flag FAVERIF5 root question as still MISSING
    October 01, 2007 - means and totals from NHIS it is necessary to make an assumption about the average value for each question … computed estimates using 2 different “average” values --the lower bound and midpoint of the NHIS question … adjusted MEPS estimates of means and totals by applying the lower bound and midpoint of the NHIS questionQuestion style: NHIS asks respondents to pick a range (10 categories) in which the number of visits … Question reference period & number of interviews: The NHIS question refers to the past 12 months while
  3. Fac-Lvl (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … after the question categories. … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK or RF are entered in root question, flag FAVERIF4 root question for retrieval … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK is entered in root question, flag FAVERIF4 root question as still MISSING … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK is entered in root question, flag FAVERIF5 root question as still MISSING
  4. Services (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … (including answer categories), and instructions following the question. … If no flow instructions are specified, default to the next question box. 2. … after the question categories. … SAMPLE LAYOUT US4-US5 {QUESTION DISPLAY AREA} {SELECT ONE} US4 US5 DR.
  5. New-Fac (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK or RF are entered in root question, flag FAVERIF4 root question for retrieval … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK or RF are entered in root question, flag FAVERIF5 root question for retrieval … , flag FAVERIF3 root question as still MISSING DATA. … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK is entered in root question, flag FAVERIF4 root question as still MISSING … MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SPECS: If DK is entered in root question, flag FAVERIF5 root question as still MISSING
  6. Sam-Fac2 (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … (including answer categories), and instructions following the question. … after the question categories. … In RH21C, excludes the added place displayed in question text. … Fill question with special unit type and name from FA55 and FA56.
    January 01, 2022 - This ten-question survey collects data on household food security, including how often the household … Also in 2002, a question asking for the doctor's specialty was added. … Also in 2002, a question asking for the doctor's specialty was added. … Also in 2002, a question asking for the doctor's specialty was added. … See Social and Health Experiences Sources for a list of sources used for question wording.
    January 01, 2022 - This ten-question survey collects data on household food security, including how often the household … Also in 2002, a question asking for the doctor's specialty was added. … Also in 2002, a question asking for the doctor's specialty was added. … Also in 2002, a question asking for the doctor's specialty was added. … See Social and Health Experiences Sources for a list of sources used for question wording.
    December 01, 2018 - diagnoses Estimates of the reported prevalence of diagnosed diabetes were based on the question … Only if the answer to that question is "yes" are the subsequent questions are asked. … DCS questionnaire, sample individuals age 18 and older who reported "yes" to the diabetes diagnoses question … Persons who did not respond to the cholesterol question (1.2 percent) are excluded from estimates. … Percentage distribution of responses to A1C test question among adults with diabetes by race/ethnicity
    April 25, 2019 - Question 4: What are the best ways to move ahead? … In the self-administered modes, the question is presented as one question with multiple options. … The question asked in the self-administered mode is listed below. … (similar question for public coverage reported as “other government coverage.” … The premium/subsidy question is: a. Is there a premium for this plan?
  11. Hlthstat (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - Display choice list below question text. … (HS24) 33 HA21 Display HA21 with the question text above, the frequency codes beneath the question … Display choice list below question text. … Display choice list below question text. … Display choice list below question text.
    December 01, 2018 - Definitions Diabetes diagnoses Estimates of the reported prevalence of diagnosed diabetes were based on the question … paper-and-pencil questionnaire for the MEPS household members age 18 and older based on responses to a question … Only if the answer to that question is "yes" are the subsequent questions are asked. … DCS questionnaire, sample individuals age 18 and older who reported "yes" to the diabetes diagnoses question … DCS questionnaire, sample individuals age 18 and older who reported "yes" to the diabetes diagnosis question
  13. Fb-Hi (pdf file)
    January 01, 1996 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … (including answer categories), and instructions following the question. … If no flow instructions are specified, default to the next question box. 2. … after the question categories. … As cursor moves through entry fields, question text varies.
    January 01, 1999 - The exact wording of the question is: "In general, compared to … For persons under age 13, a final verification question is asked to confirm that … As with IADLs, a follow-up question identifies the individual … The third question asks, "Does anyone in the family require supervision for their … " (emphasis in the question as indicated).
  15. Pmed (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … (including answer categories), and instructions following the question. … If no flow instructions are specified, default to the next question box. 2. … after the question categories. … We know the gender of the SP, either from sampling or from question RH6 in Residence History.
  16. Sam-Fac3 (pdf file)
    September 30, 1997 - There are three potential elements to any question: instructions before the question, the question itself … (including answer categories), and instructions following the question. … after the question categories. … In RH21C, excludes the added place displayed in question text. … Display all eligible units below the question text, even if only one.
    December 01, 2016 - Value Definition Name Variable name (maximum of 8 characters) -1 INAPPLICABLE Question … was not asked due to skip pattern -7 REFUSED Question was asked and respondent refused to answer … question -8 DK Question was asked and respondent did not know answer -9 NOT ASCERTAINED … ; (3) variables that are collected by one or more specific questions in the instrument have those question … PROSCANC – have you had prostate cancer males only, > 49 years old Gate question.
    December 31, 1996 - interviewer with a key data item (e.g., sex, age, Medicaid insurance coverage, sources of payment), the question … QxQ Question-by-question specifications; QxQ's provide item-specific information to interviewers on … the intent of question wording. … The reference date for a particular person, particular nursing home, or specific questionnaire or question … SS Sampling section, used to denote the question items in the Facility Questionnaire on the sampling
    December 09, 2022 - MEPS interviewers use this help text to define terms or to clarify certain parts of a question … Help Text Groupings file contains a list of each help tag, the associated item number, item tag, and question … See Social and Health Experiences Sources for a list of sources used for question wording. … Households receive a DCS based on their response to a question in the Priority Condition section
    December 09, 2022 - MEPS interviewers use this help text to define terms or to clarify certain parts of a question … Help Text Groupings file contains a list of each help tag, the associated item number, item tag, and question … See Social and Health Experiences Sources for a list of sources used for question wording. … Households receive a DCS based on their response to a question in the Priority Condition section

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