April 01, 2016 - Purpose: To provide a checklist for the required actions that need to be taken following an event.
Who should use this tool? The Communication and Optimal Resolution Toolkit (CANDOR) Response Team or
designee, unless otherwise indicated.
How to use this tool: Use the checklist to ensure that appropriate action is t…
February 01, 2017 - are encouraged throughout the presentation and will be answered during the Q&A session
To submit a question
January 01, 2017 - are encouraged throughout the presentation and will be answered during the Q&A session
To submit a question
January 01, 2014 - Understanding and Reducing Overuse of Potentially Harmful Screening Tests
Research Centers for Excellence
in Clinical Preventive Services
Working to get the right services, to the right people, at the right time
Understanding and Reducing Overuse of Potentially Harmful
Screening Tes…
January 01, 2014 - Improving Rates of Repeat Colorectal Cancer Screening in Community Health Centers
Research Centers for Excellence
in Clinical Preventive Services
Working to get the right services, to the right people, at the right time
Improving Rates of Repeat Colorectal Cancer
March 20, 2014 - TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Leadership Exercise Sheet
TeamSTEPPS 2.0 Leadership Exercise Sheet – B-4-31
Leading Teams
Leadership Exercise Sheet
Convene in a group of 3-7 individuals
1. Begin by selecting a leader and scribe for your group.
2. The group will have ten minutes to address the questions,…
January 01, 2014 - To
help answer that question, Dean Clinic’s service
department implemented a one-on-one
provider coaching
February 16, 2011 - Quality Improvement Process
Assessment Question
Yes (fully operational)
January 01, 2013 - TeamSTEPPS in Long-Term Care (LTC): Financial and Safety Benefits of Implementing TeamSTEPPS in Nursing Homes and LTC Facilities
TeamSTEPPS® in Long-Term Care (LTC): Financial and Safety Benefits of Implementing TeamSTEPPS in Nursing Homes and LTC Facilities
September 11, 2013
Mod 1 05.2 Pa…
April 01, 2016 - Purpose: To help you identify members of your organization who are effective at delivering disclosure
Who should use this tool? Communication and Optimal Resolution (CANDOR) Implementation Team, Disclosure
Lead(s), Disclosure Communicators.
How to use this tool: Use the Communication Assessment Guid…
April 01, 2014 - Tool 7, The SHARE Approach, Taking Steps Toward Cultural Competence: A Fact Sheet
The SHARE Approach
Taking Steps Toward Cultural
Competence: A Fact Sheet
Workshop Curriculum: Tool 7
The SHARE Approach is a 1-day training program developed by the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ) to help health c…
September 18, 2014 - Understanding Physicians' and Patients' Views of Harms and Clinical Preventive Services
Research Centers for Excellence
in Clinical Preventive Services
Working to get the right services, to the right people, at the right time
Understanding Physicians’ and Patients’ Views
of Harms and Clini…
January 01, 2013 - Static Teach-back Interactive Module
1. Title
Improving Patient Safety by Engaging Patients and Families in Effective Clinician-
Patient Communication
1 Teach-back Interactive Module
Sponsored by the Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality (AHRQ), this tea…
September 02, 2022 - Reinforcing the Value and Roles of Nurses in Diagnostic Safety - Issue Brief
Issue Brief 10
Reinforcing the Value and Roles
of Nurses in Diagnostic Safety:
Pragmatic Recommendations
for Nurse Leaders and Educators
This page intentionally left blank.
Issue Brief 10
Reinforcing the Va…
January 01, 2023 - SOPS® Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set for the SOPS Nursing Home Survey
SOPS® Workplace Safety Supplemental Item Set for the SOPS Nursing Home Survey
Language: Spanish
Purpose: This supplemental item set was designed for use with the core SOPS® Nursing Home Survey to help nursing homes assess the extent to whic…
April 10, 2006 - And the second question, do you believe coaching characteristics are innate or can they be learned? … How did you answer the second question?
June 01, 2022 - Transitioning to the SOPS™ Hospital Survey Version 2.0: What’s Different and What To Expect, Part I: Main Report
Transitioning to the SOPS™ Hospital Survey
Version 2.0: What’s Different and What To Expect
Part I: Main Report
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health an…
February 10, 2011 - Strategy 2: Communicating for Improve Quality (Tool 4)
We are partners in your care
We work to make sure you get the
best care possible.
Strategy 1: Working with Patients & Families as Advisors
[Type text] [Type text] [Type text]
Strategy 2: Communicating to Improve Quality (Tool 4)
Guide to Patient and Family En…
September 20, 2017 - Module 4: How to Implement the Fall Prevention Program in Your Organization
Module 4: How to Implement the Fall Prevention Program in Your Organization
Module Aim
The aim of this module is to support your efforts in implementing the new prevention practices at the patient care level.
Module Goals
The goals of Module …
April 01, 2016 - It starts with answering the question: “What do we know?”