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    January 01, 2019 - The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question: “What is being reported?” … The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question: “What is being reported?” … EVENT TYPE is found in the HERF DE21 in response to the question: “Which of the following categories … EVENT TYPE is found in the HERF DE21 in response to the question: “Which of the following categories … • Technical Notes ■ In CFER-H V1.2, EXTENT OF HARM in the PIF is DE55 in response to the question
    January 01, 2016 - The question is, is this cost-effective? … Dale Shaller Would you -- this is another question related to the provider network, and the question … Again, kind of a provider network question. Stacia Cohen Sure. … Here's a question for both of you. Chris, we'll start with you. … Here's a question for either of you, Chris or Stacia.
    September 21, 2017 - 1|_| Yes 2|_| No If No, go to C-SD5 After core question 17 Note: Use C-SD1-4 together, if using C-SD1 … 1|_| Yes 2|_| No If No, go to core question 18 After C-SD4 Note: Use C-SD5-8 together C-SD6.
    January 01, 2024 - Based on users’ preferences, indicated by their answers to each question, the Decision Tool displays … decision support and expertise  Set criteria and logistics for Decision Tool  Determine complete question … Compendium to match preferences Intermediate Steps: November 15, 2006 - February 28, 2007  Determine question … Prioritize questions according to audience and weighted score  Ensure appropriate options for each question … dissemination plan: communication and launch Intermediate Steps: March 2, 2007 - May 1, 2007  Finalize question
    November 01, 2015 - We'll start with a polling question. I'll read it. … If you would like to ask a question, please press *1 on your touchtone phone now. … This question is for Dr. Fakih. Dr. … I wasn't quite sure how to respond to that question. Dr. Mohamad Fakih: That's a great question. … I don't know if I answered your question. Peggy Thompson: You did.
    May 04, 2016 - At any time during the presentation, type your question into the “Q&A” section of your WebEx Q& … Select “Send” to submit your question to the moderator. … At any time during the presentation, type your question into the “Q&A” section of your WebEx Q& … Select “Send” to submit your question to the moderator. … Contact information Obtaining CME/CE credits How to submit a question Slide Number 65 Obtaining CME
    October 29, 2013 - Closed Captioning To submit a question, type question here and hit submit.
  8. Fallpxtool3O (doc file)
    January 01, 2008 - Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire Question Response Error? … * A mistake on ANY part of this question should be scored as an error. … Severity of injury (check the most severe) __None (skip to question 2.5) __Minor (complaint of pain; … Prior to the patient’s fall, what was his/her activity level (ask nurse this question)?
    December 08, 2017 - 1|_| Yes 2|_| No If No, go to P-SD5 After core question 9 Note: Use P-SD1-4 together P-SD2. … 1|_| Yes 2|_| No If No, go to core question 10 After P-SD4 Note: Use P-SD5-8 together P-SD6.
    January 01, 2023 - Recommend case manager 1 Note: An asterisk (*) denotes where the question is negatively worded. … Composite Measures, Items, Ratings, and Recommendation Items HCBS CAHPS Survey Question Text Response … Composite Measures, Items, Ratings, and Recommendation Items (cont’d) HCBS CAHPS Survey Question Text … Composite Measures, Items, Ratings, and Recommendation Items (cont’d) HCBS CAHPS Survey Question Text … Supplemental Employment Module Items Survey Question Text Response Options Employment Module Items
    June 01, 2021 - The first question asks staff to describe the next patient scenario for which antibiotics will not be … The second question asks staff to describe what they think can be done to prevent this from happening … Let’s look at and answer question 1: “Describe the next patient scenario for which antibiotics may … Now we can consider question 2: “Describe what can be done to prevent this from happening.” … For question 2 she could answer: “Create an alert that requires nurses to notify prescribers of urine
    January 01, 2022 - Recommended question to assess sexual orientation has fewer concerns. … However, currently there is no explicit question to assess perceived unfair or insensitive treatment … Responses to the new question on perceived unfair treatment in care will continue to be analyzed for … This type of question may be tested in other CMS programs Session 4: Analyzing and Reporting CAHPS … order, and reasons they might decline to answer either question.
    March 17, 2015 - • Use Q&A feature to ask for help. 6 To Ask a Question 7 … To Ask a Question Accessing Presentations Accessing Event Materials CAHPS Health Plan Survey CAHPS
    January 01, 2014 - Here is a question for Juanita. … This is a question for both. … So, this is a question for Juanita. … Here’s a question for both of you, and I think this is really a very good question. … This is a question for Bev.
    March 01, 2013 - Practice Profile Interview—Linkages with External Organisations of Providers (GP-LI) Purpose: This question … Notes: This question is part of a composite measure for one practice: For each provider or organization … For the purposes of this Atlas , the composite scoring was broken and one question was identified as
    March 01, 2013 - Practice Profile Interview—Linkages with External Organisations of Providers (GP-LI) Purpose: This question … Notes This question is part of a composite measure for one practice: For each provider or organization … For the purposes of this Atlas , the composite scoring was broken and one question was identified as
    June 01, 2021 - ML 3 AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use – Long-Term Care Assessment UTI 3 Case 1: Question … Case 1: Question 2 9 Ask about urinary urgency, frequency, dysuria, chills, and pelvic or bladder … available AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use – Long-Term Care Assessment UTI Case 2: Question … therapy AHRQ Safety Program for Improving Antibiotic Use – Long-Term Care Assessment UTI 16 Case 3: Question
    January 01, 2023 - The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question: “What is being reported?” … LOCATION OF EVENT OR UNSAFE CONDITION is defined by DE78 in response to the question “Where did the … LOCATION OF EVENT OR UNSAFE CONDITION is defined by DE78 in response to the question “Where did the … CONTRIBUTING FACTOR(S) FOR EVENT is defined by DE105 in response to the question “ ontributed to the … The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question: “What is being reported?”
    January 01, 2013 - Percentile Distributions Implications Factors to Consider in Selection Today’s Speakers To Ask a Question … To Ask a Question CAHPS E-mail Updates 2013 CG-CAHPS Database Comparative Data Available After
    January 01, 2015 - Then you just type your question in and hit Submit. … , what they thought the question meant. … Zoë Vecchio It’s a good question. … Mark Schuster That’s a really great question. … Thank you, great question.

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