January 01, 2015 - Reading and understanding this CAHPS
question requires 12th grade reading
skills. … Medical
Care in press.
To Ask a Question
CAHPS Research … Collection of CG-CAHPS Visit Survey
Asians Exhibit Less Extreme Response Tendencies Than Whites
To Ask a Question
October 07, 2015 - |_| Yes
|_| No (Skip to question 7)
6. … |_| Yes
|_| No (Skip to question 9)
8. … |_| Yes
|_| No (Skip to question 13)
10. What problems were found with the medicine regimen?
March 01, 2013 - they would have the help they needed when they left the hospital (of those who complete that survey question … the purpose of a medicine in a way that was easy to understand (of those who completed that survey question … understand how much to take of each medicine and when to take it (of those who completed that survey question … problems to look out for after discharge was easy to understand (of those who completed that survey question … report that all questions were answered satisfactorily by the DE (of those who completed that survey question
January 01, 2020 - ■ In CFER-H V1.1 and V1.2, the EVENT TYPE is found in the HERF DE21 in response to
the question: … The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question:
“What is being reported?” … The REPORT TYPE is found in the HERF DE3 in response to the question:
“What is being reported?” … EVENT TYPE is found in the
HERF DE21 in response to the question: “Which of the following categories … EVENT
TYPE in the HERF is DE21 in response to the question: “Which of the following categories
March 01, 2017 - In the last 6 months, did you contact this cancer center with a medical question after regular office … 1 |__| Yes 2 |__| No → If No, go to #AC3
After core question 18
N-AC2. … this cancer center after regular office hours , how often did you get an answer to your medical question
June 01, 2014 - Again, this is how you ask a question if you haven't done so already. … Dale Shaller
I'm going to go back to Rachel with this question. … I'm going to ask Steven to respond to this question. … I believe this question relates to that aspect of the research. … I think it's a very good question.
May 01, 2021 - Please select your answers here
Remember to click SUBMIT when complete
Polling Question 1
Why … Please select your answers here
Remember to click SUBMIT when complete
Polling Question 2
Solutions … Women in
Baltimore by Akiba Drew, MPH – Please request by email, TAKEheart@abtassoc.com
Polling Question
April 01, 2020 - 1 ☐ Never
2 ☐ Sometimes
3 ☐ Usually
4 ☐ Always
After core question 11
P-HL2. … 1 ☐ Never
2 ☐ Sometimes
3 ☐ Usually
4 ☐ Always
After core question 16
P-HL3. … 1 ☐ Yes
2 ☐ No → If No, go to core question 17
After P-HL15
P-HL17. … 1 ☐ Never
2 ☐ Sometimes
3 ☐ Usually
4 ☐ Always
After core question 22
P-HL22. … 1 ☐ Yes
2 ☐ No → If No, go to P-HL32
After core question 26
Do not use if using P-HL27 or
January 01, 2014 - To ask a
question, please click the Q&A box and type in your question in the text box and select “Submit … Janice, I’m going to let you answer this question. … Dale Shaller
Here’s another question for you, Janice. … “Recommend” question. … I do want to make sure that this question, which is
really a very fundamental question with respect
January 01, 2022 - Given their power in that regard, a natural question is:
how can we use these stories to improve the … Gathering and analyzing data: In response to a question regarding the frequency of data
collection, … Adding this new question more
than doubled the narrative feedback related to telehealth interactions … The narratives provided in response to that question included comments on whether the
• … The question of oversight is
important and should be further considered.
January 01, 2020 - for our
speakers, you may ask a question through the Q&A feature. … Feel free
to share your name or organization and role when you type in your question. … A further question that we received is about how are the questions determined? … I have another question here asking about survey translations. … There's a question of do we have a specific
survey for primary healthcare centers?
September 01, 2015 - Setting the Stage
Catheter Maintenance ‹#›
AHRQ Safety Program for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals
Question … was not emptied
Catheter Maintenance ‹#›
AHRQ Safety Program for Reducing CAUTI in Hospitals
June 13, 2017 - • Use Q&A feature to ask for help.
To Ask a Question
www.ahrq.gov/cahps … To Ask a Question
Accessing Presentation Materials
Accessing Event Materials
September 01, 2020 - number of questions per
page so that response options display without
• Differentiate question … use a grid, use a single item
format with vertical response options
• Each item is as a stand-alone question … 33
Other Web Survey Tips
• Program the survey so that respondents can
decide not to answer a question
June 01, 2020 - Thank you for that question.
Here's another one that came in. … The next question, actually another-- Let's just piggyback off that with another data submission question … Again, another fantastic question about databases. … Here's another question that came in. … Thank you for your question.
Here's a question for Jeff. Jeff, it says, "I wonder if Dr.
April 01, 2013 - At that time, instructions will be given if you would like to ask a question. … At this time, I believe it is question and answer. … Jonathan Kling: Good question. … Operator: Thank you for your question. … Now I have one final question.
December 08, 2017 - Insert P-AS1 after core question 18, which should be modified to include the skip instruction presented … 1|_| Never
2|_| Sometimes
3|_| Usually
4|_| Always If Always, go to core question 19
Note: AS1 was
October 01, 2013 - Second Version
For families involved in a care team receiving wrap-around services, the question … Question 1 of the 48-item Wrap-Around Observation Form-2, which elicits information from a trained observer … (Question 1)
Number of “yes” responses noted by observer during family meeting with care … (Question 1)
Development & testing:
Reliability of the WOF-2 was assessed during 30 family planning
October 01, 2013 - Second Version
For families involved in a care team receiving wrap-around services, the question … Question 2 of the 48-item Wrap-Around Observation Form-2, which elicits information from a trained observer … (Question 1)
Number of “yes” responses noted by observer during family meeting with care … (Question 1)
Development & testing:
Reliability of the WOF-2 was assessed during 30 family planning
December 01, 2015 - each of the following questions, please circle the letter next to the response that best answers the question … Office-Based Care Knowledge Assessment—Answer Key
The table below presents the best answer to each question … and links each question to information in the TeamSTEPPS for Office-Based Care curriculum.