
Total Results: 548 records

Showing results for "psychological".

    April 11, 2024 - understanding of benefits and harms of risk-reducing interventions, risk perception, satisfaction, health and psychological … understanding of benefits and harms of risk-reducing interventions, risk perception, satisfaction, health and psychological
    October 22, 2015 - , individual or group) Medications (e.g., medical management, supplements [vitamin D, calcium]) Psychological … or other long-term care facilities) KQ 2: Harm outcomes as reported in studies, including psychological
    October 22, 2015 - , individual or group) Medications (e.g., medical management, supplements [vitamin D, calcium]) Psychological … or other long-term care facilities) KQ 2: Harm outcomes as reported in studies, including psychological
    June 04, 2024 - falls (eg, balance, gait, vision, postural blood pressure, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological … components, such as balance, gait, vision, postural blood pressure, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological … in the context of a multifactorial intervention: environmental modification, medication management, psychological … trials), medication review (4 trials), exercise in combination with environmental assessment (3 trials), psychological … More studies are needed on the benefits and harms of educational and psychological interventions.
    October 29, 2024 - their lifetime. 1 , 3 Approximately half of U.S. adult women (49%) and men (45%) report experiencing psychological … Definitions IPV refers to physical violence, sexual violence, psychological aggression (including coercive … Abuse of older adults and vulnerable adults includes physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional or psychological … IPV, 47 , 48 and one found mixed results for subtypes of IPV 49 (the benefit was significant for psychological … Elder abuse and psychological well-being: a systematic review and implications for research and policy
    August 07, 2008 - recommendations from the USPSTF • The harms of screening include the discomfort of prostate biopsy and the psychological
    August 05, 2008 - Conclusion: Prostate-specific antigen screening is associated with psychological harms, and its potential … This study was limited by the potential of confounding through other sources of psychological differences … effects, we cannot determine from the existing studies the precise magnitude of psychological harms … Psychological effects of a suspicious prostate cancer screening test followed by a benign biopsy result … The impact of a suspicious prostate biopsy on patients’ psychological, socio-behavioral, and medical
    April 12, 2022 - Psychological interventions are likely to have minimal harms. 1 The use of selective serotonin reuptake … youth who have been exposed to traumatic events based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … youth who have been exposed to traumatic events based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … harm (available at … Combined pharmacotherapy and psychological treatment for depression: a systematic review.
    October 11, 2022 - The Community Guide: Group Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy to Reduce PsychologicalPsychological interventions are likely to have minimal harms. 1 , 2 The use of selective serotonin reuptake … youth who have been exposed to traumatic events, based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … youth who have been exposed to traumatic events, based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … Combined pharmacotherapy and psychological treatment for depression: a systematic review.
    May 01, 2008 - 20 May 2008 Annals of Internal Medicine Volume 148 • Number 10 759 Annals of Internal Medicine psychological … There are 2 potential domains of harms of screening for and treatment of gestational diabetes: the psychological … A review of the literature revealed mixed available evidence on the initial psychological impact of gestational … after screening, women who screened positive for gestational diabetes may report higher anxiety, more psychologicalPsychological impact of the diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Obstet Gynecol. 1989;73:562-6.
    December 17, 2015 - reliability, and testability (ability of children to cooperate with the test) KQs 3, 5: Harms, including psychological … distress, labeling, anxiety, other psychological effects, false-positive results, and adverse effects
    December 21, 2023 - and incidence of advanced-stage cancer (including metastatic prostate cancer) KQ 2: Physical or psychological … high-grade prostate cancer ( KQ 4 ) KQ 4a: Biopsy rate KQ 6: Bowel, urinary, and sexual dysfunction; psychological
    April 21, 2022 - unsupervised, individual or group) Multifactorial assessment and intervention Medication management Psychological
    March 01, 2022 - Various biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors, such as trauma, childhood adversity
    January 01, 2025 - • Osteoporotic fractures are associated with psychological distress, subsequent fractures, loss of independence
    August 21, 2018 - cervical cancer; cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN); false-positive, colposcopy, and biopsy rates; psychologicalPsychological harms, including adverse effects on anxiety, distress, and sexual satisfaction, were abstracted … 24 , 37 , 44 were included for harms, along with an additional cross-sectional study that assessed psychological … Limited evidence suggested that positive hrHPV test results may be associated with greater psychological … No studies reported on the psychological effects of primary hrHPV screening.
    September 15, 2005 - Risk assessment, genetic counseling, and mutation testing did not cause adverse psychological outcomes … Results of 9 trials indicated either decreased measures of psychological distress 27 , 30-33 , 86-87 … Psychological side effects of breast cancer screening. Health Psychol 1991;10:259-67. 47. … Psychological impact of receiving negative BRCA1 mutation test results in Ashkenazim. … Psychological impact of genetic testing in women from high-risk breast cancer families.
    September 15, 2005 - Risk assessment, genetic counseling, and mutation testing did not cause adverse psychological outcomes … Results of 9 trials indicated either decreased measures of psychological distress 27 , 30-33 , 86-87 … Psychological side effects of breast cancer screening. Health Psychol 1991;10:259-67. 47. … Psychological impact of receiving negative BRCA1 mutation test results in Ashkenazim. … Psychological impact of genetic testing in women from high-risk breast cancer families.
    March 15, 2022 - disorders are associated with short-term and long-term ad- verse health outcomes, including physical, psychological … disorders are associated with short-term and long-term adverse health outcomes, including physical, psychological … generally i n vo l ve s a n i n t e r d i s c i p l i n a r y a p p r o a c h e n c o m p a s s i n g psychological … Various biological, psychological, social, and environmental factors, such as trauma, childhood adversity … None of the trials of psychological interventions reported on harms.
    January 16, 2024 - The Task Force Issues Draft Recommendations on Interventions for High Body Mass Index in Children and Adolescents 1 Task Force Issues Draft Recommendation Statement on Interventions for High Body Mass Index in Children and Adolescents Behavioral interventions can he…

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