September 20, 2022 - additional assessments to confirm the diagnosis, determine symptom severity, and identify comorbid psychological … One ESR reported both psychological and pharmacotherapy treatment. 1 Psychotherapy treatment improved … However, the limited evidence supported benefits of psychological treatment in these populations as well … Psychological interventions did not increase the risk of harm, measured as deterioration of depressive … symptoms with any psychological treatment, self-guided internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy,
April 17, 2018 - in the context of a multifactorial intervention: environmental modification, medication management, psychological … not as part of multifactorial interventions: environmental modification, medication management, and psychological … of multifactorial interventions, exercise, vitamin D supplementation, environmental modifications, psychological … the following: balance, gait, vision, cardiovascular health, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological … including environmental modification (3 studies; n=2175), medication management (2 studies; n=266), psychological
April 17, 2018 - in the context of a multifactorial intervention: environmental modification, medication management, psychological … not as part of multifactorial interventions: environmental modification, medication management, and psychological … of multifactorial interventions, exercise, vitamin D supplementation, environmental modifications, psychological … the following: balance, gait, vision, cardiovascular health, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological … including environmental modification (3 studies; n=2175), medication management (2 studies; n=266), psychological
May 15, 2012 - , fever, bleeding, infection, and transient urinary difficulties associated with prostate biopsy,
April 10, 2018 - such as balance, gait, vision,
postural blood pressure, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological
January 01, 2019 - Lori Pbert, Ph.D
Lori Pbert, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Population and Quantitative Health Sciences, associate chief of the Division of Preventive and Behavioral Medicine, and founder and director of the Center for Tobacco Treatment Research and Training at the University of Massachu…
January 01, 2010 - (Target organ damage)
Harms of screening:
Labeling/psychological issues
Work/economic costs
Opportunity … We identified 6 cohort studies examining the
psychological effects of screening and labeling
individuals … ” (53–58); 1 compared the
psychological effects of screening and labeling
hypertensive individuals who … These studies did not find any evidence for
adverse psychological effects. … Psychological effects of
hypertension labeling during a community survey.
A two-year follow-up.
April 01, 2003 - Available studies have found no important adverse effects on psychological well-being and mixed effects … We identified 6 cohort studies examining the psychological effects of screening and labeling individuals … with hypertension. 53-59 Five compared the unintended psychological effects of labeling an individual … as "hypertensive" or "normotensive"; 53-58 1 compared the psychological effects of screening and labeling … Psychological effects of hypertension labeling during a community survey. A two-year follow-up.
January 18, 2024 - of benefits and harms of risk-reducing interventions, risk perception, satisfaction, and health and psychological … of benefits and harms of risk-reducing interventions, risk perception, satisfaction, and health and psychological
April 12, 2022 - youth who have been exposed to traumatic events based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … harm (available at https://www.thecommunityguide.org/findings/violence-psychological-harm-traumatic-events-among-children-and-adolescents-cognitive-individual … youth who have been exposed to traumatic events based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … harm (available at https://www.thecommunityguide.org/findings/violence-psychological-harm-traumatic-events-among-children-and-adolescents-cognitive-group … Pharmacologic interventions may result in adverse events, while psychological interventions are likely
February 01, 2014 - Other studies indicated no sta-
tistically significant changes in psychological or sexual ac-
tivity … Psychological factors associated with emotional responses to receiving genetic risk
information. … Identification of patients at high risk of psychological distress after
BRCA1 genetic testing. … Psychological impact of genetic testing in women from high-risk breast
cancer families. … Psychological outcomes of familial ovarian cancer screening: no evidence of
long-term harm.
October 12, 2023 - and incidence of advanced-stage cancer (including metastatic prostate cancer)
KQ 2: Physical or psychological … high-grade prostate cancer ( KQ 4)
KQ 4a: Biopsy rate
KQ 6: Bowel, urinary, and sexual dysfunction; psychological
January 19, 2016 - screening results should lead to additional assessment that considers severity of
depression and comorbid psychological
May 01, 2022 - Society (AGS)
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
American Psychological
September 09, 2021 - A large body of evidence supported
benefits of psychological and pharmacologic treatment of depression … For example, the broadest analysis, which
included any type of psychological treatment compared with … Does publication bias inflate the
apparent efficacy of psychological treatment for
major depressive disorder … Psychological interventions
for depression and anxiety in pregnant Latina and
Black women in the United … Psychological treatment of depression in people
aged 65 years and over: a systematic review of
May 01, 2021 - youth who
have been exposed to traumatic events, based on strong evidence
of effectiveness in reducing psychological … harm (https://www.
traumatic-events-among-children-and-adolescents-cognitive … who have
been exposed to traumatic events, based on strong evidence of ef-
fectiveness in reducing psychological … harm (https://www.
traumatic-events-among-children-and-adolescents-cognitive … Pharmacologic interventions may result in adverse events,
while psychological interventions are likely
December 15, 2013 - Psychological factors associated with emotional responses to receiving genetic risk information. … Identification of patients at high risk of psychological distress after BRCA1 genetic testing. … Psychological impact of genetic testing in women from high-risk breast cancer families. … Psychological impact of recall on women with BRCA mutations undergoing MRI surveillance. … Psychological outcomes of familial ovarian cancer screening: no evidence of long-term harm.
January 01, 2014 - Davidson, a psychologist, has conducted important research in the area of behavioral, psychological,
October 06, 2009 - Potential harms include lifelong
use of medications without proven benefit and psychological and other
March 15, 2022 - Twenty-four trials (n = 1644) assessed psychological interventions. … Eligible treatments included psychological interventions (eg, cognitive behavioral) delivered in a group … RCTs evaluating combined psychological and pharmacotherapy interventions were eligible if they included … No included studies of psychological interventions reported on harms. … Among the 24 trials assessing psychological interventions, guided self-help improved eating disorder