September 18, 2018 - 70.4 (18.8) NR 67.0 (20.0) NR NRc
Wylie-Rosett et al,132
Swencionis et al,158
12 1 194 Psychological … Addi-
tionally, there were few data on patient-centered outcomes such as
QOL and psychological outcomes … Weight change, psychological well-being, and
vitality in adults participating in a
cognitive-behavioral … Correlates
of health-related quality of life, psychological
well-being, and eating self-regulation after
May 23, 2019 - drinks
per occasion and not drinking before driving) will reduce
the risk for medical, social, and psychological … Harmful
drinkers experience physical, social, or psychological harm
from their above-threshold alcohol … Alcohol-abusing/-dependent drinkers
continue to use alcohol despite significant negative physi-
cal, psychological … intervention studies reported morbidity-
related outcomes, such as problem scores (54, 58, 59, 61),
January 01, 2019 - scientific and professional organization
representing psychology in the United States, the American
Psychological … Chief Executive Officer
American Psychological Association
24 | Ninth Annual Report to Congress … College of Preventive Medicine
American Medical Association
American Osteopathic Association
American Psychological
October 11, 2022 - California, Los Angeles; Natalie Cort, PhD, William James College; and Raquel Halfond, PhD, American Psychological … Does screening high school students for psychological distress, deliberate self-harm, or suicidal ideation
December 30, 2013 - percutaneous coronary angioplasty, that may be performed in response to positive screening results; and psychological
June 03, 2003 - Both false‐positive and true positive results could have adverse psychological effects on patients, but
January 07, 2003 - including repeated Pap tests and biopsies; possible unnecessary treatment for low-grade lesions; and psychological
January 01, 1996 - detection, there are few studies demonstrating that routine screening actually reduces the medical, psychological
January 07, 2003 - including repeated Pap tests and biopsies; possible unnecessary treatment for low-grade lesions; and psychological
January 15, 2011 - factors, or refractive errors (eg, white reflex screening)
Include harms, including psychological … distress, labeling, anxiety, other psychological effects, false-positive results, adverse effects on … penalization of the nonamblyogenic eye (patching and atropine)
Include harms, including psychological … distress, labeling, anxiety, other psychological effects, false-positive results, adverse effects on
January 15, 2011 - factors, or refractive errors (eg, white reflex screening)
Include harms, including psychological … distress, labeling, anxiety, other psychological effects, false-positive results, adverse effects on … penalization of the nonamblyogenic eye (patching and atropine)
Include harms, including psychological … distress, labeling, anxiety, other psychological effects, false-positive results, adverse effects on
June 01, 2015 - Studies lasting longer than the ADDITION
pilot study (≥1 year) found no negative psychological
effects … We identified
no studies estimating the rate of false-positive results,
psychological effects, or other … No evidence on
psychological or
other adverse
effects associated
with a new
diagnosis of
diabetes … associated with screening is sparse, although
limited evidence showed no clear long-term negative
effects on psychological
February 16, 2021 - maternal and fetal complications. 29
Potential Harms
Potential harms of screening for GDM include psychological
February 16, 2021 - maternal and fetal complications. 29
Potential Harms
Potential harms of screening for GDM include psychological
March 16, 2021 - Psychological impact of screening for type 2 diabetes: controlled trial and comparative study embedded
March 16, 2021 - Psychological impact of screening for type 2 diabetes: controlled trial and comparative study embedded
August 01, 2022 - outcomes.25
A fair-quality US-based study (n = 187) used various scales to esti-
mate patient-reported psychological
March 02, 2020 - Poor-quality evidence from the prior review suggested potential negative psychological and social effects
January 01, 2020 - are common and
lead to unnecessary and sometimes invasive follow-up
testing, with the potential for psychological … harms (overdiagnosis
and overtreatment, unnecessary and sometimes inva-
sive follow-up testing and psychological … The most common is a false-positive result,
which can lead to psychological harms, as well as addi-
January 11, 2016 - are common and lead to unnecessary and sometimes invasive follow-up testing, with the potential for psychological … common harms (overdiagnosis and overtreatment, unnecessary and sometimes invasive follow-up testing and psychological … The most common is a false-positive result, which can lead to psychological harms, as well as additional