September 05, 2017 - aged 3 to 5 years does not worsen visual acuity in the nonamblyopic eye but may be associated with psychological … vision loss. 1 , 18 , 20 Untreated vision abnormalities can result in short- and long-term physical and psychological … to 0.92]). 1 , 36
Potential harms of treatment include loss of visual acuity in the amblyopic eye, psychological … 37 In a subanalysis of 1 trial (patching plus eyeglasses vs eyeglasses alone vs no treatment), the psychological … 40 The study did not compare the eyeglasses and patching group with the nontreatment group for the psychological
March 01, 2013 - The term “intimate partner
violence” describes physical, sexual, or psychological harm
by a current or … abuse that apply to elderly
and vulnerable adults include physical abuse, sexual abuse,
emotional or psychological … a recent study es-
timated that 14% of noninstitutionalized older adults had
experienced physical, psychological … ican Medical Association states that physicians should rou-
tinely inquire about physical, sexual, and psychological … Physical health
consequences of physical and psychological intimate partner violence.
March 01, 2014 - People with dementia also may have behavioral and
psychological problems.
August 02, 2018 - STI incidence or risky sexual behaviors or decrease in protective behaviors
Health care avoidance
December 15, 2012 - pretest probability for testing and improved patient knowledge, risk perception, satisfaction, and health/psychological
January 01, 2021 - (ACPM)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
• American Psychological
January 01, 2021 - (ACPM)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
• American Psychological
January 01, 2021 - (ACPM)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
• American Psychological
August 25, 2016 - dislocations, brain injury), sexual abuse (e.g., unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections), psychological … dislocations, brain injury), sexual abuse (e.g., unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections), psychological
May 07, 2002 - depressive disorders, such as major depression and/or dysthymia. 4 The severity of depression and comorbid psychological … be most productive in patients with a history of depression, unexplained somatic symptoms, comorbid psychological
November 01, 2009 - Anxiety, Distress, and Other Psychological Responses
Studies have shown conflicting results about anxiety … ,
distress, and other psychological responses that result from
mammography screening. … A systematic review of 54 stud-
ies evaluated the adverse psychological effects of mammog-
raphy screening … Most were cohort studies,
and 24 used validated psychological measurement scales to
assess the effects … Twenty-six studies were included: 9 on psychological dis-
tress, 11 on anxiety, and 6 on worry.
April 17, 2023 - month prior to death.47
Factors resulting in increased risk for suicide attempts include
severe psychological … The limited evidence available sug-
gested benefits of psychological treatment in these populations.1,58 … The effectiveness of psychological interventions for suicide preven-
tion on suicide deaths and suicide … Psychological interventions with any psychologi-
cal treatment, self-guided internet-based cognitive … depressive symptoms.1,58
In 3 existing systematic reviews, the deterioration rates were lower
with psychological
May 01, 2002 - depressive disorders, such as
major depression and/or dysthymia.6 The severity
of depression and comorbid psychological … be most productive in
patients with a history of depression, unexplained
somatic symptoms, comorbid psychological
August 29, 2023 - recommendation statement, child abuse includes, but is not limited to, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological … from physical abuse (43%) alone or in combination with another type of maltreatment (e.g., neglect and psychological … socioeconomic status as well as children from rural and urban settings and children with cognitive, psychological
January 01, 2025 - Society (AGS)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
• American Psychological
October 25, 2022 - -based study (n=187) used various scales to estimate patient-reported psychological harms (e.g., anxiety … unscreened groups were within the normal range on all measures, indicating there were no significant psychological
May 08, 2018 - Potential harms of screening include frequent false-positive results and psychological harms. … The USPSTF reviewed studies evaluating psychological harms of screening and diagnosis. … since the draft recommendation statement was posted for comment includes the CAP trial, evidence on psychological … The USPSTF recognizes the importance of the potential harms of screening and treatment, including psychological … The impact of a suspicious prostate biopsy on patients’ psychological, socio-behavioral, and medical
February 01, 2014 - Studies generally
reported positive (or no negative) psychological effects, in-
creased accuracy of risk … In another study
(75), there were no significant differences in psychological
measures between women … Psychological factors associated with emotional responses to receiving genetic risk
information. … A
randomised controlled trial of breast cancer genetics services in South East Scot-
land: psychological … Psychological reactions, quality of life, and body image after bilateral pro-
phylactic mastectomy in
January 01, 2022 - Society (AGS)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
• American Psychological
January 01, 2022 - Society (AGS)
• American Medical Association (AMA)
• American Osteopathic Association (AOA)
• American Psychological