
Total Results: 548 records

Showing results for "psychological".

    February 01, 2005 - number of surgeries with associated clinically significant morbidity and mortality, and short-term psychological … number of surgeries with associated clinically significant morbidity and mortality, and short-term psychological … important harms, including an increased number of surgeries with associated morbidity and mortality, and psychological … These negative psychological measures returned to normal levels within 12 months after screening or surgery
    April 01, 2003 - some studies suggested that screening and labeling individuals with hypertension may result in adverse psychological … effects and transient increases in absenteeism. 31–36 However, studies that have measured psychological … The psychological effect of a screening programme and clinical trial for hypertension upon the participants … Psychological effects of hypertension labelling during a community survey. A two-year follow-up.
    February 15, 2005 - number of surgeries with associated clinically-significant morbidity and mortality, and short-term psychological … number of surgeries with associated clinically-significant morbidity and mortality, and short-term psychological … important harms, including an increased number of surgeries with associated morbidity and mortality, and psychological … These negative psychological measures returned to normal levels within 12 months after screening or surgery
    March 01, 2024 - recommendation statement, child abuse includes, but is not limited to, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and psychological
    March 15, 2022 - Twenty-four trials (n = 1644) assessed psychological interventions. … RCTs evaluating combined psychological and pharmacotherapy interventions were eligible if they included … Included trials focused on a variety of psychological inter- ventions (eTable 10 in the Supplement); … Seven RCTs assessed a group-based psychological interven- tion for binge eating disorder and bulimia … No included studies of psychological interventions reported on harms.
    March 03, 2016 - Surgery rate, false-positive rate, complications of diagnostic surgical procedures, and health and psychological
    January 21, 2021 - screening and biopsy Recall rate (need for further evaluation) Overdiagnosis and overtreatment Psychological
    February 02, 2023 - of benefits and harms of interventions to reduce risk, risk perception, satisfaction, and health and psychological
    January 21, 2021 - screening and biopsy Recall rate (need for further evaluation) Overdiagnosis and overtreatment Psychological
    October 23, 2018 - One RCT (n = 200) reported on subtypes of violence only and found benefit for psychological aggression … The literature on whether certain physical or psychological symptoms should trigger an assessment of … a CTS-2 scales: minor physical assault, psychological aggression, sexual coercion, severe physical assault … a CTS-2 scales: sexual coercion, physical functioning, psychological aggression. … b WHOQOL-BREF domains: physical health, psychological, social relationships, environment.
    January 01, 1996 - scoliosis include the progressive development of unpleasant cosmetic deformities, back pain, social and psychological … Studies have shown an association between brace wear and adverse psychological effects, diminished self-esteem … Cosmetic deformities and associated psychological and social effects have been difficult to evaluate … Both conservative treatment (e.g., braces) and surgery can be associated with medical, psychological, … A psychological and psychiatric investigation of the adjustment of female scoliosis patients.
    December 24, 2013 - Studies generally reported positive (or no negative) psychological effects, increased accuracy of risk … Seven observational studies provided data on psychological distress due to risk-reducing mastectomy 71 … In another study 75 , there were no significant differences in psychological measures between women who … Psychological factors associated with emotional responses to receiving genetic risk information. … A randomised controlled trial of breast cancer genetics services in South East Scotland: psychological
    June 01, 2022 - Psychological interventions are likely to have minimal harms.1,2 The use of selective serotonin reuptake … youth who have been exposed to traumatic events, based on strong evidence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … harm (https://www. traumatic-events-among-children-and-adolescents-cognitive … who have been exposed to traumatic events, based on strong evi- dence of effectiveness in reducing psychological … Combined pharmacotherapy and psychological treatment for depression: a systematic review.
    April 17, 2018 - components, such as balance, gait, vision, postural blood pressure, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological … Intervention components vary based on the initial assessment and could include group or individual exercise, psychological … components, such as balance, gait, vision, postural blood pressure, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological … of multifactorial interventions, exercise, vitamin D supple- mentation, environmental modifications, psychological … the following: balance, gait, vision, cardiovascular health, medication, environment, cognition, and psychological
    September 06, 2013 - Harms of screening include psychological harms, additional medical visits, imaging, and biopsies in women
    May 21, 2018 - partner violence among women and ongoing support services can reduce physical and sexual violence and psychological
    April 06, 2004 - “Harmful drinking” describes persons who are currently experiencing physical, social, or psychological … for dependence. 1 , 2 Alcohol abuse and dependence are associated with repeated negative physical, psychological
    September 01, 2005 - Risk assess- ment, genetic counseling, and mutation testing did not cause adverse psychological outcomes … Results of 9 trials indicated either decreased measures of psychological distress (27, 30–33, 85–87) … Psychological side effects of breast cancer screening. Health Psychol. 1991;10:259-67. … Psychological impact of receiving negative BRCA1 mutation test results in Ashkenazim. … Psychological impact of genetic testing in women from high-risk breast cancer families.
    November 25, 2024 - Intimate partner violence includes physical violence, sexual violence, psychological aggression, or
    August 01, 2008 - controlled trials of the benefits of prostate cancer screening; cohort and cross-sectional studies of the psychological … produces at least small harms, including pain and discom- fort associated with prostate biopsy and psychological … Weighing this magnitude of benefit against the mod- erate-to-substantial psychological and physical harms … endations from the U SPSTF • The harm s of screening include the discom fort of prostate biopsy and the psychological

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