June 24, 2020 - Psychosocial Domain:
Education attainment/employment.
Substance use.
June 17, 2014 - support and services to address
coping with chronic medical diseases and
treatment, non-adherence, and
psychological … Sharadha
Kulamani Background
Nowadays chidren due to their eating habits face lots of psychological … For eg in India children suffer from malnutrition and they also face the same
psychological problems
November 03, 2011 - Indeed, family presence improves resident
psychological and psychosocial well-being, the accuracy of … It is a multidimensional response to physical,
psychological, emotional, social, and financial stressors
September 22, 2014 - list to include point-of-care diagnostic tests and
interventions that work through behavioral or psychological … for acute RTI,
which may fall into various categories, including:
1) Educational, behavioral and psychological
January 01, 2016 - In addition to structural damage, the psychological
complications of having facial differences must … Preservation of
organ function (e.g.,
thyroid function,
cardiac function)
• Resolution of
• Psychological … Preservation of
organ function (e.g.,
thyroid function,
cardiac function)
• Resolution of
• Psychological
January 22, 2010 - "Relationships between learning difficulties and psychological problems in preadolescent children from … "Health literacy and physical and psychological wellbeing in Japanese adults."
March 29, 2013 - The impact of a suspicious prostate biopsy on patients' psychological, socio-behavioral, and medical … Psychological effects of a suspicious prostate cancer screening test followed by a benign biopsy result
April 01, 2013 - The impact of a suspicious prostate biopsy
on patients' psychological, socio-behavioral,
and medical … Psychological effects of a suspicious
prostate cancer screening test followed by a
benign biopsy result
January 22, 2010 - Relationships between learning difficulties and psychological
problems in preadolescent children from … Health literacy and physical and psychological wellbeing in
Japanese adults.
January 01, 2012 - include adverse effects
from screening and followup tests, including followup of
false positive tests, psychological … potential harms adverse effects
from screening/followup tests, including from false
positive tests; psychological
May 19, 2010 - Current Page Topic Timeline May. 19, 2010 Research Protocol Jun. 1, 2011 Topic Suggestion Sep. 27, 2011 Systematic Review Jan. 12, 2012 Disposition of Comments Report Jul. 5, 2016 Surveillance Report Efficacy and Comparative Effectiveness of Off-Label Use of Atypical Antipsychotics – Update
Research Protocol Archi…
April 01, 2022 - encompassing motivational interviewing, behavioral change, self-management,
and empowerment, as well as psychological … accidents,
endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms,
and psychological … Mindfulness-oriented recovery enhancement
reduces opioid misuse risk via analgesic and
positive psychological … Derivation and assessment of the opioid use
disorder severity scale: prediction of health,
February 01, 2023 - VandenBos GR, American Psychological A. APA dictionary of psychology. 1st . ed. … Washington, DC:
Washington, DC : American Psychological Association; 2007.
August 01, 2022 - motor vehicle accidents, endocrinologic harms, infections,
cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and psychological … falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cognitive harms, and
psychological … Manual joint mobilisation techniques,
supervised physical activity,
psychological treatment, acupuncture … Are psychological interventions
efficacious for adults with migraine?
August 01, 2022 - vehicle accidents, endocrinologic
harms, infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and
psychological … fractures, motor vehicle accidents, endocrinological
harms, infections, cognitive harms, and psychological … Manual joint mobilisation techniques,
supervised physical activity,
psychological treatment, acupuncture … Are psychological interventions
efficacious for adults with migraine?
June 01, 2022 - motor vehicle accidents,
endocrinologic harms, infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and psychological … falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents,
endocrinological harms, infections, cognitive harms, and psychological … Manual joint mobilisation techniques, supervised
physical activity, psychological treatment,
June 24, 2022 - analysis plan
FDA2021 Data_outcome Define an outcome of interest based on the clinical, biological, psychological … definition
FDA2021 Design_outcomes Define an outcome of interest based on the clinical, biological, psychological
March 09, 2010 - JIA can place a severe physical and psychological burden on affected children and be a major stressor
April 01, 2014 - will search PubMed, Embase, CINAHL, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials,
and the American Psychological
February 29, 2016 - Challenges in the treatment of OUD include the relapsing nature of this condition, the frequent presence of psychological