December 19, 2013 - vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and psychological … vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and psychological
September 08, 2010 - Psychosocial Issues
The group defined the psychosocial domain as the "psychological and social services … patients, their families, and health care providers to optimize biomedical health care and to manage the psychological
February 01, 2013 - (KQ 1)
(KQ 3)
(KQ 1)
Psychological … Clinically important differences in pain, independence in ADL, patient satisfaction,
quality of life, psychological … Clinically important differences in pain,
independence in ADL, patient satisfaction,
quality of life, psychological … Clinically important differences in pain,
independence in ADL, patient satisfaction, quality
of life, psychological … Clinically important changes in pain, independence in ADL, patient satisfaction, quality
of life, psychological
January 01, 2018 - Disposition of Comments Report for CER 203 ADHD
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title:
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: Diagnosis and Treatment in Children and
Draft review available for public comment from October 17, 2016, to November 14, …
September 20, 2013 - skills
• Social skills/interaction
• Adaptive independence
• Academic engagement/
• Psychological … outcomes outside the treatment setting include adaptive
independence, academic engagement/attainment, psychological
January 30, 2023 - genitourinary, vulvovaginal, or sexual symptoms and/or patient-centered
outcomes such as change in psychological … libido, decreased arousal, sexual desire, sexual function,
bleeding associated with sexual activity
February 18, 2023 - years
and severity ranges from relatively mild to severely disabling, impacting quality of life,
psychological … specialties, applying a
whole-patient perspective that addresses long COVID symptoms within an individual’s
January 01, 2023 - Interventions that improved function and/or pain for at
least month:
• Low back pain: Exercise, psychological … • There were no differences in pain or function
between comprehensive programs and
April 01, 2013 - Need for studies enrolling broader spectrum of patients, including those with medical and
psychological … Lack of studies enrolling broader spectrum of patients, including those with medical and
psychological … Need for studies enrolling broader spectrum of patients, including those with medical and
psychological … Lack of studies enrolling broader spectrum of patients, including those with medical and
psychological … Lack of studies
enrolling broader
spectrum of
patients, including
those with medical
and psychological
March 03, 2016 - Psychological symptoms among persons 50 years of age and older living with HIV disease.
December 01, 2014 - The negative psychological effects, social stigma, and reduced quality of life surrounding FI can be … incontinence score, 31 Pescatori, 32 Miller Incontinence Score, 33 and others. 34
Emotional and psychological … Negative emotional/psychological effects (depression, anger, etc.)
April 28, 2010 - unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use; or use
continued despite knowledge of having a psychological … consumption or improving drinking patterns toward safer use will lower
the risk of medical, social, and psychological … unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use; use continued despite knowledge of
having a psychological
April 03, 2014 - quality of life and productivity and is
associated with varying degrees of functional disability, psychological … tizanidine or cyclobenzaprine)
o Other off-label: nabilone (synthetic cannabinoid), sodium oxybate
• Psychological … Multicomponent
o Various combinations of multiple intervention categories (such as pharmacologic +
March 01, 2016 - Psychological symptoms among persons 50 years of age and older living with
HIV disease.
May 13, 2010 - state-of-the-science in cancer quality indicator development for the psychosocial domain, including psychological … Multicenter evaluation of a nonspecific indicator for the University Health Consortium on whether a formal psychological
May 13, 2010 - state-of-the-science in cancer quality indicator development for the psychosocial domain, including psychological … Multicenter evaluation of a nonspecific indicator for the University Health Consortium on whether a formal psychological
February 29, 2016 - 12 of 923), lines 11-12: I suggest not
including interdisciplinary rehabilitation
as an example of psychological … Interdisciplinary rehabilitation
includes psychological therapies, but
also includes other therapies … The authors’ re-wording on
page 56 of the full review (page 122/923)
(last paragraph) refers to a
“psychological … Changed the word “psychological”
to “physiological.” … Response
TEP Reviewer
It might be noted that for many trials of
January 01, 2012 - Buddy-to-Buddy program is intended to meet the need to link
more veterans with appropriate medical and psychological … outcome evaluations are being proposed.”
Current Approach to Care
Although both medical and psychological … intended to mitigate some of the barriers that exist for
returning civilian soldiers who need medical or psychological … Therefore, medical and psychological interventions are
necessary complements to this program, as are
April 01, 2013 - because increases in variability are more
plausible when there is experimental manipulation (e.g., a psychological … Quantitative
synthesis of social psychological research.
In: Reis HT and Judd CM, eds.
June 21, 2021 - MIND is an operational and flexible framework based on American Psychological
Association (APA) App … Medicaid and Medicare Services)
or trusted mental health or psychiatric associations (e.g., American Psychological … employee assistance programs, colleges/universities,
SAMHSA, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological