August 08, 2019 - vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events,
cognitive harms, and psychological … falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents, endocrinological
harms, infections, cognitive harms, and psychological … Medical and psychological risks and consequences of long-term opioid
therapy in women.
June 01, 2020 - Late effects and morbidity
o Mortality (long-term, not related to cancer)
• Psychosocial Domain:
o Psychological … hardship,
costs, &
care plans, or
models of care
and adverse
morbidity Mortality Psychological
January 01, 2015 - The biological, social,
and psychological relationship between
depression and chronic pain. … Psychological factors
in chronic pain: evolution and revolution. … The psychological and physical
benefits of pelvic ultrasonography in
patients with chronic pelvic pain … Psychological counseling
iv. Acupuncture
6. Pharmacologic treatment
a. … Conduct studies on psychological counseling. CER
22. Conduct studies on acupuncture. CER
September 20, 2013 - Adaptive skills
Social skills/interaction
Adaptive independence
Academic engagement/ attainment
Psychological … outcomes outside the treatment setting include adaptive independence, academic engagement/attainment, psychological
March 29, 2011 - interaction, language and
communication, repetitive and other maladaptive behaviors, motor outcomes, psychological … Published Online: March 29, 2011
academic/occupational/vocational engagement and attainment, psychological
January 08, 2020 - vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and psychological … falls, fractures, motor vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cognitive harms, and psychological
January 09, 2020 - vehicle accidents, endocrinological harms,
infections, cardiovascular events, cognitive harms, and psychological … falls, fractures, motor vehicle
accidents, endocrinological harms, infections, cognitive harms, and psychological
May 10, 2010 - Cryptorchidism carries an inherent psychological and emotional burden, in addition to being associated
January 15, 2015 - counseling related to diet, physical
activity, smoking cessation, alcohol use, and management of
psychological … for stress tests), vascular complications
o Consequences of testing (e.g., radiation exposure, psychological … counseling related to diet,
physical activity, smoking cessation,
alcohol use, and management of
psychological … used for stress testing),
vascular complications
• Risks and consequences (radiation
exposure, psychological
January 01, 2012 - Buddy-to-Buddy program is intended to meet the need to link more veterans with
appropriate medical and psychological … outcome evaluations are being proposed.”
Current Approach to Care
Although both medical and psychological … intended to mitigate some of the barriers that exist for
returning civilian soldiers who need medical or psychological … Therefore, medical and psychological interventions are
necessary complements to this program, as are
July 22, 2011 - unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use; or use continued despite knowledge of having a psychological … consumption or improving drinking patterns toward safer use will lower the risk of medical, social, and psychological … unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control alcohol use; use continued despite knowledge of having a psychological
November 01, 2012 - mortality, HRQoL [e.g., DLQI,
HAQ-DI, EQ-5D] and other patient-reported outcomes,
MACE, diabetes, and psychological … When comparing etanercept with acitretin, there was
insufficient evidence to grade psychological comorbidities … that are important
to decisionmakers, such as mortality, major adverse
cardiovascular events, and psychological
October 01, 2007 - Atypical antipsychotic drugs in the
treatment of behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia:
December 06, 2016 - interventions; 3)
coordination/ integration of substance use disorder
treatment and other medical/psychological … Throughout the background section there is a
mixing of the terms psychological, psychosocial and
psychiatric … I feel psychological co-morbidities are
better termed psychiatric co-morbidities, and that
psychological … We revised
“psychological comorbidities” to “psychiatric
comorbidities” (pg 8). … into the four components (pharm., 2)
educational interventions, 3)coordination of care with
March 11, 2010 - Psychological or social impact of false positive screening tests.
ii. … Psychological impact
2. Cost, NNS, cost of
work up evaluation
March 09, 2010 - JIA can place a severe physical and psychological burden on affected children and be a
major stressor … Growth
Joint function
Functional ability
School performance
Emotional /
April 01, 2017 - Parte de la información proviene también
del artículo en inglés: Psychological Treatments for Binge
March 16, 2017 - Parte de la información proviene también del artículo en inglés: Psychological Treatments for Binge
March 05, 2015 - authors identified the key symptoms of menopausal women,
including vasomotor symptoms, quality of life, psychological … distinguishable on
clinical basis, analyses were reported separately—
e.g., sections on sexual function and psychological … All
of the updated results for vasomotor symptoms,
quality of life, sleep, psychological symptoms, … active trts on
outcomes of HF frequency/severity/bother/interference, self-reported
sleep measures, psychological