March 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency
hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or
January 01, 2013 - Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities
such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient
received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical
March 01, 2013 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical
dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for
psychiatric or chemical
January 01, 2018 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical
August 01, 2016 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical
May 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
May 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
March 01, 2012 - Excluded
are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However,
if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
February 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
April 01, 2011 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
February 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
June 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
January 01, 2014 - Excluded for this analysis are
long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or
January 01, 2013 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical
dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for
psychiatric or chemical
February 01, 2014 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
January 01, 2013 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
September 01, 2012 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical
dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for
psychiatric or chemical
March 01, 2014 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
January 01, 2013 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
January 01, 2011 - Excluded are long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical
dependency hospitals … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for
psychiatric or chemical