
Total Results: 917 records

Showing results for "psychiatric".

    January 16, 2020 - hospital- owned Encounters in facilities that are not hospital- owned Laboratory and radiology Psychiatric … hospital- owned Encounters in facilities that are not hospital- owned Laboratory and radiology Psychiatric … general acute care or children’s services − Excludes facilities owned by specialty, rehabilitation, psychiatric
    June 01, 2015 - mental hospitals, while increasing by 65 percent for general hospitals and 366 percent for private psychiatric … multiple cognitive impairments related to medical conditions, frequently require more medical than psychiatric … Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical … Veterans Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric
    September 01, 2024 - (including occupational physical and occupational health), outpatient newborn delivery, and psychiatric
    January 01, 2025 - Discharges from facilities such as psychiatric facilities, alcohol and drug dependency facilities, ambulatory … Veterans Administration, Department of Defense, and Indian Health Service hospitals), long-term hospitals, psychiatric
    December 01, 2016 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical … Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical
  6. Section5 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - characterized by multiple cognitive problems that result from a condition that requires medical instead of psychiatric … This analysis reflects care only in community hospitals and thus excludes MHSA stays in specialty psychiatric … to an inpatient admission in 2007 and another 4 percent in a transfer to another facility such as a psychiatric … They exclude hospitals whose main focus is long-term care, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … Another 7 percent of these visits resulted in the patient being transferred to a psychiatric hospital
  7. Sb260-Appendix (pdf file)
    June 15, 2020 - Health Resources and Services Administration ics/health- workforce/ahrf 2015 Psychiatric … hospital beds Number of psychiatric hospital beds per 100,000 county population1 Annual Survey
    January 01, 2012 - emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and other outpatient departments); (2) HCUP excludes Federal, psychiatric … Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … / 9 or treatment for psychiatric … Veterans Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric
    January 01, 2011 - utilization includes various types of intensive care such as medical, surgical, coronary, pulmonary, psychiatric … classification for intensive care unit (ICU) 0201 Surgical ICU 0202 Medical ICU 0203 Pediatric ICU 0204 Psychiatric … This excluded specialty hospitals and long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
    July 01, 2015 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical … Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
    August 01, 2008 - 6 Associations between asthma severity and psychiatric … Childhood Asthma, Chronic Illness, and Psychiatric Disorders. … They exclude long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals
  12. MAINTAIN AND EXPAND (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - definition of principal diagnosis applies only to inpatients in acute, short-term, long-term care and psychiatric … has been expanded to include all non- outpatient settings (acute care, short term, long term care and psychiatric … This guideline is applicable only to inpatient admissions to short-term, acute, long-term care and psychiatric … UHDDS definitions apply to inpatients in acute care, short-term, long term care and psychiatric hospital … This guideline is applicable only to inpatient admissions to short-term, acute, long-term care and psychiatric
    January 01, 2016 - Primary care physicians per 100,000 population 57.5 42.9 Psychiatrists per 100,000 population 8.2 3.3 Psychiatric … physicians (57.5 vs. 42.9 per 100,000 population), psychiatrists (8.2 vs. 3.3 per 100,000 population), psychiatric … Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical … Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism
    June 01, 2017 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical … Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical
    November 01, 2010 - They exclude long-term care, rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency hospitals … medical advice (1.7%), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing home or psychiatric … medical advice (1.7%)), went to another type of long-term or intermediate care facility (nursing home or psychiatric
    December 01, 2016 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical … Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … Excluded for this analysis are long- term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for a psychiatric or chemical
    December 01, 2014 - utilization includes various types of intensive care such as medical, surgical, coronary, pulmonary, psychiatric … unit (ICU) 0201 Surgical ICU 0202 Medical ICU 0203 Pediatric ICU 0204 Psychiatric … This excluded specialty hospitals and long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical
    October 01, 2014 - Excluded are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical … Veterans Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric … emergency departments, outpatient clinics, and other outpatient departments); (2) HCUP excludes Federal, psychiatric
    January 01, 2008 - They exclude hospitals whose main focus is long-term care, psychiatric, and alcoholism and chemical dependency
    January 01, 2012 - Excluded for this analysis are long-term care facilities such as rehabilitation, psychiatric, and alcoholism … However, if a patient received long-term care, rehabilitation, or treatment for psychiatric or chemical … Veterans Administration, Indian Health Services, and Department of Justice [prison] hospitals) as well as psychiatric

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