May 14, 2019 - p. 12 lines 20-21: This is a bit confusing as one might reduce
specific symptoms of a concomitant psychiatric … Future expansions of this
project may include adding data such as
change in symptoms of concomitant
psychiatric … Also, rTMS is typically referred to as TMS
nowadays in the psychiatric literature.
December 01, 2019 - American Psychiatric Association and American Psychiatric Association Task Force on DSM-IV. … Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
Schulz R, Beach SR.
September 13, 2024 - over 24 years old)
With Substance Use Disorder
Diagnosed with ADHD
Without ADHD diagnosis
December 01, 2013 - American Psychiatric Association. … Arlington (VA): American
Psychiatric Association; 2012 Jan 20 [accessed
2013 Mar 8]. [1 p].
December 01, 2015 - evidence-based primary care for patients with PTSD.58
This care model can remotely deliver effective psychiatric … The prevalence and correlates of
lifetime psychiatric disorders and trauma
exposures in urban and
December 01, 2019 - Complementary and alternative medicine in major depressive disorder: the American Psychiatric Association
May 01, 2022 - depending on: (1) patient
demographics (e.g., age, race, ethnicity, gender); (2) patient medical or psychiatric … How do harms vary depending on: (1) patient demographics (e.g., age, gender);
(2) patient medical or psychiatric … depending on:
(1) patient demographics (e.g., age, race, ethnicity, gender); (2) patient medical and
psychiatric … do harms vary depending on: (1) patient demographics (e.g., age, gender);
(2) patient medical and psychiatric … for
opioid use disorder with opioid agonist
therapy or naltrexone
Patients with a history of psychiatric
July 01, 2014 - Complementary and
alternative medicine in major depressive disorder: the
American Psychiatric Association … Washington:
American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
June 01, 2014 - Pediatric
May 01, 2022 - depending on: (1) patient
demographics (e.g., age, race, ethnicity, gender); (2) patient medical or psychiatric … How do harms vary depending on: (1) patient demographics (e.g., age, gender);
(2) patient medical or psychiatric … depending on:
(1) patient demographics (e.g., age, race, ethnicity, gender); (2) patient medical and
psychiatric … do harms vary depending on: (1) patient demographics (e.g., age, gender);
(2) patient medical and psychiatric … for
opioid use disorder with opioid agonist
therapy or naltrexone
Patients with a history of psychiatric
October 01, 2023 - organizations
American Medical Association (AMA)
American Nurses Association (ANA)
American Psychiatric … gender minorities”
Psychological Trauma , “Trauma-focused training and education”
American Psychiatric
January 01, 2021 - stable pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment for more than 1 month; no history of severe psychiatric … acute sciatica/nerve compression, chronic lumbar radicular pain, serious unstable coexisting medical or psychiatric … CBT-I); significant medical (e.g. cancer) or neurological disorder (e.g. dementia); severe untreated psychiatric … participation in another clinical trial within the last 4 weeks prior to enrolment, 5) acute somatic or psychiatric … disabled the patients from participating in this study were: Uncooperative patients, alcoholism, severe psychiatric
January 01, 2021 - stable pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatment for more than 1 month; no history of severe psychiatric … acute sciatica/nerve compression, chronic lumbar radicular pain, serious unstable coexisting medical or psychiatric … CBT-I); significant medical (e.g. cancer) or neurological disorder (e.g. dementia); severe untreated psychiatric … participation in another clinical trial within the last 4 weeks prior to enrolment, 5) acute somatic or psychiatric … disabled the patients from participating in this study were: Uncooperative patients, alcoholism, severe psychiatric
August 01, 2012 - Measurement of psychiatric
disorder in rheumatoid arthritis. J Psychosom Res.
November 03, 2011 - American Psychiatric Association and American Psychiatric Association Task Force
on DSM-IV. … Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association; 2000.
3. Schulz R, Beach SR.
April 15, 2013 - Section Comment Response
recommendations about which treatments show the most benefit for which
psychiatric … The
psychological treatment of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders. In A. Roth and
P. … International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric
Research, 5, 263-266, p. 266. )
The authors on several
March 29, 2023 - For example, exclusion of chronic pain patients with psychiatric comorbidities reduces
applicability … characteristics, duration or severity of pain, underlying
pain condition, presence of medical and psychiatric
April 01, 2023 - For example, exclusion of chronic pain patients with psychiatric comorbidities reduces applicability … demographic characteristics, duration or severity of pain, underlying pain condition, presence of medical and psychiatric
May 01, 2020 - comparisons, and outcomes evaluated in the studies. 23 For example, exclusion of chronic pain patients with psychiatric … demographic characteristics, duration or severity of pain, underlying pain condition, presence of medical and psychiatric
August 01, 2019 - presence of other drugs or substances contributing to overdose, estimated time since overdose, concomitant psychiatric … presence of other drugs or substances contributing to overdose, estimated time since overdose, concomitant psychiatric