
Total Results: 2,491 records

Showing results for "providers".

  1. 2015-02 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2015 - Missouri Hospital Industry Data Institute Montana MHA - An Association of Montana Health Care Providers
    January 01, 2001 - hospitals include: Hospitals that do not seek insurance payment or government reimbursement Rural providers … The Texas statute that exempts rural providers from being required to submit data defines a hospital
    September 01, 2016 - Missouri Hospital Industry Data Institute Montana MHA - An Association of Montana Health Care Providers
    January 01, 2013 - Health Missouri Hospital Industry Data Institute Montana MHA - An Association of Montana Health Care Providers
    January 01, 2009 - include:  Hospitals that do not seek insurance payment or government reimbursement  Rural providers … The Texas statute that exempts rural providers from the requirement to submit data defines a hospital … Association MO Hospital Industry Data Institute MT MHA - An Association of Montana Health Care Providers
    January 01, 2008 - include:  Hospitals that do not seek insurance payment or government reimbursement  Rural providers … The Texas statute that exempts rural providers from the requirement to submit data defines a hospital
    January 01, 2015 - INTRODUCTION TO THE HCUP NATIONAL INPATIENT SAMPLE (NIS), 2015 An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol …
    September 23, 2011 - Microsoft Word - HCUP R-E final summary 9 23 to AHRQ.docx MAINTAIN AND EXPAND THE HEALTHCARE COST AND UTILIZATION PROJECT (HCUP) Contract No. HHSA-290-2006-00009-C September 23, 2011 Submitted to: Submitted by: Jenny Schnaier, Project Office…
    June 16, 2014 - Help Us Know Our Patients Better Help Us Know Our Patients Better We are now collecting race, ethnicity and tribal affiliation information from all of our patients to help us know them better. We can learn more about the communities we serve if we know your race and ethnicity and tribe or pueblo. We can be…
    September 30, 2009 - Data Use/ Business Associate Agreement ADDENDUM A BUSINESS ASSOCIATE PRIVACY AND SECURITY AGREEMENT “Adding Clinical Data to Administrative Data” AHRQ Contract with MHA HHSA290 2007 10080 This document is an addendum to the Business Associate and Security Agreement made between the Minnesota hospital listed …
    August 01, 2015 - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) NRD Notes An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol FAQs…
    August 01, 2015 - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) NRD Notes An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us Espanol FAQs…
    October 01, 2010 - Enhanced State Data for Analysis and Tracking of Comparative Effectiveness Impact An official website of the Department of Health & Human Services Search All AHRQ Websites Careers Contact Us…
    May 01, 2004 - Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data Collection: Nuts and Bolts Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine Race, Ethnicity, and Language Data Collection: Nuts and Bolts Romana Hasnain-Wynia, PhD Northwestern University, Feinberg School of Medicine GOAL Collect accurate and reliable race and et…
    January 01, 1999 - please refer to the special report on HCUP Quality Control Procedures. For more information about the HCUP edit checks, elements are reliable in the NIS. AGE and LOS calculated in a manner consistent with methods used for HCUP processing, thus these data (i.e., dates are missing), resulting in the failure of these ed…
    January 01, 1999 - please refer to the special report on HCUP Quality Control Procedures. For more information about the HCUP edit checks, elements are reliable in the NIS. AGE and LOS calculated in a manner consistent with methods used for HCUP processing, thus these data (i.e., dates are missing), resulting in the failure of these ed…
    January 01, 2000 - please refer to the special report on HCUP Quality Control Procedures. For more information about the HCUP edit checks, elements are reliable in the NIS. AGE and LOS calculated in a manner consistent with methods used for HCUP processing, thus these data (i.e., dates are missing), resulting in the failure of these ed…
    January 01, 2001 - please refer to the special report on HCUP Quality Control Procedures. For more information about the HCUP edit checks, elements are reliable in the NIS. AGE and LOS calculated in a manner consistent with methods used for HCUP processing, thus these data (i.e., dates are missing), resulting in the failure of these ed…
    January 01, 1998 - please refer to the special report on HCUP Quality Control Procedures. For more information about the HCUP edit checks, elements are reliable in the NIS. AGE and LOS calculated in a manner consistent with methods used for HCUP processing, thus these data (i.e., dates are missing), resulting in the failure of these ed…
    January 01, 1998 - For more information about the HCUP edit checks, please refer to the special report on HCUP Quality Control Procedures. elements are reliable in the NIS. AGE and LOS calculated in a manner consistent with methods used for HCUP processing, thus these data (i.e., dates are missing), resulting in the failure of these ed…

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