November 01, 2014 - The object is to help
consumers, health care providers, and
others in making informed choices
among … ; and referral to other providers, clinicians, or resources when
Exclusion criteria: … This does not typically include distinct
MTM services by health care providers other than
prescribing … providers (not common for the time period
covered by most of the studies). … Future training of MTM providers would benefit from a
better understanding of which MTM components really
February 27, 2012 - Without randomized data, payers and providers are unclear which solutions are effective and justify investment
August 01, 2012 - expects that the EPC evidence
reports and technology assessments will
inform individual health plans, providers … The intervention
itself included a workshop and feedback sessions for
providers and educational materials … RCTs, with randomization occurring at the practice
level and referring to training provided to the providers … However, individual providers and patients retained the
ability to select the treatment provided to … were all intensive in terms of demand
on resources and required strong communication between
care providers
January 01, 2013 - Development: Clinical Collaborative development among NorthShore, community
health department service providers … outcomes of a project, policy or research endeavor – including patients and consumers,
healthcare providers
June 01, 2014 - Houses AHRQ’s program of Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER)
Purpose: To help patients, consumer, providers … provider challenge
Developing a useful resource
Improve health literacy
Educate patients and healthcare providers
June 01, 2023 - primary care services, which places of service qualify as sites for primary care, and which types of providers … are considered primary care providers. … 7% X
Care Management Behavioral Health 90882 Provider works with outside agencies/employers/other providers … RI further states that primary care providers must deliver care at a primary care site of care in order … (Effective January 1, 2020) 33% X
60 Mass Immunization Center A location where providers administer
September 01, 2012 - Physicians/providers. … Physicians/providers.
Intervention SFLC testing. SFLC testing. … Providers: This group includes individuals (e.g., nurses, physicians, and other providers of
care and … Patients and their advocates may be
providers or employers with policy-making responsibilities, and … Physicians/providers.
Intervention SFLC testing. SFLC testing.
June 01, 2010 - The DEcIDE
network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … information about utilization and outcomes of care needed to
support decision making by patients, providers … information to rapidly
develop scientific evidence and for new analytic tools to assist healthcare providers … building the
infrastructure necessary to help AHRQ generate the evidence needed to assist healthcare
October 01, 2018 - expects that the EPC evidence reports and technology assessments will inform
individual health plans, providers … , acceptability (“Is one type of media
more acceptable to patients or providers?”) … Acceptability Decision-maker to determine: Is one type of media more
acceptable to patients or providers
May 01, 2020 - supporting physical distancing while
enhancing the efficient use of physicians and other healthcare providers … The current environment and expectations and goals of both patients and
providers are very different,
November 19, 2014 - but very uncommon or unusual conditions, and coordinates or integrates care across different types of providers … support for and reduced burden on family caregivers; and 6) increased satisfaction of patients and providers … comments and our subsequent discussions we have: a) specified that visits may be made by other health care providers … equipment, medications, or other services not part of the HBPC intervention
Relationships with care providers … of relationship with prior primary care provider (if desired)
Patient and caregiver trust in HBPC providers
February 23, 2012 - These include health maintenance organizations (HMOs), networks of Medicaid providers, community health … community organizations and/or other health care entities such as hospitals, specialists or other service providers … partnership (yes/no): Are efforts made to ensure sustained partnerships between patients and identifiable providers … Primary care clinics directed by mid-level providers. … such as Federally Qualified Health Centers, general medical clinics primarily staffed by mid-level providers
February 23, 2012 - These include health
maintenance organizations (HMOs), networks of Medicaid providers, community health … community organizations and/or other health care entities
such as hospitals, specialists or other service providers … partnership (yes/no): Are efforts made to ensure sustained partnerships
between patients and identifiable providers … Primary care clinics directed by mid-level providers.
e. … such as Federally Qualified
Health Centers, general medical clinics primarily staffed by mid-level providers
January 01, 2007 - The DEcIDE
network assists health care providers, patients, and policymakers seeking unbiased information … Plans were contacted in a non-randomized fashion, with larger and National providers
contacted first … The literature supports that patients with multiple chronic conditions,
multiple providers, and those … 0.5
*One MTM program had different enrollment criteria for each of its’ three contracted insurance providers
November 30, 2012 - the combination of higher doses permitted with IMRT and lower rectal toxicity are potential reasons providers
August 05, 2010 - x
Extent to which valid primary outcomes are described
Blinding of subjects and providers … to treatment allocation
Blinded assessment of outcomes
Blinding of providers … cervical position, cervical consistency, cervical station, Bishop’s Score, BMI, whether healthcare providers … (1) Blinding of subjects, providers, and outcome assessors was removed from the quality assessment … Blinding of outcome assessors (if different from treatment providers) may be possible for occasional
August 01, 2013 - The object is to help
consumers, health care providers, and
others in making informed choices
among … and other outcomes of offenders with SMI could
help individuals with SMI, family members, treatment
providers … produced for the Agency for Healthcare Research
and Quality (AHRQ) are intended for use by patients,
providers … mental health benefits
• Interventions coordinated and/or administered by
specially trained forensic providers … very little information about
the comparator treatment, the educational level or training
of the providers
September 03, 2019 - antipsychotics
to prevent and treat delirium is timely and meaningful, and
belongs in every inpatient providers … literature, a potential downside it presents as being a
“guideline” for antipsychotics is that busy providers … Commentator
& Affiliation Section Comment Response
Peer Reviewer
Overall In my experience, providers … Some providers prescribe antipsychotics
liberally to help patients stay calm, transition off
continuous … Because of
these factors, if misinterpreted, this review could lead
providers, units, and/or hospitals
September 03, 2019 - antipsychotics
to prevent and treat delirium is timely and meaningful, and
belongs in every inpatient providers … literature, a potential downside it presents as being a
“guideline” for antipsychotics is that busy providers … Commentator
& Affiliation Section Comment Response
Peer Reviewer
Overall In my experience, providers … Some providers prescribe antipsychotics
liberally to help patients stay calm, transition off
continuous … Because of
these factors, if misinterpreted, this review could lead
providers, units, and/or hospitals